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Sep 21st 2020
"Human dignity should not be buried under the ashes of Moria."

These powerful words are from our team in #Greece, who are supporting migrants and refugees displaced by the #MoriaCamp disaster. 1/3 Image
Tensions are running high on #Lesvos.

These vulnerable men, women & children are being told they must move into a new camp on the island - or their asylum applications will be affected.

We have mobile medical units stationed at the entrance of the new camp & inside. 2/3 Image
They will provide a wide range of services, incl. primary healthcare & psychological first aid.

We're also distributing essentials like soap & toilet paper.

Help us restore their dignity, donate today:…

📷: Yiannis Yiannakopoulos/MdM Greece 3/3 Image
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Sep 15th 2020
#BREAKING Germany plans to take in 1,500 migrants currently taking shelter on Greek islands, government sources tell AFP Image
#BREAKING Five migrants arrested over fire at Moria camp on Greece's Lesbos: minister Image
#UPDATE Germany plans to offer refuge to 1,500 migrants currently taking shelter on Greek islands, government sources told AFP Tuesday, as the issue of immigration shot up the EU's political agenda after a huge fire destroyed the overcrowded #Moria camp
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Sep 13th 2020
VIDEO: 🇬🇷 Greek riot police fired tear gas at protesting asylum seekers on #Lesbos island Saturday as tensions simmer following the catastrophic fire that ripped through Europe's largest migrant camp this week #MoriaCamp
VIDEO: 🇬🇷 A new camp for migrants on the Greek island of #Lesbos is being set up after over 11,000 people -- including some 4,000 children -- were forced to sleep rough when the notoriously overcrowded and unsanitary #MoriaCamp burned down this week
#UPDATE Greece said Sunday it hoped thousands of asylum seekers left homeless by fires at Europe's largest migrant camp on the island of #Lesbos could be rehoused within a week to end a crisis that has seen protesters clash with police #MoriaCamp
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Sep 12th 2020
This is the desperate situation facing refugee families trapped on Lesvos. 👇

The govt has provided temp housing to some of the over 12k people displaced by fires at #MoriaCamp.

But at least 5k people remain stranded on the street without proper shelter & winter is coming. Image
There are many vulnerable people on the island – pregnant women, positive or suspected #COVID19 cases, people with chronic health conditions, & people who’ve experienced trauma.

Ensuring those in immediate need of assistance get medical care is a priority for our team on Lesvos. Image
But their job hasn't been made easy.

Our staff have repeatedly been denied access to Moria camp, as well as the overflow site, Kara Tepe, so have been forced to examine patients on the road. Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
"Detto immigrato: sopra questo ovest
(strano catrame, bagnato impiantito)
fumando sigaretta guardingo si trapianta
ignoto Enea, che mica lo si canta"
"Che razza di uomini è questa?
O quale patria così barbara permette simile usanza?
Ci negano il rifugio della sabbia; dichiarano guerra e ci vietano di fermarci sulla terra più vicina. ->
-> Se disprezzate il genere umano e le armi degli uomini, temete almeno gli Dei, memori del bene e del male."
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Sep 11th 2020
Πάμε λίγο τα τελείως βασικά, για όποιον έχτισε την αποψάρα του πάνω σε όσα είδε από το μπαλκόνι του. Το έχω ξαναπεί «όσα βλέπεις από το μπαλκόνι σου» είναι εξαιρετικό θέμα έκθεσης δευτέρας δημοτικού, όχι κοινοτικοπολιτική τοποθέτηση σε τόσο πολυδιάστατα θέματα. #MoriaCamp
Όσοι έρχονται στην Ελλάδα και ζητάνε άσυλο για τον οποιοδήποτε λόγο, που προφανώς εσυ δεν ξέρεις καθώς οι υποθέσεις ασύλου είναι απόρρητα έγγραφα, δεν είναι λαθρομετανάστες, είναι αιτούντες άσυλο.
Όταν η απόφαση βγαίνει είτε παίρνουν άσυλο είτε επικουρική προστασία είτε απόρριψη. Σε κάθε στάδιο της αίτησης, οι αιτούντες άσυλο δεν είναι οικονομικοί μετανάστες ούτε λαθρομετανάστες. Καθώς δεν θα αποκτήσουν ποτέ το μόνιμο δικαίωμά στην εργασία εφόσον το αίτημα τους απορριφθεί.
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Jun 5th 2020
❗️Thread: At 10am this morning one Syrian man was severely hurting himself in front gate of #Moriacamp — cutting with a knife in his wrists and chest. People were reporting that he tried to commit suicide. Police took him to medical station inside camp. /1 ⬇️
17,036 #refugeesgr are currently stuck in camp of #Moria, that is only made for 2,800 residents — while the rest of islanders are free to move, ppl have been left there in lock-town without sufficient medical care or legal assistance, no schools, no security. /2
The constant stress + structural violence creates a severe mental health crisis for all residents, even ppl who weren’t traumatized before, will be after one week here, residents report. Recognized refugees are fearing to be evicted in next week with no where to go to. /3
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Mar 16th 2020
Es gibt mittlerweile Berichte von zwei toten Kindern beim Brand in #Moria auf #Lesbos. Das Camp muss sofort evakuiert, die Menschen müssen auf andere Länder der EU verteilt werden. Heute noch, ohne Bla.…
ALLE Bewohner*innen des Camps müssen immediately evakuiert werden.

Wäre ich in Deutschland gerade, ich würde mit einer Demo drohen in diesen noch verrückteren Zeiten. Denn so geht es einfach nicht weiter. #MoriaCamp #RefugeesWelcome #EnoughIsEnough #SaveThemNow
Update: Berichte bestätigen, dass das Feuer ein Unfall war. Die Situation der Menschen in #Moria ist dagegen kein Unfall. Die EU und die europäischen Regierungen sind an dieser Katastrophe schuld. #FreeMoriaNow
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Mar 1st 2020
Griechenland, #Lesbos

Anwohner*innen hindern geflohene Menschen daran, an Land zu gehen, greifen Journas & NGO-Leute an, werfen Kameras ins Meer, Polizei wurde vertrieben.

Seit Jahren lässt die EU äußere Mitgliedsstaaten de facto allein: Dublin2 war eine Zeitbombe.

Kinder und Babys auf dem Boot.

Und die Leute am Pier schreien sie an, sie sollen zurück in die Türkei fahren.

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