- Fundus exam is usually normal
- Age range 15-45 years

- More frequent in #pediatric population, Associated with #ADEM
- #MOG IgG serum titers depend on disease activity and is mainly from extrathecal origin, enters #CNS from systemic circulation and reaches CSF through passive diffusion or broken #BBB
- Optic disk edema (86%)
- MRI perineural enhancement (50%), with longitudinal extensive involvement (80%).
- 30-50% recurrence of #ON
- 37% bilateral ON

22% AQP4-IgG seronegative #NMOSD
18% ADEM in children
Most have significant visual recovery
36% #transversemyelitis, assoc or subsequent
10-20% of patients with NMOSD are negative for AQP4-IgG
IV #methylprednisolone during acute attack
Should also consider #PLEX or #IVIG
Maintenance on low-dose oral #prednisone for longer (up to 3 months) and #immunosuppressants: #mycophenolate #azathioprine or #rituximab
#demyelinating (#MS, NMO, MOG), #autoimmune (#sarcoid #SLE), Infectious (Brucelosis,#Lyme, Ehrlichiosis, Tb, syphilis), Viral (#HIV, #VZV), Malignancy, #Leukemia, optic nerve sheath meningioma.
- Children > ADEM
- Adults 20-45 yo > unilateral #opticneuritis
- Adults >45 yo > bilateral optic neuritis
Younger age at first attack is associated with increased risk of permanent vision loss