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Oct 14th 2019
#UXConferenceNYC #NNGroup UX Team of One, all-day workshop, live tweeting (A Thread). Going to try this as a form of notetaking. It's probably going to be long, so buckle up.
1. UX Team of One compared to being a short order cook. A flurry of requests, get it done ASAP, with little insight in to WHY.
2. "Anyone have an exec coming to you with an 'emergency request'" followed by nervous laughter and raised hands.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 12th 2019
Hard and Soft #Analytics are Relative like Big Data. One Company's #BigData may be just #Data for another Company. Like the moral question about self driven car killing which type of pedestrian given a choice between an old lady and a child was soft analytics until a
multi cultural study was funded that conclude different cultures have different outlook about it. Although it is still a soft analytics question that given the choice between hitting a person and hitting the tree killing the occupants (driver & passenger) what would the AI
decide. #Mercedes Board gave a clear answer in 2016 that it will favour Occupants over any pedestrian on the road. Conclusion is that soft analytics can be converted to hard analytics given the availability of tools, time, effort and science. #uxresearch #UX #research #Survey
Read 5 tweets

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