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Nov 23rd 2020
Did you know that it is not possible to revoke a #NobelPeacePrize even if one is no longer worthy of the honor? Imagine #Hitler was awarded the #NobelPrize, he would still keep his prize after the #Holocaust. I think this is flawed and unscientific!

That's not a far-fetched example. Something extraordinary is happening in front of our eyes. The #Tigray region of #Ethiopia is on the edge of genocide at the hands of the 2019 #NobelLaureate @AbiyAhmedAli. #TigrayGenocide

You may not have heard or seen much of the atrocities Abiy is committing. This is because there's a complete communication blackout in #Tigray. Abiy has shut down the #Internet and blocked roads so no independent reporters are on the ground.…

Read 7 tweets
Nov 14th 2020
It is a Diwali tradition at IUCAA that second year students will choose the annual theme, and decorate IUCAA with traditional diyas and rangoli, but with a contemporary twist. All students and postdocs at IUCAA team up to create this Diwali magic.

Happy Deepavali everybody!
This year's Nobel Prize is depicted by two thousand oil lamps (diyas) in the @iucaapune Kund. In the upper half are some of the stellar orbits around the #SupermassiveBlackHole at the centre of our Galaxy that got #AndreaGhez and #ReinhardGenzel the #NobelPrizePhysics this year.
At the bottom left is an example if a #PenroseDiagram, one of the neat mathematical tools created by #RogerPenrose another #NobelLaureate this year
Read 5 tweets

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