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May 26th 2021
@WhatsApp has challenged the traceability provision in the Delhi High Court stating it is unconstitutional and against the fundamental Right to #Privacy as enshrined in Justice K.S. Puttaswamy vs UOI (2017).…
In order to follow the traceability provision i.e. Rule 4(2), WhatsApp would have to break end-to-end encryption for its users thereby undermining privacy of messages to its users.
You can read about the provision here:…. has been assisting FOSS developer Praveen A in challenging IL Rules,2021 including the traceability provision.

You can read about the challenge here:…
Read 8 tweets
May 25th 2021
The #ITRules 2021 came into effect on February 25, and today is the deadline for significant social media intermediaries to comply with new obligations under the IT Rules 2021.…
The Rules could undermine the principles of open & accessible internet, the fundamental #RightToPrivacy & #FreeSpeech & expression enshrined in the Constitution.
#DigitalIndia #SocialMedia #ILRules #DigitalDefenders
What are the major due diligence requirements that have to be observed by an #intermediary ?
#Datacracy #ottguidelines #SocialMedia #ITRules
Read 8 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
#Facebook and #Twitter have a ton of new rules to abide by in India ⁠— #WhatsApp may find itself in the toughest spot of all…

By @pabsgill
@pabsgill Along with the rules, came a stern message from the Minister for IT, Ravi Shankar Prasad, who essentially told these platforms to brace for increased scrutiny and compliance.

@pabsgill #WhatsApp will be in the toughest spot of all with the government mandating the tracking of ‘first originator’ or the ‘creator of mischief’, which would mean breaking the end-to-end encryption.

Read 13 tweets

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