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Sep 24th 2020
Sir #PatrickVallance advises for a #lockdownUK then increases the #COVID19 fear porn on the #BBC while building hopes of a vaccine by Christmas since he owns £600,000 in #GSK shares, the same GSK who was contracted by the government to make the same #vaccine. Follow the money? ImageImageImageImage
If GSK produces a successful #Covid19UK #vaccine it stands to make billions & Vallance’s shares could be expected to rocket, potentially making him yet more millions. Vallance was president of research & development at #GSK, #Britain’s biggest drug co.…
Any oversight on this? "He will commit an initial 71 million pounds to the global vaccine partnership known as COVAX to secure purchase rights on 27 million doses, and 500 million to a separate COVAX initiative to help poorer countries access a vaccine."…
Read 4 tweets
May 5th 2020
1/. Vallance & Hunt.

JH: On 28 Jan, I understand you decided not to model what the death rates would be with track & trace model b/c you decided we didn’t have testing capacity?

PV: I don’t know if that’s correct. I can't remember off the top of my head.
2/. @Jeremy_Hunt asks #PatrickVallance why one of the conditions for adjusting social distancing was changed from “preventing a second peak” to “overwhelming the NHS”.

JH: Can you tell us why that condition was changed?

PV: I'm not sure I can tell you.
3/. HUNT: Back on 13 March you said that the aim was to build up some kind of #herdimmunity...What was your evidence then for the existence of this kind of immunity?

VALLANCE: Well...well...I...I should be clear about what I was trying to say.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 26th 2020
Whilst all eyes on the NHS, there is a storm brewing in social care

Many vulnerable potential #coronavirus victims, stuck in settings which may facilitate transmission if there is staffing crisis or insufficient supplies, incl PPE

#CoronaUK #Covid19…
Cases at HCOne's 80 bed Highgate care home in Lanarkshire jump - 6 to 11

At Oaklands, Hove where most residents tested positive, manager "expressed her concern that none of her staff had been tested for the virus."…

Staff and residents test positive for #coronavirus at Bradwell Hall 187 bed nursing home in Staffordshire

"A large number of staff are also unable to go in to work after showing signs of the illness."

#Covid19 #Covid19UK…
Read 92 tweets

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