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Mar 7th 2022
The #PersonalDataProtection Bill (2019) was re-inspected by a Joint Parliamentary Committee, which tabled its report in Dec '21. Though the JPC recommended changes in their draft Data Protection Bill, those regarding non-consensual data processing are the most concerning🧵
Within the provisions of the draft #DataProtectionBill, your data could be used, without your consent. In fact, the government could continue using personal and non-personal data that they know to be incorrect. How did we get here?…
Chapter 3 of the Data Protection Bill lays out the three categories under which an individual’s data can be processed without their consent👇… Image
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Aug 2nd 2020
#sundaybrief Take a quick glance at an eventful week. We've had interesting conversations and research outputs on matters of #justice and public #Health. 1/n
Justice & Data Protection: #Webinar @VenkyHariharan in discussion with Justice Srikrishna on the 2-years anniversary of the #personaldataprotection bill : Look at the @DataGovNetwork feed for highlights and register for the next roundtable happening on 4th and 5th of August. 2/n Image
Education: #EconTwitter As Bombay School of Economics enters its centenary year, @CafeEconomics fondly reminisces and writes in @livemint about how it has given the country some of the best of her Economists and shaped the country's economic thought. 3/n
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