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Dec 26th 2019
In the spirit of Education let me clarify. I have NO Govt affiliation however lawful in ALL my dealings business wise and across all advocacies associated with my name. What the Wiki link referred to was the adhoc Presidential panel that deployed our joint stopgap to the ills.
What actually happened was that a threshold was reached and at that watershed moment, police got tired of playing defensive & realized the devastating effect of our next move on the advocacy based on the revelation made to them at a critical meeting with the leaders.
This meeting was held behind the curtains at the International Youth Day (Safe spaces for youth 2018) held at the Music Centre as organized jointly by @koredebello & @SIAF_NG with all stakeholders including senior officers of the Police.
Read 18 tweets
Dec 24th 2019
I’m aware he called. We spoke earlier that day about the urgency for the House to facilitate the concurrence on the #PoliceReformBill. He agreed on the need to prioritize this. He is not as vain as most of your colleagues with a selfish agenda without responsibility to society.
The learning point here is simple. The CP is simply doing his job and no one can talk him out of it should he decide to be intransigent. The case here is very clear but regardless we appealed. I won’t be as petty to start showing exchange of messages and counsel. End.
For political expediency I see why you have refused to acknowledge we spoke on phone on this matter and I told you how @SIAF_NG has intervened already with assurances of his release that same day. But I understand your need to play politics. #shame
Read 5 tweets
Aug 21st 2019
Investigation and verification of all evidences as corroborated by witnesses concluded a few minutes ago at the Commissioner Of @PoliceNG’s office. The 4officers from Iba Division have been identified and found culpable. Currently being sent to homicide division unit in Panti.
The DPO has also been removed for abdication of duty that left a gap in supervision as we have always recommended. They will all be charged and a formal press release will be issued by the PPRO DSP Elkana Bala in a few minutes. #EndImpunity
Gradually, the needed protocols will be put in place to forsatl future occurrences as we implore that the authorities @NGRPresident fastpace the passing of the #PoliceReformBill and the #PoliceTrustFundBill. These are executive Bills. We can’t go on like this. #EndImpunity
Read 24 tweets
May 22nd 2019
1st sign of a FAILURE of thought-leadership, is often manifested in HOW problems are approached. A MILITARIZED MINDSET creates laws it CANNOT enforce. This is the same HoR that voted against #PoliceReformBill

#CleanAndGreenNigeria WILL not be achieved through punitive measures.
On the surface, it would seem as if nations like Rwanda simply arbitrarily banned use of plastic bags...but this is far from the truth. It was preceded by an awakening of the UMUGANDA consciousness, and awareness about values, sanitation, national pride..
"When you arrive in Rwanda at Kigali airport you will see a large sign reading, “Use of non-biodegradable polythene bags is prohibited”. That’s right, the country as a whole has banned the use of plastic bags."
Read 14 tweets
Apr 30th 2019
The complexity of our society will frustrate the current structure & approach of policing in Nigeria. We now have a society that is inundated with indolent youth with no purpose or jobs while nursing an ambition to break the bank (literally & figuratively).
These youth mostly have no apprehension of the future & hold to heart their fondness of music/nightlife despite the harsh economy. Add this to the stereotypical policing enmeshed in the parochial constabulary of 1943. This should give us a fair idea about the chaos of now.
While the current trend doesn’t augur well for our society, the victims of the agelong systemic dereliction are about to self immolate with an unwritten mutually assured destruction memorandum. The Police have now found purpose in the pursuit of a cause outside their calling.
Read 35 tweets
Apr 17th 2019
Here are the 7 things you need to know about this ill.
1-The establishment of a service-oriented and modern Police that will meet globally acceptable policing standards in a democratic setting. #PoliceReformBill
2- The modernization of the current Police Force (which was conceptualized and established in the Colonial environment to protect colonial interests) with a Police Force that is geared towards protecting and safeguarding the lives and properties of Nigerian citizens.
3-The establishment of guiding principles to ensure effective policing in Nigeria. These principles include efficiency and effectiveness; accountability, and transparency; protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms; and partnership with other security institutions.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 16th 2019
Distinguished Citizens. Leadership is sacrifice. It is a disposition that makes all the darts aim for your heart. But I’m glad that it is not just about the petty fights and tantrums but more about what is worth fighting for. #PoliceReformBill will be passed tomorrow. 10am LIVE!
It will be televised LIVE on @NTANewsNow You can catch the event clause by clause and make your notes. We can always discuss further online on your take. There are lot of changes you will find in the coming days with our security operative and even with the Prison Service Reform.
Let those who wish to pass on tantrums as a legacy to their children continue in their bubble while those building the Nation focus without being distracted. You all did this. Thanks to listening leaders and thanks to the Executives in anticipation of adoption. #PoliceReform
Read 3 tweets
Apr 9th 2019
Today, the Nigerian Senate has passed the Bill to Establish the Nigeria Police Reform Trust Fund (HB 894). This is a major development.

The significance of the passage of the Police Trust Fund Bill cannot be overstated in view of the important project of reforming the Nigerian Police Force. This is because, adequate financing has been identified by experts as one of the key limitations of the Nigerian Police.
With the passage of the Police Trust Fund Bill, we now have the financial framework for sustainable funding and management of police finances for operational efficiency and training through the Special Intervention Funds established under the bill.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 12th 2018

Today on #Billtracker, we track a Bill for an Act to repeal the Police Act, 2004 and establish the Police Act (Amendment) Bill, 2018 (SB. 683).
The #PoliceReformBill was sponsored by Senator Bala Ibn Na’allah, (Kebbi South).
The #PoliceReformBill went for the first reading on the 30th May, 2018 and second reading on the 10th July, 2018.
The #PoliceReformBill aims to repeal the Police Act of 2004 and create a more effective and competent policing system that can measure up to global standards, amongst other things.
Read 10 tweets

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