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Dec 25th 2022
A #Christmas / #Holiday #Wish: May your Flutter Precede Magnificently Beneficial Nonlinear Dynamical Results in #Resilience and #Flexibility. 🙏

#ProTips on how to talk about NeurOptimal®. 🙂

1. How to pronounce NeurOptimal®: Neur Optimal (no double “o”). 1/
2. Be careful in using the terms “neuroplasticity,” or “neurological pathways” as there is no direct data in support of, or contraindicating the use of NeurOptimal® in this regard.

3. NeurOptimal® only provides information to the brain about its own electrical activity. 2/
It does this by measuring your brain’s electrical activity at the scalp, through the sensors and the zAmp (one way measurement only and nothing is input into the brain). It is Training, it is not treatment. 3/
Read 39 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
@bonchieredstate DON’T 👏 PUT 👏 THEM 👏 IN 👏 YOUR 👏 CAR 👏
@bonchieredstate Fish & Wildlife even had to put out an official warning: #FloridaWinter #ProTips #FrozenIguanas 🦎❄️

“Don’t bring wild green iguanas into your home or your car – they can recover quickly in warm temps and use their long tails and sharp teeth & claws when defensive.”
@bonchieredstate My nephew just came up with the idea of putting a few in an Amazon box while they’re in suspended animation, leaving them out front in the cold, and waiting for a porch pirate to come collect them.
Read 3 tweets
Dec 22nd 2022
Zengar® ---> NeurOptimal®
In the 1970's Valdeane W. Brown, PhD (Val) had a vision of what brain Training could become and that everyone would have access to their own information and enjoy the opportunity for Personal Transformation through the use of it. 1/
In 1996, Susan Cheshire Brown, PhD (Sue), met Val and and they began their amazing, iterative and collaborative journey over the years and created the company - Zengar® that has ultimately transformed the vision into the reality of their amazing journey - NeurOptimal®. 2/
Valdeane W. Brown, PhD and Susan Cheshire Brown, PhD (Sue) - Co-Founders of Zengar® and Co-Creators of NeurOptimal® -
Image Artwork: Hector Ortega - Hector J. Ortega,
Image Concept: Craig Walker 3/
Read 42 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
#ProTips sur la façon de parler de NeurOptimal®. 🙂

1. Comment prononcer NeurOptimal® : Neur Optimal (sans double " o ").

2. Évitez d'utiliser les termes " neuroplasticité ", ou " voies neurologiques ", car ce n'est pas un langage approprié pour NeurOptimal®. 1/
3. NeurOptimal® fournit uniquement des informations au cerveau sur sa propre activité électrique. 2/
Pour ce faire, il mesure l'activité électrique de votre cerveau au niveau du cuir chevelu, par le biais des capteurs et du zAmp (mesure unidirectionnelle uniquement et rien n'est transmis au cerveau). Il s'agit d'une Training et non d'un traitement. 3/
Read 18 tweets
Dec 11th 2022
#ProTips on how to talk about NeurOptimal®. 🙂

1. How to pronounce NeurOptimal®: Neur Optimal (no double “o”).

2. Avoid using the terms “neuroplasticity,” or “neurological pathways” as that is not language that is appropriate for NeurOptimal®. 1/
3. NeurOptimal® only provides information to the brain about its own electrical activity. It does this by measuring your brain’s electrical activity at the scalp, through the sensors and the zAmp (one way measurement only and nothing is input into the brain). 2/
It is Training, it is not treatment. 3/
Read 18 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
Practicing a conference talk, defense, or job talk?
As the saying goes, "Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect."
Here are 10 #ProTips for practicing talks: 🧵
The short version:

1.Don't practice talks straight through. Target small chunks.
2.Incorporate feedback. Practice until you get it right
3.Make practice harder than the real thing
4.Practice transitions between slides/ideas
6.Practice relaxing!
7.Practice timing!
8.Simulate the practice environment
9.Finalize slide edits 24 h before your talk
10.Practice questions!

Bonus: Experiment with your style!
Read 23 tweets
Nov 30th 2020
[#VeilleESR #LPPR] Projet de loi de finances pour 2021 Mission Recherche et enseignement supérieur… Image
Jean-Pierre MOGA, rapporteur pour avis de la commission des affaires économiques

« Le budget passe tout juste la barre de l'acceptable »
« Le budget ne me parait pas très rigoureux »
« gonfler artificiellement le plan de relance »
« Est-ce votre idée de la démocratie ? » Image
« Le budget augmente au même rythme que les années précédentes » Image
Read 58 tweets
Sep 14th 2019

Making some ribs today. These have been marinating about 14 hours.

Let’s go!
(2/) Marinade: olive oil, brown sugar, worcestershire, garlic & onion powder, salt, apple cider vinegar. Heavily salt meat before soaking in marinade 12-14 hours. Brush several times to coat meat.
(3/) Now that we’re done marinating, we’re moving into the slow cooker. But not before coating in a new sauce.

New sauce: Lillie’s Hot Smoky BBQ, cayenne pepper, brown sugar, minced garlic & Worcestershire sauce.
Read 18 tweets
Jun 25th 2019
#CongrèsUnistra Très gros ordre du jour : on récapitule toute l'année et on prévoit la suivante.

Ca commence avec le communiqué de la CPU "approche proactive de l'autonomie". L'opposition invite le Congrès à en discuter.

Le président refuse ce débat, mais donne son avis.
Le président est pour les demandes exprimées dans ce communiqué. Il évoque des services d'enseignement indexés sur les crédits ECTS. Il parle de "richesse de débat", "d'assemblées générale", "aucune question ne doit être ignorée".
Puis il refuse que le Congrès en discute.
L'intersyndicale a marqué un gros coup : elle a lancé une enquête sur les propositions de la CPU ce matin. Le président ne peut désormais plus se dérober en se prévalent du support silencieux des personnels.
Il va donc encourager à répondre à cette enquête...
Read 62 tweets
Mar 5th 2018
I have a few #protips for any ECR, but specifically if you're involved in analysis / computational / bioinformatics. Data are just bits on a harddrive until someone does something with them.
You're going to be approached to help with projects. All the time. Sometimes you have to say no. You're running a lab, you don't owe anyone anything.
Remember your job: do good research, get grants, keep your lab group employed. For people with no concept of computer work, you're necessary but dispensable.
Read 10 tweets

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