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Dec 10th 2022
1/ TOKEN ALERT: $FET, the native token for Fetch[dot]AI, has surged nearly 80% over the past week, currently sitting at $0.12.

Where does it go next? For a complete analysis, check it out at TM $FET Image
2/ @Fetch_ai is an interchain protocol that powers P2P applications using AI capabilities to serve as a layer-1 network for #Ethereum and as an interchain bridge to all other blockchains.

Should you buy it? You can see our AI grade at Image
3/ $REN is down 15% this week.

#REN is most known for the role its protocol played in the FTX fiasco when the exploiter transferred millions of $ETH to $RENBTC.

Is this the end of $REN? Our AI Grade is still bearish on REN for now. This needs to change before the reversal. Image
Read 5 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
1) Flow of FTX hacked funds

Approx, $662m crypto were lost from FTX's hot wallet after the company unexpectedly filed for bankruptcy in Nov.

#FTX #Hack #ETH #Chipmixer #Ren Image
2) Who is the hacker?

- Seizure by the Bahamian government?
- Solitary work by FTX Insiders?
- Organized criminal related to SBF?
3) FTX hacked funds flow: possible two(2) cases

- Fund recovery and securing measures by white hackers : $186m moved to cold storage

⇒ This transaction would be an attempt to transfer FTX's assets from the Bahamas Securities and Exchange Commission.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
1/ Negli ultimi giorni c’è molto timore dietro i token wrapped di Bitcoin. Ho già sollevato qualche qualche giorno fa la questione di wBTC, ma facciamo un piccolo recap perché ci sono delle cose che DEVI sapere!

2/ C’è una forte incertezza dietro al token #renBTC per via del suo legame con #alamedaresearch. Ma, a differenza di #wBTC possiamo vedere che il suo valore è ancora peggato, sostanzialmente perché c’è ancora il collaterale a sostenerne il prezzo…
3/ La bancarotta di #alameda ha prosciugato le casse del team che sta dietro il progetto. Per questo chiuderà l’attuale versione di #ren in favore di una sorta di #renDAO. Qui @renprotocol ci spiega tutti i dettagli:

Read 14 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
1. Hello again! I've been thinking for a while to write this thread and this is time!
My thoughts about #crypto ecosystem, what it looks like to me and what can happen in the future! It's gonna be huge thread, so fasten your belts!
2. I previously wrote a thread about #ren, and how it is similar to silk road 1500 years ago. And it feels like we are building cities. But not as traditional cities, we are building cities on internet.
3. In those cities we have our own #currencies, our own #governance, our own #banking systems, our own economical features, our own communities. And with the development of internet, we don't need land or place for social gatherings.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 4th 2021
"Attacker got away with 2.8m, dai vault lost 11.1m.”
lol ImageImageImage
Read 54 tweets

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