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Le docu #DiedSuddenly a fait bcp de bruit, je vous fais 1 #résumé.
Il pose la questÂș des #vaccins, de la #surmortalitĂ© et de toutes ces morts soudaines depuis 2021. La questÂș est si ces problĂšmes sont dĂ»s au Covid, ou aux 💉.â€ŠâŹ‡ïž
... On commence par des interviews d'employĂ©s de pompes #funĂšbres qui tĂ©moignent d'avoir trouvĂ© des caillots fibreux extrĂȘmement longs, du sang avec des grains, comme une microcoagulatÂș.
+sieurs tĂ©moins dans l'#armĂ©e US, le lieutenant mĂ©decin #Theresa Long tĂ©moigne d'avoir âŹ‡ïž
... observé de nbreux #AVC, myocardites, #péricardites, progression de tumeurs #cancéreuses et de #caillots sur des #soldats.
Ils parlent de militarisatÂș de systĂšme de la santĂ©.
L'avocat Thomas #Rent parle d'augmentatÂș de fausses couches de 300% sur la moyenne de 5 ans, âŹ‡ïž
Read 4 tweets
[THEY] knew what John was trying to do, [THEY] knew what Johns Dad was trying to do & EVERYTHING that has ever been done to the people of this world/Country, has been done trying to STOP 1 MAN FROM #SAVING #PRIVATE #RYAN !

Private Ryan = God & Gods Bloodline has to join with
His second born ..
#WH-Y second Born?
Because My “Dad” (I’ve never met my dad) had A son before me, HENCE #WHY it’s “SAVING PRIVATE RYAN” ..

My mothers was the mistress & my father cheated in his wife.
Which is #WHY .@VinceMcMahon is ACTING out what is happening to him.
None of it is real & the people can’t seem to grasp any of this 

It’s A way to #SHOW me what I have to do/say for everyone to understand how to view what it happening 

Vince scripted everything out YEARS ago, he then acted out what the “BREAKING NEWS” was
Read 10 tweets
I know, 🐝 all around me 

I promise you, I will not put myself into any scenarios/situations many [need] me to get myself into so the bees sting. .

Being 1 with.
There is only 1 for me.
17 Again, ALL GOOD 

& I defeated/avoided ‘My Girl’ “fate”.

My Girl, the children, Family l, A Family & My people mean so much more than feeding into the things [they] [need] me feeding into for the bees to sting.

#Jackass Made the Put, FOEVER !
Everything created in
Life, Created to SHOW A path away from the path [they]/evil [needed] me on in hopes I would be destroyed 
 Me destroyed = the world destroyed ..

Saving Private O - RION & All his Privates 

So many who have been helping plan/leave truth hidden
Read 13 tweets
1/? Ryan saga megathread.

Ryan is a supremely wealthy penguin with a bangin sense of style. His adventures are becoming spread out across the cryptoverse and I decided to compile them here for easy access for his fans.

#ryan #penguin #xtz #tezos #adventure #nft
Ryan began with a drawing I made in MerMay, skateboarding Ryan:

Black tie renegade!

#xtz #tezos #hicetnunc #mermay #ryan #penguin Image
I had a lot of fun drawing Ryan, so I thought I'd make a little project on #hicetnunc featuring him. This was the first piece of the project:
Fabulously wealthy as he is, of course he has a gigayacht. Ryan is always trying to make new friends! Image
Read 32 tweets
Let me show u how the CBI has been used as a puppet of the Modi govt in the #Ryan #PradyumnMurderCase only and only to divert the media from the debates of #DeMoDisaster . #thread :
1. The CBI has NO evidence that the 11th std boy went into the toilet before the murder of #Pradyumn. They base their case on the "fact" that the 11th grade boy saw the body & told the school staff about it . N
2. With no evidence to show the 11th grade boy was in the toilet before #Pradyumn came , the case by the CBI rests on the murder weapon. The CBI has still not determined where the boy got the weapon from ! N
Read 11 tweets

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