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Jun 5th 2021
#Biden Crown’s #CCP China connection: 1
1: MIKE LINDELL has two prestigious Texas and Minnesota Attorney firms conducting his complex new Federal Suit concerning PRC vote Machine interests which Senators #Warren & #Klobuchar vehemently complained of in 2019.
#Biden Crown’s #CCP China connection: 2
2: The brilliantly documented new FEDERAL writ based on detailed, corporate, forensic, & tech evidence - establishes that China companies owned, controlled & accessed the vote counting software used in #Election2020…
#Biden Crown’s #CCP China connection: 3
3: Companies controlling U.S. 2020 vote count were ultimately China govt owned.
4: “powerful Chinese financial interests had direct or indirect ownership of and near-total access to #Dominion’s and #Smartmatic’s voting machine technology."
Read 9 tweets
Jul 6th 2020
On July 1, Senators Kirsten #Gillibrand, Senator Chuck #Grassley & Senator Ted #Cruz announced they will offer the bipartisan #Military Justice Improvement Act as an amendment to this year’s National #Defense Authorization Act.… #NDAA #MJIA #PassMJIA
From Senator Gillibrand's press release: "The Military #Justice Improvement Act would professionalize how the #military prosecutes serious crimes by moving the decision over whether to prosecute them to independent, trained, professional military prosecutors." #MJIA #PassMJIA
"Despite years of Congressional reforms, thousands of service members are raped & sexually assaulted every year. In many of those cases, the assailant is someone in the survivor’s own chain of command." -- #military #MST #MilitarySexualTrauma #MJIA #PassMJIA
Read 18 tweets
Jun 19th 2020
On 11/23/04, #CourtneyWilliams's mother wrote to #Klobuchar, begging her to prosecute the cop who killed her 15-year-old child. Klobuchar failed to prosecute any of 29 police killings.…
To #Klobuchar from Tahisha Williams Brewer: "I am the mother of #CourtneyWilliams, who was shot by #Minneapolis Police." A homicide detective told Brewer the case would go to a grand jury. She asked, "Why does it *have* to be sent to a grand jury?"
Read 24 tweets
Apr 25th 2020

1. I respect the will of the voters.

2. But new information has emerged supporting #TaraReade's account of being sexually assaulted by #JoeBiden.

3. Credible rape accusations are disqualifying or we have NO moral standards.
4. Defeating Trump is NOT OPTIONAL.

5. To avoid potential catastrophe in Nov., #Biden should withdraw.

6. #Warren, #Harris, #Klobuchar, #Buttigieg, #Castro, etc. could replace Biden.

7. #Bernie can restart his campaign.

8. We can reboot the primary and give voters a choice.
9. This is the ethical position AND the smarter strategy to beat Trump.

10. We lose ALL moral authority if we embrace "the lesser of two accused rapists."

11. Polls show other Dem candidates can win.


Read 10 tweets
Mar 21st 2020
Email to #Bernie shows campaign's pollster predicted he was within 4 points of #Biden in South Carolina. 2 days later, Biden blew out SC by nearly 30 points, turning the race around.

How Sanders' run came undone: thread…
In Jan, @ZephyrTeachout, a law prof allied w/ #Sanders, wrote an op-ed alleging #Biden had “a big corruption problem," & the campaign sent it to everyone on its large email list.

✔️ #Sanders "put a stop to it. 'It is absolutely not my view that Joe is corrupt in any way.'"
In Feb, VT Rep @PeterWelch implored #Sanders to "ease up" on his attacks of #democrats. Welch believed it "sounded exclusionary to ordinary people backing other candidates, ... a lot of voters who are just everyday voters, who decided to vote for other #Dems" (NYT 3/21).
Read 18 tweets
Mar 4th 2020
Joe #Biden ha vinto il #SuperTuesday, l'appuntamento più importante delle primarie Dem #USA. L'ex vicepresidente di Barack Obama ha vinto in almeno 9 dei 14 stati in cui si andava al voto (potrebbero diventare 10 con il Maine, dove al momento è in lieve vantaggio).
🇺🇸 Anche se lo scrutinio non è ancora concluso al 100%, possiamo infatti dare per certa la vittoria di #Biden in Alabama, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas e Virginia.
🇺🇸 Bernie #Sanders ha invece vinto in California, Colorado, Utah e Vermont. Infine, il miliardario Michael #Bloomberg - entrato in gioco solo nel #SuperTuesday - ha trionfato solo nei caucus che si sono tenuti nelle Samoa Americane.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 2nd 2020
(1/3) Hodie #PeteButtigieg anunciat que il renuncia su campanie por devenir candidate por presidente por li Partise #Democratic in 2020. Yun e inteligent, il parla pluri lingues, inter queles #maltés, #norvegian, #francés e #hispan. Li statisticos che

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/3) @FiveThirtyEight di que ti es un mal nova por @BernieSanders, ma que ironicmen ha crescet li possibilitá in quel null candidate obtene plu quam 50%. To es pro que in quelc #SuperTuesday-states li altri tri candidates (#Biden, #Warren e #Klobuchar) es just sub li márgine de
(3/3) 15% quel es necessi por obtener delegates, e talmen ti tri va obtener les in states in queles ili til nu havet poc esperantie. Quam resultate, li grand victor secun li modelle de #fivethirtyeight es...Nequi. Ti 'nequi' nu possede un 64% probabilitá de obtener un majorité. Image
Read 3 tweets
Feb 22nd 2020
1/ “Even if a new president proposes sweeping reforms, Congress would block or severely #weaken them. In #foreignpolicy, however, a new president could reshape the world with a few strokes of the pen. @StephenKinzer
@stephenkinzer 2/ “A president could bring the U.S. back into the Iran nuclear deal; lift sanctions on Venezuela; offer to begin peace talks with Russia & China; pull American troops out of the ME; stop promoting the overthrow of foreign governments @StephenKinzer
@stephenkinzer 3/ 3 candidates are fully wedded to the paradigm of #conflict & #confrontation that shapes American #foreignpolicy: #JoeBiden, #AmyKlobuchar, & #PeteButtigieg.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 18th 2020
Hey what kids did Sanders put in cages?

What 16,000 lies has Warren told?

What government jobs did Buttigieg give to members of his family?

Which of Klobuchar's mistresses did her lawyer pay off during the campaign?

When did Biden run a full page ad advocating the death penalty for five innocent teenagers?

Which countries did Bloomberg solicit for illegal campaign assistance?

How much was Sanders fined for fundraising fraud - twice?

How much taxpayer money has Warren spent golfing at her own resorts?

How many trillions has Buttigieg added to the national debt with handouts to millionaires?

Which fake university run by Klobuchar was forced into a $25 million settlement?

Read 8 tweets
Feb 14th 2020
Back in March 2018 we reversed engineered / identified just over 250 Twitter accnts of the 600 Russian influencer accts monitored by the German Marshall Fund at the #Hamilton68 dashboard. Over time we expanede this list and broke them into subcatgories Image
Without giving away too much part of the reverse engineering involved an oversight in how the @SecureDemocracy dashboard displayed its trending data. We reverse engineered enough accounts as seed accounts to then grow out the set over time. We are completely independent of @gmfus ImageImage
Fast forward to 2day. We looked at the discussion of candidates within the Kremlin-aligned #Hamilton68 subset of accnts most focused on Russian Geopolitics. This wordcloud in first week of Feb. shows positive support to Bernie Sanders #Bernie2020 #elections2020 #nvcaucus Image
Read 13 tweets
Feb 12th 2020
1er bilan de cette primaire du #NewHampshire?
3 faits majeurs:
1. #BernieSanders vainqueur mais avec 1 marge plus faible que prévu sur #Buttigieg. Ils sortent en tête de la séquence #Iowa/#NH
2. Désastre total pour #Warren ET #Biden sous les 10%
3. #Klobuchar surgit vraiment.
2) Le #NewHampshire, juge de paix de la 1ère "étape" des primaires démocrates, a rendu 1 verdict en 3 étages:
. les 3ers candidats ont chacun de quoi se réjouir.
. Il y a 2 vaincus écrasés.
. Le grupetto (désolé mais j'aime ma métaphore TDF😉) des petits candidats est écrémé.
3) Pour #BernieSanders, si la victoire est bien moins éclatante qu'en 2016 dans 1 #NewHampshire frontalier de son #Vermont d'élection, à cause d' 1 contexte différent, "a win is a win" et le contrat est rempli. Il apparaît, avec l'effondrement de #Biden, en "frontrunner" national
Read 29 tweets
Feb 12th 2020
Ok. I've been trying to keep quiet but all the instant experts are getting a little carried away. So here's some pro tips. Well not pro, but 'unreasonably addicted to politics' amateur tips...

1. Iowa is like 103% white. Biden's strengths are not white midwesterners. He never had a chance at top two in Iowa.

2. Iowa is a caucus state. All Buttigieg's surge there really means is that he has awareness (he's from the midwest) and he was a comfortable consolation prize for people whose original choice didn't hit the 15% threshold.

Read 12 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
More bills passed by the pragmatic progressive, Amy Klobuchar...

#Democraticdebate #democraticdebate2020 #Klobuchar
Fairness for Homeowners Act: Protects homeowners by prohibiting a creditor or mortgage broker from arranging a consumer credit transaction without verifying the consumer’s reasonable ability to make the scheduled payments.
Agriculture Equipment and Machinery Depreciation Act: Amends the tax code to set five-year depreciation schedule for certain agricultural equipment.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
The pragmatic Progressive Amy Klobuchar has passed over 100 bills as the lead Democrat:

Secure Elections Act: Provides $380 million for states’ election security improvements and to replace outdated voting machines.

#Democraticdebate #Klobuchar #FITN
A bill to prohibit the introduction or delivery for introduction into interstate commerce of children’s products that contain lead, and for other purposes: Bans lead in children’s products.
Abolish Human Trafficking Act: Strengthens and reauthorizes key programs that support survivors of human trafficking and provides resources to federal, state, and local law enforcement officials.
Read 25 tweets
Jan 19th 2020
(1/5) Solmen du semanes ante li caucus por li #Democratic Partise in #Iowa, emotiones ha inflammat se inter #BernieSanders e #ElizabethWarren, pos li ultim debatte per #CNN in quel Warren dit que Sanders mentionat la que il ne credet que un fémina vell

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/5) posser victer in li general election contra #DonaldTrump. Contra to Sanders dit que il hat esset misinterpretat e que il ne dit un tal cose. Pos li debatte Warren refusat presser li manu de Sanders e acusat le nominar la un mentitor avan li spectatores tra li tot país. E
(3/5) du dies plu tard, li campe Sanders quam @davidsirota usat un video por acusar #JoeBiden de voler reducter li securitá social, contra quel #Biden dit que li látere Sanders hat monstrat solmen un parte por dar un fals impression pri li idés de Biden pri securitá social. Secun Image
Read 5 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020
🇺🇸🗳️ Dans pile un mois, c’est le début d'une longue et palpitante saison électorale aux #EtatsUnis avec le caucus de l’#Iowa lors duquel 14 candidats vont concourir à l'investiture du parti démocrate. #primaires
🇺🇸🗳️ Au niveau national, peu d'évolutions en un an de campagne :

➡️#Biden reste en tête

➡️Les candidats de l’aile gauche #Sanders et #Warren le suivent à distance

➡️#Buttigieg est le seul autre candidat à se démarquer, les autres faisant (pour l’instant ?) de la figuration
🇺🇸🗳️ Mais les sondages nationaux ont peu d’importance à ce stade : si un candidat crée la surprise lors d’une des premières primaires, il peut impulser une dynamique à sa campagne (le « momentum ») qui l’avantagera lors des scrutins suivants.
Read 41 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
I'm really surprised Dems haven't held #Klobuchar to account for her well-documented history of "cruelty" toward staff. If a male senator was known to throw things at staff, berate & "dehumanize" them, expect them to pick up his clothes & fold his underwear, would we let it go?
In 2006, Local 2938 urged AFSCME NOT to endorse #Klobuchar for Senate. 2938 represented attorneys & legal professionals who worked under Klobuchar for 7 years, & they felt she was "wholly undeserving of AFSCME's endorsement."
My husband & I are proud #NEA members. We think Democrats ought to take more seriously the charges leveled against #Klobuchar by the local union that represented her employees for 7 years.
Read 6 tweets
May 1st 2019
Le #breaking GOAT😉 de la nuit US. Le procureur spécial #Mueller a ÉCRIT au ministre de la Justice #Barr pour lui dire que son relevé de conclusions sur son enquête ne correspondait pas à son rapport sur #Trump. Retournement massif.…
2) Dans cette lettre, #Mueller accuse nommément #Barr d'avoir semé la confusion dans le public avec ses conclusions sur #Trump qui "ne capturent pas pleinement le contexte, la nature et la substance du rapport et de ses conclusions" (#verbatim)
3) D'après le @washingtonpost, dans 1 entretien téléphonique postérieur- mais attention, là, sources indirectes- à la lettre, #Mueller ne reproche pas à #Barr de mentir mais d'avoir présenté des conclusions égarant le public et les médias quant à l'obstruction de #Trump.
Read 43 tweets
Mar 27th 2019
Trump started fundraising at inauguration

They’re using data, FB, microtargeting, EMAILS, mobile # on STEROIDS for 2020.

Trump and microtargeting will be in our faces like never before.

Parscale in Romania & $1B ... MUST READ:


#klobuchar #Harris…
PARSCALE & $1B campaign - speaking in ROMANIA

Remember they’re the FAKE NEWS capital of the world w/
Fake websites


👉“Who controls Facebook controks the 2016 election”

2/ 👆

aft 2012 Romney loss DT accesses Natl Cmte DATA TRUST, 200 MILLION VOTER FILES


🚨 anyone know more about onboarding tool? @kelly2277 @carolecadwalla

Read 11 tweets
Feb 10th 2019
As documented by @TheAtlantic's always-excellent @JamesFallows, one of the underappreciated factors in 2016 election is the failure of #journalism to do its job (one Jim story-- he has many others).
...My thoughts on how to prevent repeat in 2020: <thread>…
In 2016, MSM obsessively covered @HillaryClinton emails, while ignoring the far-more-important story of #FBI investigation of the Trump campaign. This failure had a major impact on the election's outcome. My analysis is shaped by experience in both in #journalism and politics:
We're seeing exactly the same dynamic in the 2020 campaign that we saw in 2016: MSM is focusing on horserace issues & GOP talking points, rather than delving into SUBSTANTIVE differences between the candidates. This could determine outcome of Dem primaries-- & general election.
Read 12 tweets

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