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Apr 13th 2022
So some interesting things have surfaced in the last few weeks that I want to share. Be patient with me, Iā€™m slow & get interrupted a lot. But, I think itā€™s worth it to share this information before the mid-term elections.

šŸ˜ƒ Please donā€™t forget to vote in Novemberā€¦šŸ’™
This article from 04/06/2022 has been weighing on my mindā€¦itā€™s regarding the #RockbridgeNetwork, defined as a coalition.

What is a ā€œpolitical coalitionā€ in the US?
Not much. Itā€™s basically a verbal, non-regulated agreement to finance an agreed upon political agenda.
While #RockbridgeNetwork is being considered a ā€œnew GOP coalitionā€, it isnā€™t, think #CambridgeAnalytica. Plus, it is not the only ā€œnew GOP coalitionā€ popping up before mid-term elections. #ChestnutStreetCouncil has been started by Matt Schlapp, think #KochNetworkā€¦
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