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“The people and groups which are fighting for #HumanRights in #India will get direct engagement with me,” said the incoming #USA ambassador to India

Now you know who is behind the leftist cartel via #FordFoundation, #RockefellerFoundation, etc so call #Philanthropic NGOs
Human Rights is one of the biggest weapons the #US use to control Nations.

The #Biden Campain manager, a cabal team guy will be US ambassador to India and he will be the #LeLi Team lead based in #Delhi
More human Right nautanki to be played in India in coming days and for them Human Right means MUSLIMS not poor

Now link it with Biden funding #Pakistan and India sending wheat to #Afghan and the Global South emerging power
Read 4 tweets
5 US-amerikanische Unternehmen ermöglichten die Infrastruktur für die #Nazis zur Durchführung des #Holocaust:
1. #Ford Motor Company mit Henry Ford vebreitete die 'Juden-Verschwörung' durch die Zeitung "Dearborn Independent" und lie die Übersetzung in Deutschland verbreiten.
2. #GeneralMotors lieferte den "Blitz-Lastwagen" für den #Blitzkrieg, sowie essentielle Teile für den JU-88-Bomber, #Motoren für die Panzer, #Sprengstoff für Landminen und Torpedoköpfe.
3. #CarnegieInstitution basierend auf dem Vermögen von Andrew Carnegie und der 4. #RockefellerFoundation brachten die Ideologie der #Eugenik hervor, wonach Juden schädlich für die #Volksgesundheit seien.
Finanzierten auch #Mengele und die #Zwillingsversuche.
Read 8 tweets
@KimDotcom Wait…you still didn’t know the 🦠 + mRNA 💉 are Pentagon & CIA projects?

And the 🦠 was originally in USA during summer 2019?

It was a false flag 🚩 for WW3…

The evidence is insurmountable = USA orchestrated all this for global regime change…been working on it for decades.
@KimDotcom US created SARS 2.0 in 2015, then the Pentagon + CIA outsourced work on it to EcoHealth Alliance to create plausible deniability/false flag on China
Force the mRNA 💉 that DARPA pioneered into humanity.

2015 ::…

2015 ::…
@KimDotcom Jan 2020…

2017 :: ‘Over the past several years, DARPA-funded researchers have pioneered RNA vaccine technology…’…

2021 ::…
Read 15 tweets
1/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


2/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


3/6 #Plandemic
Harry Vox in 2014, warning about
#RockefellerFoundation Scenario
(i.e. plan) #LOCKSTEP


Read 18 tweets
Het is een wereldwijd politiek extreem links, radicaal ideologisch, spiritueel, holistisch en antroposofisch VN programma om kinderen te dwingen naar een duurzame ontwikkeling en micro-managed society.
Meer over #GIRFEC

“Last week, this newspaper exposed the "scary" plans for all children to be given a state guardian - or Named Person - who will have the legal right to tell parents how to raise their offspring.”…
Read 19 tweets

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