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Apr 20th 2023
This #Thread is for those who say UP Police only #Encounter Muslim Accused.
Today UP Police encountered 2 #Gangster Kaushal Yadav and Paravat Kushwaha in #Jhansi they are accused of looting a Gold business man Munna lal in gunpoint on 12 April.
#UttarPradeshNews #YogiAdityanath Image
On 12 April, Mannu lal Soni trader of Gold jewellery in Sarafa Bazar, Jhansi was looted by 4 gunmen - Girvar Rajput, Om Babu Yadav, Parvat Kushwaha and Kaushal Yadav.
Munna lal reported to the police about this loot, police immediately registered FIR against 4 accused and started investigating the matter.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 17th 2023

This #Thread is In honour of Noble Soul #AtiqAhmad !

There are lot of Speculations over who got #AtiqueAhmad ki££ed, especially after he admitted his connections with #ISI ? It's said that he was about to expose details on his Political Bosses!

Who are THOSE?

So who are those Political Bosses?

I'm not in #CBI or #UPSTF to answer this, but can give you details on Political Career of #AtiqAhmad . Who must have been his Political Bosses with SAID proximity with #ISI Your Guess then!

Ready? Shall I proceed?

#AtiqAhmad , a dreaded criminal in Allahabad entered Crime World in 1979. He had around 100+ criminal cases against him wrt Murders,
Rapes,Extortions & Land-grab.

He held honour of being 1st person to be booked under Gangster Act in #UttarPradesh

Good for Political Entry?

Read 12 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
A Thread on how Yogi Govt. Finished 1400cr and 44 years of terror Empire in just 50 days.
A man whom first case was registered when he was just 17 years old.
#AtiqueAhmad #ashraf #Encounter
#Thread + Image
‘Hum Toh Mitti Mein Mil Gaye’ — so said Atiq Ahmed after the death of his son Asad Ahmed in a police encounter another day he himself and his brother were also shot dead by Unknown gunmen.
#Encounter #UPPolice Image
In 1979, Atiq Ahmed was just a 17 year old boy when the 1st case was registered against him and he was accused Murder at that time. At present, he has over 70 criminal cases and 35 Civil cases lodged against him.
Read 22 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
Caste-based hatred propaganda, misinformation about Bandit #PhoolanDevi is being circulated. How image of a notorious bandit of #Chambal getting redefined by #Dalit Propaganda eco system and established as a lower caste's role model.(1/20)

Know the truth-- A must read Thread
Hate spreader "The Dalit Voice" Glorified her violent act and said that she killed her rapists in "Behmai massacre". That is not true as she killed innocent upper caste men. Phoolan was accused for 48 criminal offenses including murder, plunder, arson, kidnapping for ransom(2/20)
Phoolan's family had a land dispute with her uncle (same caste). Devi's uncle and cousin (Maiyadin) forced her father to relinquish the land and compelled to live in a small house on the edge of the village. Her cousin beat her into unconsciousness as she protested. (3/20)
Read 20 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
#SamajwadiParty ’s founder and patron #MulayamSinghYadav passed away in a Gurugram hospital today. Leaders from across political parties pay tributes. Follow for live updates:
President #DroupadiMurmu termed the demise of #MulayamSinghYadav an “irreparable loss” to the country.
She said the achievements of Mulayam Singh Yadav, who came from an ordinary environment, were extraordinary.
Live updates here:
Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has expressed his condolences over the death of #SamajwadiParty founder and former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister #MulayamSinghYadav.
Live updates:
Read 15 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
Just in | #SamajwadiParty patriarch 82-year-old #MulayamSinghYadav passed away. | @SobhanaNair reports
#MulayamSinghYadav had been under treatment at the #Medanta Hospital since August 22 and was shifted to the ICU on October 2.
#Obituary | An astute politician, #MulayamSinghYadav blazed a new trail by putting backward castes at the centre of #UttarPradesh politics and served as the Chief Minister of the most populous State three times.…
Read 7 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paying tribute to #MahatmaGandhi on the occasion of his 153rd birthday anniversary, at #RajGhat in New Delhi.

Photos: Shiv Kumar Pushpakar
President of India #DroupadiMurmu paying tribute to #MahatmaGandhi on the occasion of his 153rd birthday anniversary, at #RajGhat in New Delhi.

Photo: Shiv Kumar Pushpakar
UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres urged people to shun violence by following #MahatmaGandhi 's principles of #Ahimsa (non-violence) on the occasion of his 153rd birth anniversary.
Read 31 tweets
Oct 12th 2021
A 17-Year-Old girl raped by 28 people including her own father, relatives & politicians in #Lalitpur of #UttarPradesh. FIR filed against Tilak Yadav, Raju Yadav, Mahendra Yadav, Arvind Yadav, Prabodh Tiwari, Sonu Sumaiya, Rajesh Jain, Mahendra Dubey, Neeraj Tiwari & 19 others. +
Victim in her complaint alleges that her Father first raped her when she was in class 6th & then her uncle & relatives destroyed her childhood. Her father then started sending her to hotels & she was raped by politicos and was forced to consume drugs like substances many a times.
#Lalitpur district president of the #SamajwadiParty Tilak Yadav, who has been named in the FIR, said it was a conspiracy against him, he says “ I will commit suicide if implicated; this is the case of martial dispute. I will submit a memorandum to SP & DM seeking a fair probe." +
Read 4 tweets
Jul 17th 2021
When the national president of your party does not have confidence in the administration of the state, so what do you expect from the leaders of that part
Some videos showing how SP leaders use to respect police.
Aazam Khan MP from Samajwadi Party!
Former MLA from Samajwadi Party Vijay Singh.
Read 18 tweets
May 11th 2021
When India decided 2 Vaccinate #CovishieId & #Covaxin, d intelligentsia, Non-BJP parties, NGOs, all started speaking in d media that there is insufficient data on it’s efficacy, it is fake & we will not get it done

Paid media also launched a movement against the #IndianVaccine
During this time, look at d list of how many news/articles were published in d #PaidMedia against d vaccine

Indian Express-182
Navbharat Times-236
Hindustan times -123
Times of india -28
The wire -78
The print -59
Alt news-78
The hindu-128
Look at the list of how many leaders of the opposition political parties spoke against the vaccine.

#CongressParty : 58
#SamajwadiParty : 17
#ShivSena : 27
#DMK : 3
#CPM : 2
#TMC : 12

Pappu team has deliberately lies to fool the innocent people, which led tto many deaths across
Read 9 tweets

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