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Mar 9th 2023
"I think what really drives [the popularity of the #multiverse in #scifi] is regret... There's a line in @allatoncemovie where #MichelleYeoh is told she's the worst version of herself."

"I don't think we should resist melting brains. I think we should just bite the bullet."
"When you measure the spin of an electron, or the position...what happened to all of the other things you could have seen? Everett's idea is that they're all real. They all become real in that measurement."
- SFI Fractal Faculty @seanmcarroll at @guardian…
"At the level of the equations there is zero ambiguity, but the metaphors break down. The two universes it splits into aren't as big as the original universe. The thickness of the two new universes adds up to the thickness of the original universe."
Read 4 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
Taiwanese art school student put up a revealing photo of himself on a village billboard as part of a social experiment.

Passersby complained of public indecency, only to become ok with it once they learned it's a male in the photo. /1
2/ When asked, the artist Wu Zongdai (吳宗岱) questioned the boundary between 'public' and 'private' spheres. He noted naked female bodies are 'unacceptable' and 'triggering' in public, but they are 'works of art' when placed in museums & art galleries. -- How public is 'public'?
3/ His inspiration for this experiment comes from social media. Wu once uploaded a topless photo of himself onto Facebook. Because of his appearance, FB's algorithm deemed it to be a topless female and deleted the photo for its 'indecent exposure'.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
It's good to be back! Follow this thread for the video stream & live coverage of tonight's first SFI Community Lecture at @TheLensic in two years, featuring @Sara_Imari on the #physics of living #systems.
And stay tuned for an extraordinary lineup of additional talks this year...
Live stream starts in one minute!
SFI's @ChrisKempes introduces tonight's speaker @Sara_Imari (@sfiscience, @beyond_asu) by quoting #HaroldMorowitz about how, to find life beyond Earth, we must understand the *origins* of life...
Read 28 tweets

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