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May 30th 2023
Bridgend: Former police office pleads guilty to over 100 child sexual offences

Lewis Edwards, 23, was charged with a total of 106 offences, which included inciting children to make indecent images #online and to engage in sexual activity.

"South Wales Police's assistant chief constable said the offences would "damage the public's trust and confidence in policing." - "Edwards, from Bridgend, was immediately suspended from duty and resigned following his arrest."
"The investigation by the South Wales Police online investigations team began when officers received intelligence about suspicious online activity, which involved the downloading of indecent images of children from the dark web."
Read 4 tweets
Jul 24th 2021
I am in full support of the #perth West Australian hospital #genderclinic being in review. This mess cannot be cleaned up until #safeguarding is recognised #gillick full informed consent takes place, those that raise safety concerns are heard, the #teenagebrain is recognised…
…the evidence based research is interpreted appropriately #detrans voices are heard, therapists stop being #psychoactivists rather than #psychotherapists acknowledgement of differential diagnosis & primary diagnoses are given for those with #genderdysphoria #trans #detrans
I am in support of this just as I was with the @TaviAndPort #GIDS #genderclinic #kierabell legal matter for the reasons of #safeguarding and the reasons of health professionals being #silenced for real and valid concerns. I am in full support of both Finland and Sweden’s..
Read 18 tweets

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