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Apr 18th 2022
TW: rape

My job is to tell other people's stories, often of the most difficult (and defining) times of their lives. This is the hardest story I've ever told: of the time I was raped, but they threatened to charge ME with a crime.

I was 22. Still a kid. Terrified and traumatized, I went to the police while contending with ongoing threats from the man who raped me. I needed help. I hoped for justice. I wanted to stop him from hurting anyone else. Instead, I was made the villain.
I don't have the words to express how grateful I am to @JohnArchibald (no relation as far as I know) for believing me and helping me speak my truth. I could not have done it without him. I hope you will read his reflections as well as mine, and share both.…
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Apr 29th 2021
ICYMI: For #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth, we joined 70+ orgs urging Congress to protect the rights of students. Students deserve a world free from sexual harassment. Image of a statue of lady justice with a scale and text in t
We urge our lawmakers to prioritize, address, and eliminate sexual harassment in education by ensuring that policy reforms must...

Read full ask: End Rape On Campus' logo is at the top left corner. Text tha
Will you share our asks and urge your representative to protect the rights of student survivors? #SAAM2021 End Rape On Campus' logo in the left top corner. Text that r
Read 3 tweets
Apr 24th 2020
Happy Friday! We hope your day is going great. Following up on last week's #thread on Combating GBV during #COVID19. This week as part of #SexualAssaultAwarenessmonth our #thread touches on the rise of other #harmfulpractices against women during #COVID19 due to the lockdown.
This is a continuation of the conversations we have been having on how the #globalpandemic #covid19 is affecting the lives of girls and young women.
These conversations aim to ensure that we engage a #genderlens response mechanism during global pandemics ensuring the most vulnerable amongst us are not left out in the cold.
Read 16 tweets
Apr 17th 2020

Trigger Warning: Violence against Womxn

Dedicated to all those womxn who deserved better than the trauma inflicted upon them by this patriarchal society.

Chaadar is a work of fiction yet is unfortunately similar to the crimes committed against womxn. #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth ImageImageImageImage
Womxn are harassed, raped, and killed yet it's hardly ever reported to the authorities. #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth ImageImageImageImage
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Apr 16th 2020
April is the #SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth. To observe it under the current circumstances, we're staging a digital demonstration against SGBV!
To participate, create a placard with whatever anti-SGBV message you would like and (a) take an HD picture of yourself with it and send it to us, or (b) DM us and we'll sort the rest out. Image
1. Before engaging in any sexual act, seek enthusiastic consent.
Do not use force to get it.
Do not be manipulative to get it.

If she hesitates, let it go.
If she is silent, let it go.

Anything less than a "Yes" is a "No".

#SexualAssaultAwarenessMonth Image
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Apr 5th 2020
@ that mf in college that literally sent me spiraling into a depression bc my roommates didn't believe me and sided with him. FUCK YOU SUNG HO :)
I had never considered making this story public. The hardest part is always talking about it but after a lot of thought, I have decided that it is what i need for me and my healing journey. #sexualassaultawarenessmonth
During my freshmen year at CSUN (spring semester) I was offered to share the rent of an apartment with a bunch of people from HS. I thought it was perfect bc i was tired of the everyday commute and i had early morning classes. I lived there for a few weeks and it was working out
Read 20 tweets

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