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I am raising my head above the parapet and posting about something which causes me great concern on many fronts, as a:
🧠#neurodivergent individual
πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“#Neurodiversity-advocating Professional
πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦Mother of 2 neurodivergent #children living in Leicestershire
It seems that, for a number of years, the LA has been at the forefront of an initiative to find: "Cost-effective models for delivering behaviour analysis teaching in UK schools and local authorities"
Integrating ABA into #maintained & #academy, #mainstream & #SpecialSchool for "affordable" "positive outcomes". It concludes, "School-based models, such as Leicestershire's, provide a sustainable model which can be used with a large number of children for...little extra cost."
Read 12 tweets
If a #parent of an #SEN child (esp autistic) presents as #anxious, high maintenance, needy, rude, full on or any of the other awful terminology used to describe them, what do you think might be *really* going on. Let’s unpack it 🧡

#Teachers #SENCO #Inclusion leads #SENtwitter
This is not a new topic. Parents have been talking about the difficulties of being labelled as overly anxious for many years.
So why does this keep happening?
2/🧡 #Teachers #SENCO #Inclusion leads #SENtwitter
Professionals don’t want to feel helpless. Difficult situations and lack of resources cause feelings of helplessness all around and it is easier to blame the most vulnerable and easy target. The anxious parent. 3/🧡
Read 7 tweets

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