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#Children and/or #teenagers are not the 'drivers' of the 'infections'. Not even day care centers or schools.

The drivers of the #infections, currently #RSV, #influenza and #corona #SARSCoV2 , are #adults in the western world. They go to restaurants, clubs, bars,
football stadiums, concerts, and always without #FFP2 !

Because in the western world, wearing a #mask is seen as something bad and is accordingly badmouthed. It is conveyed how, for example, only very #anxious people would wear a mask. Or wearing a mask is exaggerated, after all
everything is #harmless and #mild. Practically just a #sniffle! (No, #RSV, #influenza + #corona #SARSCoV2 are not harmless #colds)!

So if you are looking for someone to #blame for the infection, you should pause for a moment and think about your own #behavior.
Read 8 tweets
If a #parent of an #SEN child (esp autistic) presents as #anxious, high maintenance, needy, rude, full on or any of the other awful terminology used to describe them, what do you think might be *really* going on. Letā€™s unpack it šŸ§µ

#Teachers #SENCO #Inclusion leads #SENtwitter
This is not a new topic. Parents have been talking about the difficulties of being labelled as overly anxious for many years.
So why does this keep happening?
2/šŸ§µ #Teachers #SENCO #Inclusion leads #SENtwitter
Professionals donā€™t want to feel helpless. Difficult situations and lack of resources cause feelings of helplessness all around and it is easier to blame the most vulnerable and easy target. The anxious parent. 3/šŸ§µ
Read 7 tweets
šŸ§µ 1/#covidvaccine anxiety-SRO view from a #vaccineclinic. In every clinic Iā€™ve been part of (and thatā€™s many) there are always some who are particularly anxious about being #vaccinated. Today we saw several who reported not wanting to carry the anxiety over #christmas.
2/years as a dr have taught me most humans often find uncertainty or new things #anxiety provoking to some degree. #COVID19 and #covidvaccine are all of these things in some measure & patients will go a long way to find a clinic that arenā€™t reassuring itā€™s ok to feel #anxious
3/what can help with #CovidVaccine anxiety? Firstly recognise it and accept it. Itā€™s ok if not normal to be worried. #anxiety drives a need to look for reassurance +information- the latter can be conflicting and misinformed and worsen #anxiety. Speak to medical professionals.
Read 8 tweets
Being worry is not a bad thing though. It means someone needs to be more careful to do something properly, but being over worry, then being overwhelmed by, and finally being enslaved by it is a whole different story.
Read 11 tweets
Thread from April 2, 2020.

"Science shows that early exposure to circumstances that produce persistent #fear and chronic #anxiety can have lifelong consequences by disrupting the developing architecture of the brain."

[National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2010]
"While some of these experiences are one-time events and others may reoccur or persist over time, all of them have the potential to affect how children learn, solve problems, and relate to others."
This is a topic worthy of discussion. Consider WEF's rapidly accelerating consolidation of global power. In Jan 2019 WEF exploited the climate crisis by deliberately inciting #fear - in tandem with partners & media. Today it exploits the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read 16 tweets
- Why are you doing #frontend projects?
- To practice #webdev
- Okay, why do you practice web dev?
- To land a dev position in a #tech company or startup
- Why do you need to land a dev position?
- I see. I want to secure my family's future.

šŸ§µto remind you of the reasons:
One day, everyone who is going through the path of becoming #developer, experience this unsureness.

We feel unmotivated, tired, and somehow #anxious.

We may feel afraid of a lot of requirements out there to get a job.

We may have trouble in our personal life.
Honestly, there may be a lot of reasons for us to experience the decline.

There are many recommendations people give in that case:
- Take a break for a few days
- Change the location: e.g. get from home to a coffee shop (like Starbucks) and practice there
- Find a coding partner
Read 9 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Q: What can I do to help with my anxiety? Is it me or is everyone having a hard time right now?
A: It is normal to feel #anxious in our current reality. The important things: Maintain routine, make sure you sleep, keep up with social relationships, unplug from the news (its OK!)
Focus on one small #positive thing every day. If you need help now, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK.
If you need more resources, check out the Mental Health Resource Hub with videos, infographics, and articles for individuals, communities, and providers:
#AnxietyRelief #NotAlone #COVIDćƒ¼19
Read 3 tweets
"Science shows that early exposure to circumstances that produce persistent #fear and chronic #anxiety can have lifelong consequences by disrupting the developing architecture of the brain."

[National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2010]
"While some of these experiences are one-time events and others may reoccur or persist over time, all of them have the potential to affect how children learn, solve problems, and relate to others."
This is a topic worthy of discussion. Consider WEF's rapidly accelerating consolidation of global power. In Jan 2019 WEF exploited the climate crisis by deliberately inciting #fear - in tandem with partners & media. Today it exploits the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read 16 tweets
"What's wrong with this BS?"

If you are #depressed, you are living in the past
If you are #anxious, you are living in the future
If you are at peace, you are living in the present
- Lao Tzu

WRONG! But good for teaching.
#meded #psychtwitter #somepsych #medtwitter
(quick trigger warning)

This is intended to be educational re: depression & anxiety. It mentions concepts that can be difficult to read about suicide, trauma, and depression. If you're not in a place to read it now, come back later :)

My cat distracts:
A psych mini-tweetorial and a bit more #philosophy, but this is important in #medicine and #psychiatry.

Ultimately, I hope it'll be obvious that this quote is simplifying, stigmatizing, and harmful. It's classic pseudo-profound bullshit.

Read 27 tweets
Props to the woman with the sequin Trump shirt
Trump begins by bragging about tariffs: "A lot of steel mills are now opening up because of what I did."
Trump takes shots at "evil people" in Washington DC and the "fake" media

"That Washington DC, we've got a lot of evil there but we're getting it out, step by step."
Read 43 tweets

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