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Ouvindo aos episódios 1325 e 1326 do @medoedeliriobr, me deu vontade de puxar um fio questionando uma narrativa que os bolsonazistas usam muito: a de que teria morrido ainda mais gente pela #COVID19 no #Brasil se o @Haddad_Fernando fosse presidente. Chega mais... (+)
1) A gente SABE que isso não é verdade. Mas, é preciso mais que isso para convencer as pessoas, né? Óbvio que é impossível cravar uma realidade alternativa, mas temos exemplos reais no próprio país que me dão certeza que o drama aqui teria sido MUITO menos grave. (+)
2) Estudos robustos indicam que teríamos salvo centenas de milhares de vidas apenas se tivéssemos ficado próximos à média mundial de mortes. O @oatila, o @PedroHallal, a @TaschnerNatalia e dezenas de outros cientistas apontaram todas as falhas cometidas por nosso desgoverno. (+)
Read 25 tweets
THREAD: Evidence for oseltamivir for #influenza prevention

1/6 Not much #flu last year, yet almost 14,000 BC residents were prescribed #oseltamivir (Tamiflu) for prevention

✅Flu guidelines

✅Systematic review of Tamiflu safety
2/6 #Oseltamivir for prevention reduces ↘️ symptomatic influenza by 3%, (NNT=33) with an uncertain effect on asymptomatic #influenza

It likely has a central symptom reducing effect but may not reduce viral transmission

#Tamiflu #prescribing
3/6 #Oseltamivir won’t reduce the risk of developing influenza-like illness though it can make people feel better (i.e. fewer symptoms) and reduces ↘️ fever

There is not enough evidence to say it prevents death, hospitalizations, or flu complications
Read 7 tweets
Two important #COVID19 treatment studies were released this week. One, from @Merck got a lot of attn and soared on the stock markets. The other, with better results, from @Regeneron got little notice.
Key point with both: Best results come from treatment before symptoms.
2/ @Merck press release: Gave molnupiravir to 385 people w/#COVID19 & placebo to 377.
After 29 days, 7.3% of molnupiravir group were either hospitalized or died, vs 14.1% of placebo-treated. So, says Merck, the drug cut the risk of severe COVID by 50%.…
3/ @Regeneron made combo monoclonal antibody treatment, REGEN-COV & pub'ed data in @NEJM .
28 days post-treatment, 1.3% of 1,355 treated patients were hospitalized or died, vs 4.6% of 728 placebo recipients.
So, REGEN-COVID cut acute disease risk by 71%.…
Read 4 tweets
THREAD: Tamiflu for #influenza prevention – the evidence

1/6 In 2019 21,000 BC citizens were prescribed Tamiflu (oseltamivir), many to prevent the flu. Flu prevention guidelines. AMMI Canada

Systematic review of Tamiflu safety:
2/6 Tamiflu for prevention ↘️ symptomatic flu (by 3%, NNT=33) with uncertain effect on asymptomatic flu.

One likely explanation is that Tamiflu has a central symptom lowering effect but may not ↘️ viral transmission.

#influenza #flu #tamiflu
3/6 Tamiflu doesn't reduce risk of developing flu-like illness though it can make people feel better (i.e. fewer self-reported symptoms) & reduces fever.

There is not enough evidence to say it prevents death, hospitalizations, or flu complications
Read 7 tweets
I bet Brandy will get right on top of this & shame the mom 4 giving her daughter Tamiflu. @BrandyZadrozny.… #vaccineswork #tamiflu 1/5
Links to articles on dangers, side effects, and lawsuit against Tamiflu for lying.… 2/5
Early Death and Tamiflu:…. 3/5
Read 8 tweets
1) We are going to breakdown what these meds are here.

#Coronavirus #2019nCoV #WuhanCoronvirus

The first one.

Cefdinir capsule is an antibiotic used to treat pneumonia, otitis media, strep throat, and cellulitis.
2) 連花清瘟膠囊
Lianhua Qingwen

They have 2 of these boxes. This is a herbal medicine.
Interestingly studies show it to be more effective for treating flu.

#Coronavirus #2019nCoV #WuhanCoronvirus
3) 磷酸奥司他韦 胶囊

#Oseltamivir, sold under the brand name #Tamiflu, is an antiviral medication used to treat and prevent #influenza A and influenza B (flu).

#Coronavirus #2019nCoV #WuhanCoronvirus

Drug Ref:…
Read 15 tweets

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