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Mar 13th 2022
Lot of #AMCs come up with different ideas, themes, sectors.

These are demands from #Investors as they have done well in recent past.

AMCs are manufacturers & will offer what is in demand.

Final choice to say YES or NO lies entirely with Investors based on their #NEEDs
What should investors choose and what should they ignore. A point by point guide on where and why to invest in certain #themes, #MarketCap bias, #Sectors, #AssetClasses etc.

What should be criteria for these selections and what should guide them to resist from Investing?
Lets start with #Debt:

Keep enough money as 1 year of your expenses as #EmergencyFunds in #LiquidSchemes

You already have enough exposure to debt as:

1. #PPF
2. #TaxFreeBonds
3. #FDs

No need for separate debt allocation if you are investing thru #AssetAllocation (AA) or #DAAF
Read 16 tweets
Feb 24th 2020
I'm about to launch at ten part thread on making #maps of #Coronavirus. Hang on to your #COVID19 facemasks 0/10
Coronavirus map tips 1/10 use an appropriate #projection. It's for #thematic data so needs to be equal area. Web Mercator does not support the map's purpose. Distortions lead to people over- or under-estimating size of areas relative to one another.
Coronavirus map tips 2/10 don't map totals on a #choropleth. Impact of differently sized regions & population densities makes comparison between areas meaningless. Totals can heighten fear. 65,000 seems an awful lot. Do 5 provinces really belong in the same upper data class?
Read 12 tweets
Sep 3rd 2018
Important process differences within #thematicanalysis family: small q (deductive, coding reliability concerns, qual data in quant thinking) vs big Q (data driven, open flexible organic coding), middle q (training with @ginnybraun @QRNHub)
But what’s a theme @ginnybraun? Domain summaries - cluster responses to a q or issue but lots of meaning variation within eg a single theme that covers ‘risks and benefits of x’ #thisisbad
Vs meaning based themes - an underlying idea or concept that holds the data together (data may look superficially different but is united by the idea) #thisisgood @ginnybraun @QRNHub
Read 18 tweets

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