Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #MarketCap

Most recents (24)

May 3rd 2023
1/7🧵 Let's dive into the concept of #MarketCapitalization in the world of #cryptocurrency. We'll also explore how it applies to #eGLD.

Market cap helps to evaluate the size and value of a digital asset, but how does it work? 🤔💰 Image
2/7 Market Capitalization (Market Cap) = Circulating Supply * Current Price. It represents the total market value of a cryptocurrency & can be used to rank digital assets relative to each other.

This metric has its limitations, but it's a useful starting point for comparisons.
3/7 For example, #Bitcoin is often ranked as the largest cryptocurrency by market cap.

📊This means that the total value of all circulating Bitcoin is higher than that of any other cryptocurrency in the market.
Read 7 tweets
May 2nd 2023
#Ethereum's #revenue sees fourth consecutive monthly increase, reaching $208m, but underperforms compared to #Bitcoin as global #crypto market faces #bearish trends. 🧵👇

Sub to our TG for the latest:… Image
1/10: #Ethereum's monthly #revenue has improved for the fourth consecutive month to $208m, but is still low. When monthly revenue began ramping up in 2021 and eclipsed >200m for the first time, #ETH was trading around $1,300. Image
2/10: #Bitcoin (#BTC) price is $28,048, above the 50d MA of $27,963, which is #bullish. #Ethereum (#ETH) price is $1,828, below the 50d MA $1,854, which is #bearish, with the price #WoW decreasing by -1.9%.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 25th 2023
From #bearish to #bullish: #crypto trends signal a potential buying opportunity at $27,500 for #Bitcoin and #Ethereum outperformance 🧵🧵

Sub to our TG for the latest:… Image
#Crypto #sentiment has cooled off, with our #Bitcoin Greed & Fear Index dropping to 44 (for #Ethereum, 46). Buying half a position at $27,500 could be a good re-entry level, with the possibility of the price dropping to $25,000 for the second half.
The decline in #stablecoin #marketcap suggests money is leaving the ecosystem, with #USDC and #BUSD dropping below $30bn and $6.5bn, respectively. Negative #funding rates for #Binance #BNB could indicate potential negative news.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
Set a reminder for my upcoming Space!…

We are going live in 5!

Follow the thread below for slides!

#nifty50 #NiftyBank #corporateindia
Before we begin, here is the Disclaimer
Read 49 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Get ready for another #Bitcoin rally!🚀

Get all the deets in our 🧵⏬

Also, it's best to sub to our TG…

#bitcoin #cryptocurrency #investing Image
1/10: Our Greed & Fear index dropped to mid-level last week, setting the market up for another #rally. With #Bitcoin still driven by #US #trading hours and a US public holiday on Monday, we expect US institutions to lift prices above 25,000 from Tuesday night onwards. Image
2/10: #Bitcoin and #Ethereum prices are both above their 50-day moving averages, which is a #bullish sign. The global #crypto market cap increased by 10.9% WoW to $1.17 trillion, with Bitcoin dominance at 40.4% for the week. Overall, the trend is up and the market is #bullish.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
#BTC #Ordinals. Invest or not to #invest. All you need to know about #BTCNFTs so far!


#web3 #crypto #cryptomarket #blockchain #BTCordinals #cryptocurrency #Bitcoin
2/4 #Ordinals is a new revenue stream for miners! Since the launch of Ordinals in mid-December 2022, nearly 74,000 #NFTs have been inscribed into the #Bitcoin #blockchain. In doing so, miners have earned a cumulative $574,000 in #BTC transaction fees to date.

#BTCnfts #web3 Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 4th 2023
(1/19) Message from CEO @brbordallo – Year Round up🧵🧵

You can bet that 2022 has been a rough year for crypto. #Global Economic factors like wars🎇, inflation📊,🔼interest rates made things challenging for #financial markets across asset classes
Read:… Image
(2/19) The decline of tech #stocks contributed to an outflow of money from #cryptocurrencies, and the internal issues within the industry only exacerbated the situation. It is fair to say that 2022 has been one of the most challenging years in the history of #web3🌐
(3/19) Despite the challenges we faced in 2022, the fundamentals of the #crypto industry are stronger than ever. Key players, from countries to banks and companies, have adopted #cryptocurrencies, #NFTs have had a successful year, and trading volume and #marketcap are at ATH🔥💡
Read 19 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
1/6 It's not that complicated. When a company issues #stock to employees or the public, it increases shares outstanding and dilutes #earnings per share.
2/6 Give the #stock to the employee, and the cash doesn’t show up on the balance sheet. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. In #broaddaylight
3/6 In the run-up to the peak of the dot com bubble, #stockcomp felt good. Until the stocks started going down and it felt awful. That is precisely where we are today. It tends to be a self-reinforcing spiral.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
1/10 Tonight question was about #TVL on #DEFI, and i just asked myself is there any TVL leakage from DEFI since the turmoil we are all facing the past 6 months? Let's dig into some data here as parf of my 2nd 🧵and see where the #smartmoney has been going ?👇
2/10 TVL on @Defilama is now sitting below 100b, decreasing by almost 28% in a week and divided by 3 since $BTC #ath. Image
3/10 On the other hand, #crypto total market cap is sitting at 898b, and as the DEFI TVL, "just" decreased also by 26% in a week and divided by 3 since $BTC #ATH. Image
Read 14 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
How Cardano could realistically reach $200 per ADA (Yes, really!)

A Thread....

#Cardano #ADA $ADA $GOKEY Image
2/ Intro

At the moment, as we’re sitting with ADA comfortably below $0.70, it might seem like an absurd notion to even consider ADA potentially reaching $100, let alone $200.

But today we will be exploring realistic and sustainable ways that this can happen.

#realfi #proptech Image
3/ Setting the Scene

Crypto today is a $1.25 trillion industry. But compared to other industries it remains tiny.

For instance, research by @zillow suggests the aggregate residential real estate market in the US is $43.4 trillion

To equal this, #crypto would need to nearly 40x Image
Read 11 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
6 months anniversary of @colonylab! 🥳

Born at the top of the bull market, now thriving in the bear market. It has been quite a journey already!🔺

A thread to review what has been achieved and what’s next! A big thank you to our amazing community 🤗

🧵Thread to celebrate!
To start with, the team is glad to build on #Avalanche. It’s a robust platform, with amazing uptime & performances! 💯

From a development perspective we couldn’t ask for more (almost 😉)!

Many other platforms can’t say the same so I want to highlight this one! 🚀

The nascent #Avalanche community is amazing & everyone is starting to realize it.

We’re going through hardship together and you all know the destination! 💫

It’s a pleasure to ship innovative features with @colonylab for our beloved community! 🙌🏼

Read 21 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
[THREAD] Réflexions sur les #tokenomics

Le marché est beau, le soleil revient, les oiseaux chantent, c'est le printemps, il neige à Toulouse selon @Crypt0celot (c'est le 1er avril prenez ses élucubrations avec des pincettes)

C'est aussi l'occasion de parler un peu tokenomics
Les tokenomics c'est quoi ?

Savant mélange de token et economy, les tokenomics sont un ensemble de paramètres qui vont régir la construction d'un modèle économique du token d'un projet, et c'est primordial, surtout pour ceux qui souhaitent devenir investisseurs
Avec l'avènement du "launchpad time", nous sommes beaucoup à devenir investisseurs, et à ce titre il est important de prendre les réflexes qui vont avec, notamment l'analyse de ces tokenomics pour comprendre comment le projet vous embarque, et embarque les autres.
Read 28 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
Lot of #AMCs come up with different ideas, themes, sectors.

These are demands from #Investors as they have done well in recent past.

AMCs are manufacturers & will offer what is in demand.

Final choice to say YES or NO lies entirely with Investors based on their #NEEDs
What should investors choose and what should they ignore. A point by point guide on where and why to invest in certain #themes, #MarketCap bias, #Sectors, #AssetClasses etc.

What should be criteria for these selections and what should guide them to resist from Investing?
Lets start with #Debt:

Keep enough money as 1 year of your expenses as #EmergencyFunds in #LiquidSchemes

You already have enough exposure to debt as:

1. #PPF
2. #TaxFreeBonds
3. #FDs

No need for separate debt allocation if you are investing thru #AssetAllocation (AA) or #DAAF
Read 16 tweets
Mar 8th 2022

La diversification répartit votre risque, vous permettant de profiter à la fois de la stabilité des #crypto bien établies comme le #Bitcoin et l'#Ethereum et du potentiel astronomique 🚀des moyenne et faible capitalisations. ⬇️⬇️
Les #cryptos sont un marché non régulé et donc extrêmement volatile mais si vous avez bien diversifié vos placements, sauf énorme krach 💥, il est peu probable que TOUS vos investissements en crypto-monnaies 🪙 s'effondrent 📉exactement au même moment.
Il n'existe pas de portefeuille parfait. Chacun a des objectifs d'#investissement et une tolérance au risque différents - Si la #diversification réduit le risque, elle ne l'élimine pas complètement. Le mieux reste d'étendre vos investissements (#bourse 📊, #immobilier 🏘️) Image
Read 24 tweets
Dec 27th 2021
Je m'étais intéressé à @presearchnews il y a quelques mois sans être convaincu.

Pour faire court, c'est un moteur de recherche qui rémunère ses utilisateurs lors de leurs recherches.

Aujourd'hui, je vois que je récupère des #visiteurs sur @AucoinDubloc qui viennent de chez eux. Image
Cela signifie qu'il y a derrière une certaine utilisation.

Je creuse un peu et je vois qu'on peut se placer sur des mots clés via le #Staking de $PRE (j'ai pensé à @asyncr0ne & #SEO)

Un avantage non négligeable pour une présence optimisée sur internet. Je vais test ça bientôt. Image
Plus ancien mais toujours d'actualité, un système de #Node derrière pour vous permettre de #gagner des récompenses.

Le nœud semble plutôt simple à mettre en place avec un collatéral de 2000 $PRE.

Il me semble que @MiningTk possède déjà au moins un nœud sur le réseau. Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 11th 2021
🚨#Cardano Thread🚨
• Updated •
#ADA will inevitably flip #Bitcoin... IMO this will happen in the next 5-8 months. Hear me out
(original thread: Aug 26, 2021)
#BTC doesn’t produce any value. It simply has a first movers advantage. The price is a reflection of low supply and high demand. It's basically a Ponzi Scheme. Buyers buying ‘cause Buyers buying ‘cause Holders are promoting
If investors stopped buying gold, little would happen to the price because gold is still being bought for production purposes. However, if investors stop buying BTC the value would drop dramatically since there’s no production value to support it
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Dec 7th 2021
1/19 @swapleonicorn #Crypto #BSC $LEOS $LEON
- What is it?
- Who are the people behind it?
- What are it's future plans?
- Why do I think it's essential?

Here's my write up to give insight into this hot, trending project. As always #DYOR and #NFA.
2/19 #LEONICORNSWAP is a #BSC advanced AMM (#DEX) which seems focused on #Security as it's prime objective, with features such as #lottery, #NFTs #marketplace, #IDO (IJOs), #Staking and many other features that are yet to be announced. (See Road Map)
3/19 Lets delve deeper into the objectives of the #DEX. As I previously mentioned, #Security seems the number one priority, audited by @hackenclub and @certik_io. Something we are all unfamiliar with on the #BSC network is the common #RUG pull security issues with #IDO (presales)
Read 22 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
[Thread] Dernière partie de la trilogie avec les 13 erreurs des débutants #crypto #investisseurs.

Orienté vers l'investissement, les erreurs peuvent être nombreuses et coûter très cher.

C'est #dimanche, il faut beau, profitez en pour vous détendre en terrasse bien couvert. ⬇️
1) #Investir des fonds que vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de perdre

C'est la règle d'or de tout investisseur et c'est d'autant plus vrai en crypto. Un simple hack de votre matériel et vous finirez #REKT.

N'investissez JAMAIS JAMAIS de l'argent qui vous est nécessaire.
2) #Investir de l'argent des autres

Vous avez réussi quelques #trades et prenez le melon ? Sachez que votre belle histoire peut couper court en cas de chute, #hack ou mauvais placement.

Qu'allez vous dire à ces personnes qui n'ont peut-être plus rien ? Ne faites jamais ça.
Read 19 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
Came across an interview of @sidd1307 conducted by @varinder_bansal.

The one hour was packed with learning both related to #stockmarkets and daily life.

Below is the thread about key learning which i found important.

Like or retweet if you found it worthwhile.
Intro of Siddharth bhaiya

(a) he has completed CA.

(b) Entered into the stock market in early 2000's as analyst covering FINANCIALS

(c) Currently running Aequitas Investment Consultancy.

Importance of stock market

Human like any other animals, performs 4 core activities in his lifetime;

(a) Searching for food
(b) Protecting themselves from enemy
(c) Occupy territory
(d) Sex/mating

In modern world, all these activities are dependent on money.
Read 27 tweets
Apr 22nd 2021
(1/6) Análisis $AUTO @autofarmnetwork:
- Proyecto -> 3
- Redes Sociales -> 4
- Noticias -> 2
- Market Cap -> 3
- General -> 3,20

(Más bajo -> 1 | Más alto -> 5) Image
(2/6) #Proyecto:
$AUTO @autofarmnetwork Tengo que ser sincero y no he encontrado mucha información en las páginas oficiales. Por lo que puedo observar parece ser una plataforma de liquidez y swap de tokens. Es un proyecto de #BSC. Corregirme si algo es erróneo.
(3/6) #RedesSociales:
$AUTO tiene una actividad realmente importante en relación a su etapa tan inicial, no tiene ni 1 año de antigüedad. En #Twitter son más 34 mil seguidores. Y verdaderamente percibo un trabajo y esfuerzo detrás.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
۱-در ادامه پاسخ به #کجای_چرخه_هستیم ، یک معیار #onchain دیگر
#Entity_Adjusted_Dormancy_Flow را به کار خواهیم گرفت. این معیار = نسبت ارزش دلاری امروز بازار #MarketCap به میانگین سالانه نرخ نقدشوندگی ارزش زمانی-دلاری #بیتکوین. به زبان ساده مادامی که ارزش بازار نسبت به میانگین
۲- نرخ میزان نقد شده، رو به رشد (و بالاتر از ۱ م) باشد، بازار گاوی از سلامت نسبی برخوردار است. درواقع با ورود به ناحیه بالای حد تاریخی ۱ میلیون (ناحیه قرمز) بازار رسما صعودی خواهد بود و به محض آنکه بازار نرخ خروجی ارزش بالایی را تجربه کند این معیار شروع به ریزش می‌کند.
۳- به محض خروج این معیار از ناحیه قرمز و برگشت به محدوده زیر ۱ میلیون، بازار رسما وارد روند نزولی شده است. نکته اعجاب آور این روزهای بازار این است که این معیار هنوز بالای عدد ۱م تثبیت نشده است. آیا این به معنای ادامه راه صعود بلند مدت است ؟ پاسخ را آینده خواهیم یافت.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
#WelspunCorp- Soon out of the Woods

#CMP - 60
#MarketCap - 1,565 cr
#Industry - Pipes & Plates
Biggest #COVID19 casualty

Post Jan2020, the #crudeoil prices collapsed 60-70%. The company has major dependence on global oil & gas players for its order book.
However, we feel Welspun Corp’s strong cash & investment position in the #balancesheet and very low #longtermdebt will help the company withstand the current turmoil and bounce back stronger.
Read 25 tweets
Feb 15th 2020
Do any altcoins have a relevant relationship between #S2F and their value?
I downloaded 77 data sets from #coinmetrics and let stata perform #S2F #cointegration testing whenever possible.
What surprised me most, was that of these 77 #altcoins, most did not even have a #S2F ratio, as they are premined. In other cases market capitalization was unavailable in the coinmetrics data set.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 3rd 2020
#DDT impact only on promoters and #hnis in monetary terms is not large but the signaling and sentiment impact is larger. A quick short thread on listed #equities ( will add more actual data instead of ballpark nos ).
1) total market cap of indian stocks = 150-160 lakh crores. Exact no as per bse market 153,04,724 crores. 2) 10% of that #marketcap is #PSU companies. Most of these companies at 5% yield or more 3) The dividend yield of #nifty500 has been in a range of 1-2% again #psus majorly
4) Consider 10% of the total market cap of india doesnt pay much dividends. 5) Left with a market cap of 120 lakh crores and 1% yield. 6) total dividends given a year say 1.2 lakh crores. 7) Out of this 50-60% of holding is with promoters rest 30% with foreign and domestic insti
Read 5 tweets

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