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Oct 23rd 2020
....and.....the lying begins. #TrumpLied200KDied #DebateTonight
....and the blaming on the Gold Star families has begun...
...and the jab at Gov Gretchen Whitmer. She has a name & her family has been THREATENED.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
🔥WHOA‼️What if @realDonaldTrump, his administration and his campaign are all PURPOSEFULLY trying to be #PatientZero in an attempt to initiate #HerdImmunity. Trump’s rallies are DESIGNED to infect followers to spread #coronavirus across the country‼️
🔥The Dept of Justice has stated that anyone willfully spreading #COVID19 can be charged with domestic terrorism👇cc @RepAdamSchiff @SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris @JoeBiden @RepSwalwell @DrEricDing
🦠 #coronavirus meets the statutory definition of a biological agent under 18 U.S.C 178(1). *Threats of violence against mayors and other public officials and * Threats to intentionally infect other people are included in the Trump DOJ memorandum. @realDonaldTrump is guilty‼️
Read 4 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
Trump says we’re “rounding the turn” on COVID-19.

This weekend we rounded the turn on 200,000+ deaths — and Democrats won't let him forget it.

#TrumpLied200kDied Dark photo of The White House at night. The flag is lit up,
Democrats are at Trump’s golf club in Florida…

At the State House in Concord, New Hampshire…

#TrumpLied200KDied Two people hold signs saying "TRUMP LIED" and &quo
Read 8 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
🚨BREAKING: @CDCgov did NOT write a controversial guideline saying that people without #COVID19 symptoms don’t need to get tested for #coronavirus. @HHSGov officials wrote & posted it on CDC’s website, bypassing CDC’s scientific review process.

“That was a doc that came from the top down, from HHS & (Trump’s #coronavirus) task force. That policy does NOT reflect what many people at the CDC feel should be the policy.”

>40% of #COVID19 cases are transmitted by those without symptoms—testing asymptomatic people is CRUCIAL
The document contains “elementary errors”—it refers to “testing for #COVID19”(the illness), rather than for #coronavirus—and has recommendations inconsistent with CDC.’s stance that clearly mark it as not having been written by CDC scientists.🤬

#TrumpLied200KDied #coverup
Read 12 tweets
Sep 16th 2020
Trump lied and 200K died.

Find 1000 graphics like this one here:

Please share them with the hashtags #WeGrieveTogether and #200KGone Image
Read 28 tweets
Jul 22nd 2020
🎶 Oy, Anthony Fauci, their strategy sucks: They slander all the experts and promote all the schmucks... 🎶 #GeeAnthonyFauci

“A miracle would be great. Who doesn’t love miracles? But miracles shouldn’t be Plan A. Even Sully tried to land at the airport first… Also when he said ‘everyone can get a test’ what he meant was: Almost no one.” —Brad Pitt as Dr Fauci, @nbcsnl in April

Over 2.1 million American children have been infected with COVID19 so far, researchers estimate. With no end in sight.

Source is @COVKIDProject: Image
Read 26 tweets

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