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Sep 13th 2018
Trump: Day 600
-Detaining 12,800 Migrant Children
-Diverted $10M From FEMA to ICE
-Suspicious $ Transfers Investigated
-Son Eric Uses Anti-Semitic "Shekels"
-Hosting Fundraiser at Own DC Hotel
-Kremlin-Linked Hacker Pleads Guilty
-198th Day at a Trump Property
Day 705 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 557 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 65 tweets
Feb 3rd 2018
After @SpeakerRyan kindly tweeted exactly how much the #TrumpTax helps someone in the middle class, we want to make sure you also know how much others are benefiting. 1/
VERIZON: $4 billion in tax cuts. 2/…
WALMART: $2 billion in tax cuts, but they're laying off thousands. 3/…
Read 14 tweets
Jan 31st 2018
Hi @RBReich!

🚨Trump will blatantly LIE during his #SOTU shit-show tonight.

👉I've therefore written a COMPLETE speech for Donald, in his voice. It's raw satire. Grounded in researched facts, while cutting deeply into the fetid flesh of #TheRegime.☠️…

Here we go. #SOTU!

I'm gonna watch for you.

We're about to watch a Nazi.

1} A long, quiet applause from the empty suits in an empty room. Trump's meds are working so far. Republican's are spread into a relatively empty chamber audience of very, very, very, very almost exclusively WHITE people! Ugh!
Read 45 tweets
Dec 31st 2017
Thank you @realDonaldTrump for the opportunity to lay out WHY 'smart voters' would want to put Democrats in Congress in the 2018 election.

Let me answer that question for you.

Here are just a few of the reasons (1/15)
(2/15) As you've seen from poll after poll, voters don't like you. Actually, they think you're corrupt, reckless, dangerous and hurting the middle class.

Republicans in Congress are a rubber stamp for you.

Democrats will be a check.
(3/15) GOP in Congress are part of a #CoverUpCongress that thinks it is more important to protect you and their power than it is to protect Democracy.

They don't care if you worked with Putin to subvert Democracy and get elected and don't care if that's a threat to our security.
Read 15 tweets
Oct 6th 2017
GOP tax plan actually raises taxes on millions of middle-class families by repealing the state and local tax deduction, a real Trump Tax.
44 million Americans all across the country take the state & local tax deduction (~1/3 of all taxpayers) & they get $1Ks off their taxes.
Don’t believe me? Just look at these numbers & think about what a #TrumpTax would mean:
Read 55 tweets

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