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May 21st 2021
This is not the first time that the @BBC “fell short of high standards of integrity and transparency”, in order to try to get a scoop, with serious consequences. #Sudan #SouthSudan
In 1991, the then @BBCWorld correspondent, Colin Blane, erroneously reported on a live @bbcworldservice broadcast that a coup had taken place within the Sudan People’s Liberation Army/Movement (SPLA/M); and that John Garang De Mabior had been removed from his leadership position.
Blane reported the coup claim without any confirmation; and simply after being invited to interview Riek Machar & Lam Akol - the 1991 coup leaders - in Nasir after Blane’s visit was arranged by Emma McCune, an expatriate British aid worker who had become married to Riek Machar.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
Remarks at a UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in #SouthSudan (via VTC) | United States Mission to the United Nations ⁦@USAmbUN

"This is a personal issue for me. When I was Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, I visited...…
...South Sudan many times & worked with its leaders to help support the nascent nation. I care deeply about the forward progress of this nation.

“We welcome the recent announcement by the transitional government to proceed with implementing Chapter Five of the peace...
...agreement, including establishing the Hybrid Court for South Sudan; the Commission for Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing; and the Compensation and Reparations Authority. By implementing these three mechanisms, with engagement from local civil society, South Sudan helps...
Read 6 tweets
Feb 22nd 2021
*Political Corruption & Organised Crime in South Sudan*

#SouthSudan #Sudan #SSOT


Monday 22 February, 2021
(Washington DC; London)
South Sudan is governed by a diverse, multi-ethnic, organised crime group which has both domestic & foreign enablers intricately engaged in perpetual, transnational, illicit activities at all levels of the new country’s fledgling sovereign governance structures & institutions.
A perpetual pattern of illicit activity that ranges from the smuggling of natural resources & violent extortion, to money-laundering & the financing of foreign terrorist organisations.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 18th 2021
Unfortunately, it's “sensationalist” texts like these which constantly & over-simply focus on mono-ethnicity as the root cause of the problems of #SouthSudan that merely just continue to afford the incumbent "organised” multi-ethnic “criminal enterprise” of the SPLM with the...
...alibi it always needs to just continue with its violent, egregious & kleptocratic activities. The SPLM has never been a “Dinka organisation”. It’s a multi-ethnic group. If it was mono-ethnic, there’s no way that Kiir would still have remained its boss to date. He would have...
...been removed in one way or another.

The SPLM is made up of all ethnic groups; & Dinkas are also killed by Dinkas of that very same SPLM group. Why do observers & commentators on #SouthSudan never attempt to explain that? A lack of redress of this simple & obvious modus...
Read 5 tweets
Nov 9th 2020
“First & foremost, we must repair & reinvigorate our own democracy, even as we strengthen the coalition of democracies that stand with us around the world.”

“But democracy is not just the foundation of American society. It is also the wellspring of our power.”

#Tanzania #Uganda
“From Hong Kong to #Sudan, Chile to Lebanon, citizens are once more reminding us of the common yearning for honest governance and the universal abhorrence of corruption. An insidious pandemic, corruption is fueling oppression, corroding human dignity, and equipping...
Read 9 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
@SSNatDialogue #SSOT

Hon. Angelo Beda,
Co-Chair of the #SouthSudan National Dialogue (SSND).

Excerpt from Speech given at the Opening Ceremony of the SSND National Conference,
Juba, South #Sudan.

3rd Nov 2020.

“The people at the grassroots blame the crisis in the country...
...on the failure of leadership. Particularly under the ruling party; the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement. When we reference SPLM, we are talking about the SPLM before it broke into numerous factions as we know today.....You cannot say you are IO, you are not part of it.
You cannot say you are FD, you are not part of it. You cannot you are SSOA, you are also part of it. Because the people who broke, were on the top. And they broke and quarrelled, and then engaged their tribes to fight; and things went wrong forever. So we blame the SPLM as such.
Read 10 tweets
Oct 16th 2020
@NesrineMalik @robertamsterdam @StateDept @SecPompeo

The only leverage that the world still has over the remnants of the Bashir-NCP, Islamists', deep-state, are those same US sanctions that some people are still vociferously complaining about. They are what largely facilitated in the final toppling of Bashir.
@NesrineMalik @robertamsterdam @StateDept @SecPompeo The US' sanctions are the only leverage that the #Sudan-ese civilians still have over the military junta to force them to guarantee & enact genuine reforms. The military junta has not enacted any reforms at all since the #Sudan transitional government was formed.
@NesrineMalik @robertamsterdam @StateDept @SecPompeo The military junta's "guaranteed committment" to reforms does not need the US' sanctions to be lifted as a prerequisite. E.g., where is the justice for the protestors that were killed during the revolution? Why has that still not been made a "red-line demand" by the "civilians"?
Read 12 tweets
May 17th 2020
@liberty_sudan @_hudsonc The whole of #Sudan (both the South & the North) lost “leadership”, “direction” & “vision” with the killing of Dr. John Garang De Mabior on the 30th July 2005.

John Garang was a unionist. He sought devolved self-governance away from the ruling-Arab elites in Khartoum for the...
@liberty_sudan @_hudsonc ...South & all of the other disenfranchised & socioeconomically oppressed regions of the #Sudan. He was not naive nor was he deluded enough to ever think that the current #SouthSudan independence was ever going to be pragmatically realistic in just 6 years of a CPA interim...
@liberty_sudan @_hudsonc ...period, without there first being “fundamental socioeconomic structures” in place to be able to run the South’s - or any of the other regions for that matter - own affairs. Just look at the state of #SouthSudan now for all of the evidence of that that you need; and now look...
Read 10 tweets
Feb 16th 2020
SPLM-IO welcomes 10 states but expresses reservations

*Justice For All South Sudanese*

*“Form the Hybrid Court for South Sudan Now”*

“Who Exactly is #TutKewGatluak ?”





It is understandable why Machar’s SPLM/A-IO will be uncomfortable with the unilateral creation of the Ruweng Administrative Area; if it remains in place.
The former Southern Liech State - which was one of the now defunct, 32 illegally created States by Kiir’s regime -...
...included the ancestral home of Riek Machar. The largely Nuer-populated former Southern Liech State, bordered the former largely Dinka-populated Ruweng State - now the Ruweng Administrative Area.

Now with the restoration of Unity State as one of the 10 states, minus Ruweng...
Read 18 tweets
Jan 23rd 2020
*The Omar al-Bashir regime’s history with assassination attempts on leaders - Part 8*

Who are the other key Bashir & NCP regime’s allies that still remain influential around Salva Kiir & within the government of South Sudan, following Omar Hassan al-Bashir’s removal from power?
*Dhieu Mathok Diing Wol*

Dhieu Mathok Diing Wol is a Dinka tribesman from Malual of Aweil, in the Greater Bahr-el-Ghazal region of #SouthSudan.
He comes from a prominent family among the Malual Dinka clan of Aweil.
During the civil war of #Sudan from 1983 to 2005, Mathok was in Sudan studying. He was a student activist of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement.

Because of his uncle, Mathok rose to a position of importance after the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement; and after the...
Read 23 tweets
Jan 23rd 2020
* تاريخ نظام عمر البشير بمحاولات اغتيال القادة - الجزء الثامن *

* من هم حلفاء نظام البشير وحزب المؤتمر الوطني الآخرون الذين ما زالوا مؤثرين حول سلفا كير وداخل حكومة جنوب السودان ، بعد إقالة عمر حسن البشير من السلطة؟ *
* ديو ماتوك ديينج وول *

ديو ماتوك ديينج وول هو من رجال قبيلة الدنكا من عشيرة الدينكا المالوية لعويل ، في منطقة بحر الغزال الكبرى في جنوب السودان.
إنه ينتمي إلى عائلة بارزة من عشيرة المالوال دينكا في أويل.
خلال الحرب الأهلية في السودان من 1983 إلى 2005 ، كان ديو ماتوك في السودان يدرس. كان ناشطا طلابا في الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان.

بسبب عمه ، ارتقى ديو ماتوك إلى موقع مهم بعد اتفاقية السلام الشامل لعام 2005 ؛
Read 17 tweets
Jan 17th 2020
@ctrlamb @JustinWelby @Pontifex @santegidionews

*Public Statement*

The South Sudan United Front/Army (SSUF/A) - a member of the SSOMA - is informing its entire membership, supporters, partners and the international community that yesterday at around 5:30 PM our forces were...
...attaked by heavily armed forces belonging to the government of the Republic of South Sudan.

The attack occurred in the areas around Chiombarow and Riaydeng villages. These are areas between Nhialdiu and Bentiu. The attack resulted into some injuries on both sides and the...
...field commanders are trying to monitor the situation in avoidance of further confrontations.

This attack occurred even after the Commander-In-Chief restrained the forces from any active combat.

However, we are informing our supporters, partners and the international...
Read 14 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
Remembering CPA Day: John Garang speech - Eye Radio

”With this peace agreement, the SPLM and the National Congress Party government have brought half a century of war to a dignified end – congratulations.”…
”With this peace agreement, there will be no more bombs falling from the sky on innocent children and women. Instead of the cries of children and the wailing of women and the pain of the last 21 years of war, peace will bless us once more with hearing the happy giggling of...
...children and the enchanting ululation of women who are excited in happiness for one reason or another.”

”At the political level, this agreement affirms the right of self-determination for the people of southern Sudan and the right of popular consultation for the people of...
Read 22 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
* تاريخ نظام عمر البشير بمحاولات اغتيال القادة - الجزء السابع *

* من هم حلفاء نظام البشير وحزب المؤتمر الوطني الآخرون الذين ما زالوا مؤثرين حول سلفا كير وداخل حكومة جنوب السودان ، بعد إقالة عمر حسن البشير من السلطة؟ *
* تور دينج ماوين *

تور دينج ماوين هو ابن عم سلفا كير من جانب والدته ، وهو من رجال قبيلة الدينكا من ولاية واراب السابقة بمنطقة بحر الغزال الكبرى في جنوب السودان.
خلال 21 عامًا من الحرب الأهلية في السودان من 1983 إلى 2005 ، كان ماوين عضوًا مهمًا في حزب المؤتمر الوطني لعمر حسن البشير.

تم تعيين ماوين مفتشًا للحكومة المحلية في غوغريال من قبل البشير. قوقريال هي مقاطعة سالفا كير المنزلية.
Read 34 tweets
Jan 9th 2020
*The Omar al-Bashir regime’s history with assassination attempts on leaders - Part 7*

Who are the other key Bashir & NCP regime’s allies that still remain influential around Salva Kiir & within the government of South Sudan, following Omar Hassan al-Bashir’s removal from power?
*Tor Deng Mawien*

Tor Deng Mawien is a maternal cousin of Salva Kiir; and a Dinka tribesman from the former Warrap State of the Greater Bahr El Ghazal region of #SouthSudan.

During the 21 years of civil war in the #Sudan from 1983 to 2005, Mawien was an important member of...
...the National Congress Party (NCP) of Omar Hassan al-Bashir.

Mawien was made a local government inspector in Gogrial by Bashir; Gogrial being the home County of Salva Kiir.

When he was a Commissioner of Gogrial County: Mawien had a Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA)...
Read 34 tweets
Dec 30th 2019
*The Omar al-Bashir regime’s history with assassination attempts on leaders - Part 6*

As Omar Hassan al-Bashir and other senior National Congress Party members of the former ruling regime, such as Salah Abdallah Mohamed Saleh (also known as “Salah Gosh”) are being arrested...
...and charged with crimes against the #Sudan-ese people; why does Salva Kiir still continue to keep several diehard Bashir and NCP regime allies, so prominently close and within his current transitional government of #SouthSudan?
Read 29 tweets
Dec 30th 2019
* تاريخ نظام عمر البشير بمحاولات اغتيال القادة - الجزء السادس *

* نظرًا لأن عمر حسن البشير وغيره من كبار أعضاء حزب المؤتمر الوطني في النظام الحاكم السابق ، مثل صلاح عبد الله محمد صالح (المعروف أيضًا باسم "صلاح غوش") يتم اعتقالهم ووجهت إليهم تهم بارتكاب جرائم ضد الشعب السوداني ؛
لماذا لا يزال سلفاكير يواصل الإبقاء على العديد من حلفاء نظام البشير وحزب المؤتمر الوطني ، متقاربين بشكل بارز وداخل حكومته الانتقالية الحالية في جنوب السودان؟ *
Read 19 tweets
Dec 23rd 2019
* تاريخ نظام عمر البشير بمحاولات اغتيال القادة - الجزء الخامس *

* ما هي العلاقة والصلة التاريخية بين سلفا كير وبونا مالوال ومارتن ايليا لومورو وعمر البشير؟ *
* بونا مالوال مادوت ريينج *
* سوداني مخضرم وسياسي جنوب سوداني *

تمامًا مثل سلفا كير ميارديت ، بونا مالوال مادوت ريينج عضو في قبيلة الدينكا من تويك من قوقريال ؛ ينحدر من منطقة بحر الغزال الكبير في دولة جنوب السودان.
لقد كانت مالوال هي القوة الاجتماعية السياسية وراء رئيس جنوب السودان سلفا كير حتى اليوم. حاليًا ، هو رسميًا مقرر الحوار الوطني لجنوب السودان. مؤسسة أنشأها الرئيس كير في عام 2017 ،
Read 54 tweets
Dec 23rd 2019
*The Omar al-Bashir regime’s history with assassination attempts on leaders - Part 5*

*What is the relationship and the historical link between Salva Kiir, Bona Malwal, Martin Elia Lomuro, and Omar al-Bashir?*
*Bona Malwal Madut Riing*
*Veteran Sudanese and South Sudanese Politician*

Just like Salva Kiir Mayardit, Bona Malwal Madut Riing is a member of the Dinka tribe from Twic of Gogrial; hailing from the region of Greater Bahr el Ghazal in the country of #SouthSudan.

Malwal has...
...been the sociopolitical power behind Salva Kiir, the President of South Sudan, up to today. Presently, he is officially the rapporteur of the South Sudan National Dialogue; an institution that President Kiir set up in 2017, in which it called upon some retired South...
Read 55 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
*The Omar al-Bashir regime’s history with assassination attempts on leaders - Part 4*

*What is the relationship and the historical link with Salva Kiir Mayardit, which now makes Tut Kew Gatluak indispensable to him?*
After unequivocally pledging its full support for the then embattled regime of Omar Hassan al-Bashir and his National Congress Party (NCP) in March 2019 - just before Bashir’s overthrow in April - the regime of Salva Kiir in Juba, #SouthSudan, then immediately expressed its...
...strong “interest” to “mediate” the subsequent political stalemate between the former North #Sudan-ese regime’s remaining military elements (which were represented by the Transitional Military Council - TMC) and the civilians (who were represented by the Forces for Freedom...
Read 26 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
*تاريخ نظام عمر البشير بمحاولات اغتيال القادة - الجزء الرابع*

*ما هي العلاقة والروابط التاريخية مع سلفا كير ميارديت ، والتي تجعل توت كيو غاتلاك الآن لا غنى عنه له؟*
بعد أن تعهد بدعمه الكامل لنظام عمر حسن البشير الذي كان محاصرًا آنذاك وحزبه المؤتمر الوطني في مارس - قبل الإطاحة مباشرة ببشير في أبريل 2019 - نظام سلفا كير في جوبا ، جنوب السودان ، ثم عبر على الفور عن قوي " مصلحة "في" التوسط "في المأزق السياسي اللاحق بين العناصر العسكرية...
... المتبقية في النظام السابق في شمال السودان (والتي مثلها المجلس العسكري الانتقالي - TMC) والمدنيون (الذين مثلتهم قوى الحرية والتغيير - FFC). تم تجاهل طلب الوساطة هذا ؛ وتولى الاتحاد الأفريقي ورئيس الوزراء الإثيوبي المسؤولية الرئيسية عن تحقيق استمرار ثورة الشعب في الخرطوم.
Read 24 tweets
Sep 3rd 2019
Hamdok - "There have been great understandings with the U.S. administration about removing Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism and we have made significant progress,"...…
Hamdok - "We are expecting a big breakthrough that will lead to removing Sudan from the terror list,"..."It is a convenient circumstance.”

Is North #Sudan STILL NOT going to remain on the US’ Terror List for these IMPORTANT REASONS? i.e.

2. The Bashir-NCP deep-state & the RSF are STILL FULLY ACTIVE.

After a peaceful transition of power to full-civilian-rule in 39 months, surely REMOVAL WOULD ONLY THEN BE PRUDENT?!

Please be vigilant for the sakes of the People of North Sudan, US Congresspersons and US Senators.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 15th 2019
*The (unanimously agreed upon) New Prime Minister of Sudan*

*Abdalla Hamdok*

He was the Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa



Who exactly is #TutKewGatluak?

Abdalla Hamdok is the Deputy Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) since November 2011. He has over 30 years of experience as a senior policy analyst and economist addressing diverse development challenges of the African policy...
...landscape, primarily in the fields of governance, institutional analysis, public sector reforms, regional integration and resource management. From 2001 onwards, Mr. Hamdok headed successively ECA’s portfolio of activities on development policy management, the New...
Read 9 tweets
Jul 29th 2019

With just this quote on the “negotiation process”, Malik Agar may have lost some “informed & trusted credibility” that they have accumulated for his SPLM-N faction over the past few days & weeks of their talks with the SPA & the other “non-armed members” of the FFC....
...Of course, he was PERSONALLY always going to be “asked by someone in Juba” to “return that favour” given to him wrt the TMC’s detention of his 3 SPLM-N “comrades” in Khartoum...comrades who were then deported back to Juba at “the request” of Pres. Salva Kiir; & who have now...
...been “based” in Juba ever since - hence the word “leverage”.

Incidentally, & regarding the “association & relationship” between the regimes in Khartoum & in Juba - Just WHO EXACTLY is that ever-present, & ubiquitous, “facilitator” called Tut Kew Gatluak?
What was/is his...
Read 28 tweets

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