With just this quote on the “negotiation process”, Malik Agar may have lost some “informed & trusted credibility” that they have accumulated for his SPLM-N faction over the past few days & weeks of their talks with the SPA & the other “non-armed members” of the FFC....
Who is #TutKewGatluak?
@AssociationSd @AlassamNagy @Amjedfarid @SCP_Sudan @omereldigair

The TMC’s (back-up) “PLAN B” to remain in decision-making control during your Transitional Period, is NOW being “fully-operationalised”.....& it is being done both domestically & abroad.
“We demand that upon submission by the FFC, the TMC accept, without discussion or negotiation, the FFC agreed version of the constitutional charter, & hand power immediately to a civilian government.”
Abdullah Fadil, UNICEF Rep in #Sudan
“I am devastated about the fatal shooting that led to the death of at least five high-school children & scores of serious injuries in El Obeid, North Kordofan....”

Desperate times will ALWAYS call for desperate, & usually stupid, measures.
The TMC are NOW desperate.
Stand strong & remain steadfast, People of North #Sudan.
The TMC CANNOT SUCCEED with their lies & their “Plan B”.