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Most recents (6)

Nov 2nd 2022
By #SNGoenka to eradicate suffering

It is a method of Mental Purification which allows one to face life's tensions & problems in a calm, balanced way. ―Open to all… Although #Vipassana was developed as a technique by the #Buddha, its practice is not …2/
2/… limited to Buddhists. No question of conversion. All human beings share the same problems & all can eradicate them…👍People from many religious denominations have experienced the benefits of #VipassanaMeditation, and have found no conflict with their profession of faith🙏 Image
#Dasuttara Sutta
…an Arahant’s Path
#DhammaTalk by #AjahnBrahm

7⃣-Dhammas Hard to Penetrate Cont…
That’s why you should practice Meditation
«Enlightenment is not something you wish for. …2/
Read 73 tweets
Mar 10th 2022
In March 2019, I went on a 10-day #vipassana course. It concluded on Holi, the Phalguni moon that was in the sky when the Buddha attained his enlightenment. The journey since then has been path altering. Do read about my bumbling foray as a novice here.…
By the time the pandemic hit, I was, as Tenzin Palmo put it, in a boat pulling people out of the water.
#Anitya is a work that applies counselling with the lens of the #Buddha's Four Noble Truths. It tells you how to use the changes you have to face.
I retrained as a counsellor because I found alot of people heading to vipassana were not ready for the internal dialogue. it can get overwhelming. I recommend therapy first / alongside deep meditation. Both in combination are a powerfully transformative instrument
Read 6 tweets
Sep 12th 2021
My experience of #Vipassana

I was fortunate to experience a 10-day Vipassana workshop recently. Sharing my learnings & experience since many folks asked me how it went. So here goes (1/n)
2/n Vipassana is a deep meditation immersion: 12+ hrs of observing one’s breath each day starting at 4.30am till 9pm w/ breaks only for meals. Vipassana covers Gautam Buddha’s teachings & quite literately means “observing things as they really are” v/s what you want them to be
3/n The core philosophy of Vipassana is that all of life’s miseries are due to (i) aversion & (ii) craving. And by observing one’s breath and body sensations you can develop equanimity to deal with life’s vicissitudes without attachment and with complete control over your mind
Read 31 tweets
Jul 11th 2021
#Buddha discovered the way:
Whenever you experience any #Sensation
Due to any reason, you simply #Observe it
Every Sensation Arises & Passes away.
Nothing is eternal
When you practise #Vipassana
you start experiencing this
☀️By #SNGoenka Image
#Sensation Arises & Passes away
This is how your received #Wisdom &
#IntellectualUnderstanding turn into
personally #ExperiencedWisdom
This #Experience of #Anicca « #Impermanence »
will change the habit pattern of the mind
By #SNGoenka
He dwells #Observing the phenomenon
of Arising in the body.
He dwells Observing the phenomenon
of Passing away in the body.
He dwells Observing the phenomenon
of Simultaneous Arising & Passing away in the body.
☀️By #SNGoenka
Read 18 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
"Compared with an eight-person control group, the subjects who meditated for more than thirty minutes per day experienced shallower sleep and woke up more often during the night. The more participants reported meditating, the worse their sleep became."…
"Mindfulness training had an arousing effect on PSG sleep profiles ... there was a significant positive correlation between the amount of MM practice and increases in arousals/awakenings and stage 1, and decreases in SWS."…
"#Meditation practitioners met an average of 4 causality criteria (mean=4.2 ±1.1 range=2–6;), with more than half (60%) meeting 4, 5, or all 6 criteria, well-exceeding the minimum cutoff of 2 that standard guidelines use to warrant further investigation."…
Read 5 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
After much contemplation, I finally wrote about my experience with #Vipassana meditation.…

Sharing some quotes/excerpts/concepts in the thread below.
#Vipassanā in Pali means “#insight” or “seeing deeply”.

The practice of Vipassanā meditation, thus, revolves around training your mind to observe reality as it is, and not as you wish it to be. And in the process, overcome #suffering.
It is a #meditation technique that the #Buddha mastered over time and found to be the most effective in eradicating all kinds of suffering in the world.
Read 16 tweets

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