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Oct 24th 2022
Eight months ago today #Russia did what it promised the world it would not do, and invaded a peaceful country.

Over 100,000 deaths later, the fight to protect democracy and freedom continues. #Ukraine will prevail.

This is the daily news thread for Day 243 of #PutinsWar
Sorry for the late start, today's like my Sunday, including a lie-in!

Sunday itself was a crazy day with a lot of news and a bumper thread. If you want to catch up, scroll through here:

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

Day 243 is the day the #UK is likely to get a defacto new leader.

This month's Prime Minister will be Rishi Sunak. A poisoned chalice; I suspect Boris bides his time for a post-election-defeat leadership bid.

Sunak's been the least vociferous on #Russia but nothing will change
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