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Feb 3rd 2023
#Barelvi #TLP activists and the family of ex-Ahmadi Rai Nasir Kharal demolished an #Ahmadi place of worship in Bahuman village, District Sheikhupura, #Punjab.
Rai Nasir Kharal and his 12 family members, all ex-Ahmadis, had embraced #Sunni #Barelvi Islam last year.
#Barelvi #TLP activists and the family of ex-Ahmadi Rai Nasir Kharal demolished an #Ahmadi place of worship in Bahuman village, District Sheikhupura, #Punjab.
Last year, 12 members of Kharal family, all ex-Ahmadis, had embraced #Sunni #Barelvi Islam.
#Barelvi #TLP activists and the family of ex-Ahmadi #Sunni convert Rai Nasir Kharal demolished an #Ahmadi place of worship in Bahuman village, District Sheikhupura, #Punjab.
Last year, 12 members of Kharal family, all ex-Ahmadis, had embraced #Sunni #Barelvi Islam.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 9th 2022
British captured Delhi in 1803. Islamic clerics were already disturbed by the marauding Sikhs and Marathas. Among Muslim elites and ulama, there was was a certain degree of acceptance of British rule which did not appear detrimental to their interests.… Image
#Deobandi cleric Shah Abdul Hayy and #Shia cleric Didar Ali declared India Darul-Islam but pronounced Calcutta Darul-Harb. Faraizis of Bengal declared India Darul-Harb but Hajji Shariatullah did not preach jihad against the British.… Image
During the Revolt of 1857, many Islamic clerics issued fatwas of jihad and fought against the British even though some of them, including #Barelvi cleric Fazl-i-Haq Khairabadi, had earlier pledged allegiance to the British.… Image
Read 5 tweets
May 30th 2021
Met het spelen van de CL-finale kwam het (Europese) voetbalseizoen 2020/2021 gisteren officieel tot het einde. Dat leek ons een mooi moment een overzicht te maken van al onze oud-spelers die afgelopen seizoen in het buitenland actief zijn geweest. #BakensSeizoensoverzicht (1/61)
Kevin #Diks werd andermaal verhuurd door Fiorentina aan het Deense Aarhus. De rechtsback maakte indruk. Hij speelde 30 wedstrijden, en scoorde daarin 8 keer. Hij hielp zijn club om zich te plaatsen voor de play-offs van de Conference League (2/61)
Kelvin #Leerdam haalde voor het tweede jaar op rij de finale van de MLS. Dit keer verloren zijn Seattle Sounders de finale. Na het seizoen verkaste de verdediger naar Inter Miami, waar hij vooralsnog geen basisplaats heeft Hij maakte wel zijn debuut voor Suriname. (3/62)
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Nov 4th 2020
Qaidabad, Khushab, Punjab. #Barelvi security card killed a bank manager accusing him of blasphemy. Crowd greets him with slogans, "Behead those who insult the Prophet".
Qaidabad, Khushab, Punjab. #Barelvi security guard Ahmad Nawaz kills Malik Imran Hanif, branch manager of National Bank of Pakistan, accusing him of blasphemy after a heated argument. Crowd greets him with slogans, "we can accept death in the service of the Prophet".
Qaidabad, Khushab, Punjab. #Barelvi security guard Ahmad Nawaz killed bank manager Malik Imran Hanif over blasphemy. He is waving his supporters from the roof of the local police station. Crowd is clapping and chanting, "behead those who insult the Prophet"
Read 11 tweets
Sep 7th 2020
ستمبر 1974 میں پارلیمنٹ نے دوسری آئینی ترمیم کے ذریعے احمدیوں کو غیر مسلم قرار دے دیا تھا۔ قیام پاکستان سے لے کر ضیا دور اور اس کے بعد ہونے والے اہم واقعات کے تناظر میں اس مسئلے پر سنیئے تاریخ دان اور محقق علی عثمان قاسمی کی گفتگو۔ 1/3
#Ahmadi #Qadiyani #Constitution
ستمبر 1974 میں پارلیمنٹ نے دوسری آئینی ترمیم کے ذریعے احمدیوں کو غیر مسلم قرار دے دیا تھا۔ قیام پاکستان سے لے کر ضیا دور اور اس کے بعد ہونے والے اہم واقعات کے تناظر میں اس مسئلے پر سنیئے تاریخ دان اور محقق علی عثمان قاسمی کی گفتگو۔ 1/3
#Ahmadi #Qadiyani #Constitution
ستمبر 1974 میں پارلیمنٹ نے دوسری آئینی ترمیم کے ذریعے احمدیوں کو غیر مسلم قرار دے دیا تھا۔ قیام پاکستان سے لے کر ضیا دور اور اس کے بعد ہونے والے اہم واقعات کے تناظر میں اس مسئلے پر سنیئے تاریخ دان اور محقق علی عثمان قاسمی کی گفتگو۔ 1/3
#Ahmadi #Qadiyani #Constitution
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Aug 24th 2020
#Minorities_In_Pakistan are living the hell life in Pakistan, and the reason is single behind this that:- Pakistan is a _Islamic Nation.

Soon there will be a day when not a single person from a minority live in Pakistan.

1. Another forced conversion of #Hindu girl..
.. Ram Bai forcefully converted to #Islam and married to already man with children from #MirpurKhas.

2. Dead body of a Hindu girl, Diya Meghwar was found in Nasir canal, Tando Allahyar, #Sindh under suspicious condition. She has been missing for weeks.. #Minority_Butcher_Pak
3. A 15-year-old Christian kidnapped by a married Muslim with four children. Soon she will be converted to #Islam and then #Nikah. After some time they will sell her or kill her...
Read 22 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
وفاقی وزیر تعلیم جناب شفقت محمود صاحب جب #پرویز_مشرف کی کابینہ سے فارغ ہوئے تھے تو انہوں نے یہ کالم لکھا تھا ۱۶ نومبر ۲۰۰۱ کو دی نیوز میں ۔ بڑے شوق سے #ایک_نصاب کا شوق پورا فرمائیں

#AikNisab ImageImageImageImage
وفاقی وزیر تعلیم جناب شفقت محمود صاحب نے محترم عمران خان صاحب کی سیاسی اہلیت پر یہ کالم لکھا تھا ۱۵ مئ ۲۰۰۹ کو دی نیوز میں “عمران خان کی عجیب سیاست ۔ بڑے شوق سے #ایک_نصاب کا شوق پورا فرمائیں #AikNisab کی بات کرنیوالے کا اپنے لیڈر کے بارے میں عدم اعتماد👇… Image
Aurangzeb was asked to expel the #Hindus & #Shias from his administration, he said that religion & politics were two separate things & they should not be mixed with each other. (Historian & Teacher Dr Mubarak Ali )
@KumbharHafeez ! URL :
—— #AikNisab
Read 191 tweets
Jul 11th 2020
Well, I start from the Quran. Please read the attached tafsir pages. “And We made the son of Mary and his mother a Sign, and gave them refuge on an elevated land of green valleys and springs of running water.”
The continuation from previous tweet. 2/3
The continuation of the Surah Al-Muminun verse 50/51 depending which tafsir you are reading. 3/3.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 12th 2019
#CAB After discussion w friend @sumanbery, I see 2 genuine, debatable issues wrt CAB. Shouid (1) religious minorities be defined by common world view or accept PakConstitution's defn of Ahmadi as non-Muslim (2) Religous minorities from Sri Lanka,Nepal, Bhutan be covered by CAB
2/ Reasonable ppl cn hv diff views on these 2 issues. I would reject the 2nd on Geoploitical & pragmatic grounds, ignoring logical consistency. I am torn on 1st issue bcs in World's eyes Ahamadi are part of Muslim majority, but in Pakistan they are a declared minority since 1974
3/ There's no logical connection btwn CAB & NRC.The existence or not of a CAB has no relevance to what will or not happen to NRC, which was directed by a Supreme Court judgement/direction decades ago & has been held in limbo bcs of implementation difficulties(now visible in Assam
Read 7 tweets

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