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Jan 6th 2022
Thread: yes, the new House map is on track to be slightly more *equitable* (less pro-GOP) than the current one. But keep in mind, it's also on track to feature:

- Even fewer competitive seats
- Even wider disparities in maps' treatment of non-white voters from state to state
I think @mcpli's broader point is fair, but the way I'd frame it is that vastly different standards are being applied to non-white communities in TX vs. IL, AL vs. VA, etc. depending on partisan motive, absent a clearer set of VRA rules from SCOTUS/Congress.
If federal courts unpacked #VA03 to create an additional Black opportunity district in 2016, a consistent interpretation of the VRA would also demand that #AL07, #LA02 and likely #SC06 be unpacked to create second Black majority seats too.

We'll see what courts say this time.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 20th 2021
THREAD: I spent a lot of the summer interviewing Congressional Black Caucus members from the South. Almost without exception, they now favor legal action to *unpack* their own hyper-safe seats to create more minority opportunities.…
"We've only got one of six seats in a state that's a third Black," #LA02 Rep. Troy Carter (D) told me. "If Baton Rouge and Opelousas can be tied in for a second majority-minority district, I'm all in."…
"If we're a quarter of the population, we should be a quarter of the seats," #AL07 Rep. Terri Sewell told me. "I'm for broadening the representation of African-Americans across Alabama, instead of concentrating it in my district."…
Read 8 tweets
Mar 1st 2021
Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux flipped #GA07 blue & helped put Georgia in the Dem column for the 1st time since 1992.

@Carolyn4GA7 uses her experience helping to rebuild GA’s economy in the Great Recession to tackle kitchen table issues for working families. #WomensHistoryMonth
Congresswoman Teresa Leger Fernandez fought for decades for equity & investment in the health & economic security of Latino & tribal communities.

@TeresaForNM’s expertise is vital as the House tackles a pandemic w/ disparate impact on these communities. #NM03 #WomensHistoryMonth
Congresswoman Marie Newman’s fight for #Equality4All was a national model years before she came to DC.

@Marie4Congress also works for health care, gun sense, and curbing economic inequality with workforce & infrastructure investment for a green economy. #IL03 #WomensHistoryMonth
Read 33 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
1/33 Sorry for long thread, but I want to post this before E-Day:

I've worked for years on an unfinished project to draw nonpartisan congressional maps for every state to analyze gerrymandering. This map shows the 2016 pres margin by hypothetical district. State maps to follow.
2/33 Hypothetical nonpartisan Alabama congressional map with two Voting Rights Act districts (#AL02 & #AL07). Second map shows two Black-majority districts to illustrate a VRA liability.
3/33 Hypothetical nonpartisan Arizona congressional map.
Read 33 tweets
Jun 19th 2020
An aspect of the national conversation on racial inequality that deserves more attention: representation.

African-Americans in the Deep South have long been underrepresented in Congress, even though it's possible to draw more opportunity districts in AL, GA, LA, SC, etc.
For example: 27% of AL's population is black. But right now, black voters are packed into just one of AL's 7 districts (#AL07 on left).

Even though AL is losing a seat in 2022, it would still be fairly easy to draw two black opportunity districts (purple and green on right). ImageImage
The current AL map was drawn *before* VRA Section 5 was gutted. But even afterwards, groups have successfully sued against similar over-packing in VA, FL & NC among others.

Will the same standard ever be applied in the Deep South? This is a central question for 2021 & beyond.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 20th 2019
Call & tell these AL & AZ Reps to STOP enabling Trump & being AGAINST @HouseJudiciary #IMPEACHMENT inquiry;
#AL07 @RepTerriSewell 202-225-2665
#AZ01 @TomOhalleran 202-225-3361
Call & tell these California Reps to STOP enabling Trump by being AGAINST @HouseJudiciary #IMPEACHMENT inquiry:

#CA05 @RepThompson 202-225-3311
#CA07 @RepBera 202-225-5716
#CA09 @RepMcNerney 202-225-1947
#CA10 @RepJoshHarder 202-225-4540
#CA12 @SpeakerPelosi 202-225-4965
Call & tell these California Reps to STOP enabling Trump & being AGAINST @HouseJudiciary #IMPEACHMENT inquiry:

#CA16 @RepJimCosta 202-225-3341
#CA18 @RepAnnaEshoo 202-225-8104
#CA20 @RepJimmyPanetta 202-225-2861
#CA21 @RepTJCox 202-225-4695
Read 29 tweets
Jul 1st 2018
Check out this THREAD of ALL your Democratic Candidates, with photos & websites.
And Voter Info with Links to Registration, ID, Absentee & Being a Poll Worker
#AL01 #AL02 #AL03 #AL04 #AL05 #AL06 #AL07 Gov & AG
Register here by October 22nd…
Find your County Officials here:…
Find your Polling Place…

#VoteBlue #AL01 #AL02 #AL03 #AL04 #AL05 #AL06 #AL07
Absentee Ballot here:…
Find your Absentee County Election Managers here:…
Read 16 tweets
Apr 19th 2018
Hey #ALABAMA! You get to Vote in your Primary Election on JUNE 5, 2018!
Register to vote by May 21st
Check out this THREAD of ALL your Democratic Candidates. Photos & websites. Links to Registration, ID, Absentee, Poll Worker...
#AL01 #AL02 #AL03 #AL04 #AL05 #AL06 #AL07 Gov & AG
Register here by May 21st for JUNE 5, 2018 PRIMARIES…
Find your County Officials here:…
Find your Polling Place…
Democratic Candidates for Congress #AL01 #AL1

Robert Kennedy Jr., Marketing Executive & Navy Veteran
Lizzetta McConnell, Ex-Mobile County NAACP President

vs GOP Bradley Byrne

Read 18 tweets

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