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Jun 12th 2022
Why is #ETH dumping? 🫤

Something is not right with Ethereum recently!

Why has #ETHEREUM taken maximum hit after #LUNA crash amongst Large Cap Coins? 😵‍💫

Let's find out the top 3 reasons in this #Thread! 🔍

#Price #Predictions on last thread! 📈
1) #Eth Time Difficulty Bomb #Delayed 🧐
EIP 3238: Inbuilt into Eth is a difficulty time bomb that makes Eth Mining increasingly more difficult. The time it takes to mine a new block will be so long that profitability for miners will drop, and transactions will be too slow.
Developers want miners to stop mining #Eth1.0 and move over to #Eth2.0 upon release. Else, miners could continue using Eth 1.0, similar to the split seen with #Eth & #ETC. Due to delay in Time Difficulty Bomb, Eth 2.0 is directly or indirectly getting delayed, which is not + 😵‍💫
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