Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #Eth2

Most recents (24)


🔸#Coinbase Jan '23 attestation missed and delayed
🔸Justin staked 150.000 #Eth and use stETH on DeFi
🔸SEC targeted #Paxos
🔸#Busd deplete mode on
🔸#crypto pumped on "security risk rumors"
🔸Vitalik Buterin missed
🔸#ETH2 Shanghai soon

🔸#WBTC here and there
🔸#LIDO used in a way you should be worried
🔸#MAKERDAO high risk loading
🔸#DJI too high
🔸#US30 too high
🔸#SP500 too high
🔸Us Gov Treasury Total Default before July
🔸Inflation high
🔸Interest rate low

Few understand the risk, But they will feel it
If you are a #crypto enthusiastic, risk sits on
🔸Wrapped tokens, mostly #wbtc #weth #stEth
🔸Real risk is if Vitalik lied on #ETH2 and Rug Pull #ETH

Without #ETH almost all #crypto will blow
Wrapped tokens are perfect for laundering
Un- #stablecoin issuers will blow
Read 6 tweets
You may have heard about "Modular" blockchains...
What are they?

"The future is modular." - @fuellabs_

🧵 Thread Image
In this thread, I will go through:
1️⃣ Modular VS Monolithic.
2️⃣ What Fuellabs is.
3️⃣ The FuelVM.
4️⃣ Parallel transaction Execution.
5️⃣ Sway Language.
6️⃣ The Modularity.
7️⃣ Fuel as a L1.
8️⃣ Fuel as L2.
1️⃣ First: What do "modular" and "monolithic" mean?

🧩 Modular: A flexible arrangement composed of software or hardware modules that can be altered or replaced without affecting the remainder of the system.

🗼Monolithic: Characterized by massiveness, rigidity, or inflexibility.
Read 19 tweets
🚨 $ETH Mass-Selling Event Is Coming?

1/ The #ETH2 Deposit has amassed, holding 12% of the total supply.
As the $ETH exchange reserve drops down to 15% of the total supply and continues to decrease,
What will happen on $ETH after the Shanghai Hard Fork?🧵 Image
2/ #Ethereum 'Shanghai Hard Fork' is set for March next year.
After the fork, it will enable withdrawals for $ETH stakers/validators from the Beacon Chain.

📝 #ShanghaiHardFork #Shanghai
🗓️ Mar 2023…
3/ How much $ETH be withdrawn on #ETH2?💰

It can be estimated to be about 15M, or 12% of the total $ETH supply.

From a short-term perspective, there are higher APY strategies than staking rewards by depositing ETH2 that might not be promised to withdraw. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Is #ETH2 increase of efficiency at cost of centralization "good for the environment"? No. We need to use cryptography and math to actively develop for the aims of a green and sustainable agenda. We are doing our best here, rather than on crypto markets:…
And the news is that our project has been listed as success story by the European Commission…
Our efforts at @DyneOrg do not stop at Reflow, but continue together with @fabcityhamburg and the development of the FabCity OS to implement a Digital Product Passport for Open Source Hardware
Read 4 tweets
Thread : En quoi consiste The merge ?

Pour ceux qui ne suivent pas l’actualité crypto, #TheMerge représente la première étape de la mise à jour de la Blockchain Ethereum pour aller vers un #ETH2.0 : adapté aux nouvelles contraintes et à l’évolution de l’environnement blockchain Image
On en entend énormément parler tout d’abord parce que sa réalisation aura un grand impact sur le marché global des crypto de par la puissance de #Ethereum
Cette mise à jour est annoncée depuis plusieurs années et enfin nous arrivons au moment clef
Concrètement, The merge représente une transition dans la méthode de validation des blocs de cette #blockchain (voir thread précédent pour en savoir plus). Jusqu’à maintenant Ethereum fonctionnait sous la méthode appelée “preuve de travail”, méthode qu'emploi le #Bitcoin
Read 16 tweets
预测以太坊 #eth2 分叉的后续剧情走向
1)早前我们已经说了,稳定币协议usdt和usdc都大概率不会支持pow分叉链,今天chainlink也出来喊话了, 他也不支持

Read 18 tweets
(1/20)@MessariCrypto 关于ETH2.0的到来将给矿工带来的巨大冲击作了分析,译了一下,饭后谈资。
1. 2.0将迫使以太坊价值 190 亿美元的采矿业寻找新家。

#Ethereum #eth2 #Miner #以太坊 #挖矿
(2/20)不包括 ETH 的 GPU 可开采代币的总市值为 41 亿美元,约占 ETH 市值的 2%。 ETH 还占 GPU 可开采硬币的每日矿工总收入的 97%。
矿工可以将他们的 GPU 贡献给 @RenderToken 、@Liverpeer 和 @akashnet_ 等 Web3 协议
(3/20)基于 ETH 核心开发者的论调和最近在 Ropsten 测试网上的成功,假设没有挫折,主网Merge似乎在 8 、9 月步入正轨。
2022 年 5 月,以太坊的哈希率或用于保护网络的总算力达到顶峰。从那以后,它的哈希率一直呈下降趋势,这表明矿工们预计Merge将很快发生,关停并开始售卖矿机(图为以太坊的哈希率)
Read 23 tweets
第一步,#ETH2.0 升级,就是(Lido)建了一个池子,在里面存入ETH就可以mint STETH
第三步,#AAVE 可以用 #ETH#STETH 相互借贷。
那么有一部分Lido玩家就可以借 #STETH#AAVE#ETH ,然后换成 #STETH 再借出 #ETH。然而在这样高杠杆的行为中,可能有那么一个事件导致了黑天鹅的发生,某个大户害怕抛售了手中的ETH或者STETH,触发了第一步清算
Read 5 tweets
Why is #ETH dumping? 🫤

Something is not right with Ethereum recently!

Why has #ETHEREUM taken maximum hit after #LUNA crash amongst Large Cap Coins? 😵‍💫

Let's find out the top 3 reasons in this #Thread! 🔍

#Price #Predictions on last thread! 📈
1) #Eth Time Difficulty Bomb #Delayed 🧐
EIP 3238: Inbuilt into Eth is a difficulty time bomb that makes Eth Mining increasingly more difficult. The time it takes to mine a new block will be so long that profitability for miners will drop, and transactions will be too slow.
Developers want miners to stop mining #Eth1.0 and move over to #Eth2.0 upon release. Else, miners could continue using Eth 1.0, similar to the split seen with #Eth & #ETC. Due to delay in Time Difficulty Bomb, Eth 2.0 is directly or indirectly getting delayed, which is not + 😵‍💫
Read 11 tweets
0/ Data availability is the primary scaling bottleneck for $ETH-based rollup L2s and a hot topic at the frontier of blockchain scaling. But what is the data availability problem and how is it addressed?

A 🧵 about the DA problem and the current DA landscape (0/XX) Image
1/ The data availability problem refers to the question how peers in a blockchain network can be sure that all the data of a newly proposed block is available
2/ If part of the data is not available, the block might contain malicious transactions which are being hidden by the block producer
Read 17 tweets
A great day to enter the #crypto market, everything is on sale!

What will you be buying today?

Here's my list.


My 🐻 strategy.

1. Revisit your investment theses
2. Find conviction in strong picks
3. Sell if fundamentals change
4. Portfolio consolidation (≤ 10)
5. Rotate #altcoins into #bluechips
6. Dollar cost average on red days
7. Market ⬇️ = Accumulation ⬆️
8. Enjoy the discounts

My 🐻 picks.

1. $LUNA
2. $UST
3. $ETH
4. $RUNE
5. $NEAR
6. $AVAX
7. $GLP
8. $FTM
9. $SOL
10. $BTC
Read 13 tweets
1/ CT giving waaay too much shine to these @bitfinex idiots.

Sure, reality TV is fun (I guess) but instead, I’ll try to send the spotlight to a more deserving group: @zksync @the_matter_labs @gluk64

Thread time 🧵...
2/ To begin, some high-level Pros and Cons of zkSync’s approach to zk-rollups (ZKs)

- Less data contained in each transaction increases throughput and decreases fees (vs L1)
- No withdrawal periods and faster finality
- Inherent (and cheap) privacy (improvements)**
3/ Cons

- Generalized smart contract support (similar to @StarkWareLabs #StarkNet ) is not live or production-ready
- Initial trusted setup ceremony scares some, introduces trust
- New, less battle-tested cryptography **

Read 26 tweets
1/ Post-Genesis Roadmap for the #InternetComputer.

Check out the milestones below, stay up to date on the Roadmap page, and join the discussion.

👓 Read more:
2/ #ICP Titanium Milestone | DeFi
ETA: Mid Q1 2022

Advanced DeFi with zero gas fee AMMs, atomic swaps, #BTC API, and more.

Explore the Titanium Milestone at →…
3/ #ICP Chromium Milestone | Satoshi Release
ETA: End Q1 2022

#BTC 🤝 #ICP direct integration to bring smart contracts to Bitcoin, no bridges, BTC to DeFi.

Explore the Chromium Milestone at →…
Read 8 tweets

❌Los términos #Eth1 y #Eth2 (Ethereum2.0) se están eliminando.

📢 La Fundación @Ethereum indica que desde ahora debemos utilizar:

🔸Eth1 → Execution layer (Capa de ejecución)
🔸Eth2 → Consensus layer (Capa de consenso)
🔸Execution layer + consensus layer = Ethereum


¿Por qué ocurre esto?

#Ethereum siempre tuvo planes para escalar la red de forma descentralizada y hacer la transición a #PoS. Los investigadores trabajaron en esto por separado, pero alrededor de 2018 se combinaron en un roapmap único bajo el paraguas de "Ethereum 2.0".

Como parte de ese roapmap, la blockchain de #PoW (Eth1) eventualmente quedaría obsoleta a través de la bomba de dificultad. Los usuarios y las aplicaciones migrarían a una nueva red de Ethereum de #PoS, conocida como Eth2.
Read 15 tweets
#LedgerOp3n is live! Catch our incredible developers and innovators from the #Web3 world live here all day long.…
Hello world!
Hold tight – #LedgerOp3n will go live in 15-30mins.
Get ready for #Web3 takeoff ✈️
Meanwhile, peep the #BTS of setup @gaitelyrique yesterday... probably nothing 👀 #LedgerOp3n
Read 40 tweets
Today it’s been 1 year since we started staking on a @Raspberry_Pi 4 running a local #Ethereum 1 node & 1 #eth2 node (Beacon+Validator) in the same Rpi

28 Block Proposals & 81,032 Attestations running a 15w powered device. Almost 0 downtime & some minor issues

+info & tips👇
Validator info

- Validator clients: @ethnimbus, @prylabs Prysm & @sigp_io Lighthouse
- Current client: Nimbus
- Proposed blocks: 28
- Attestations: 81,032
- Missed block proposals: 0
- Missed attestations: 1,061
- Balance: 34.4 ETH
Hardware setup

- @Raspberry_Pi 4 8 GB RAM
- Western Digital Blue 1TB 3D NAND
- Ugreen SATA-USB Case with ASMedia Chipset
- Heatsink & fan
- Official power supply

Software setup

- OS: @ubuntu Server 20.04.3
- Eth1 client: @go_ethereum 1.10.13
- Eth2 client: @ethnimbus 1.5.4
Read 13 tweets
1\ 前面的推文有些零散,重新开个帖子整理和更新 @Blox_Staking $CDT > $SSV 的最新进展和一些思路,方便大家跟进和追踪。


Enjoy 🧵
2\ 9月 18 日,首次发帖推荐 $CDT :

- 18 年以前的老币, 经历牛熊洗礼并很好的生存了下来,没被市场淘汰
- 紧跟趋势更换 ETH2.0 赛道, $CDT 即将升级 $SSV, 目前属于赛道低洼宝石
- 只有 BTC 和 ETH 交易对,换币以后 @binance
大概率会开 U 对
- 4 小时底部不断抬高,周线能量积累,下跌没有创新 Image
3\ 9 月 25 日,发布项目进展更新:

- 收集 POAP 以及参与 “测试网激励计划” 运行 SSV 节点或设置验证器可获得 $SSV 空投
- 预计将使用 3M $SSV 引入新的投资机构
- 一周内将更新更多关于换币和升级的细节 ImageImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
1/ September #Ethereum recap, a thread🧵

Visa unveils Layer 2 network for Stablecoins/CDBCs
@arbitrum mainnet beta launch
Cathie Wood allocating 40% of crypto portfolio to $ETH
Standard Chartered gives $35k ETH price prediction
@0xFrame extension verifies @ensdomains on Twitter

Coinbase to use Ethereum L2 solutions soon
@ReeseW buys ETH
@AMCTheatres to accept ETH by the end of 2021
Twitter to support ETH tipping soon
6.6% of the ETH supply is in the ETH 2.0 deposit contract

Ethereum Layer 2’s go over $3.5 billion TVL
Ethereum peaks at 463,922 daily active users in September
@BrantlyMillegan teases new NFT images for @ensdomains
ETH hit negative issuance over a 24 hour period
@optimismPBC announces one-click deploy coming in October
Read 17 tweets
1/ Yesterday our bug bounty program helped discover an exploit that also affected other staking providers, as a result we are postponing launch to implement a fix.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to @tsudmi for raising the exploit.
2/ Inline with responsible disclosure, we ensured that the other teams were alerted quickly. We would like to thank @immunefi for assisting.
3/ We wholeheartedly agree with @tsudmi, in that #ETH2 collective security is of utmost importance. Rocket Pool is proud to be part of such a fantastic staking community.
Read 4 tweets
1/ We're excited to announce our support for a new #eth2 client — Lighthouse, developed by the @sigp_io team!
2/ Bison Trails’ mission is to advance the crypto ecosystem with secure and reliable infrastructure. We take network security, stability, and performance very seriously, which is one of the reasons we are such fans of eth2 and its design for anti-correlation and client diversity.
3/ Our multi-cloud, multi-region infrastructure is incredibly powerful in supporting most networks, but taking it to the next level for eth2 required one more step - supporting another client in addition to our existing support for @prylabs’ Prysm client.
Read 5 tweets
Throughout the day a few folks have correctly noted that there are indeed hybrid consensus platforms such as $dot #symbol #eth2 & others.

However there's a subtle but important difference in #cassandra that perhaps warrants "hybrid" as the incorrect term.

Clarification then...
As far as I understand, these solutions are essentially two separate consensus mechanisms.

Probabilistic to perform state transitions, with deterministic to finalise the best version of the former.

It works & does the job required, so why is #cassandra different?

Think of a hybrid car. There is a petrol engine & electric motor working together to move the car.

They are 2 separate systems & are open loop, one way. The engine if needed can generate electricity for the motor, but the motor doesn't produce anything useful for the engine...
Read 15 tweets
🎉🎉 Lighthouse produced its first #Eth1 & #Eth2 merge transaction 🎉🎉

This is an ETH tx using *only* proof-of-stake validators. A step towards a 99.98% drop in Ethereum energy consumption 🌏🌲🌄

Credits to @gballet, @mkalinin2 & @Teku_ConsenSys!

Important qualifications 👇 Image
This is exciting, but it doesn't mean that we're ready for production. This is a prototype and there's still a lot of questions to answer and work to do.

Primarily, you should take this is a signal that Eth1 and Eth2 developers are actively working together on the merge. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
They got a shout-out earlier, but don't forget that Teku also achieved the same thing in the initial prototype.

Read 8 tweets
Friday Alpha!

Let's Talk $LRC

1/ #ETH fees are painful these days. Anyone who interacts with #DeFi has tears in their eyes when approving a transaction.
2/ Thankfully there are projects like @loopringorg that build the 2nd layer atop of which we can trade our magical tokens in a decentralized manner.
3/ As far as I remember @VitalikButerin has been literally shilling Loopring anywhere he could when people mentioned high #ETH fees.


Read 14 tweets
Let's recap some recent #DEFi news and dramas, shall we?

1/ Total TVL in #DeFi is greater than what @defipulse says ($40B). It's actually scratching $55B per @DefiLlama.…
2/ @harvest_finance Brings 1INCH Rewards to Farms with current YLDs at 70%+. Are you in yet?…
3/ @YieldCredit migrates its Gardens to @SushiSwap

Wen mainnet sir?…
Read 4 tweets

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