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Oct 19th 2021
This man, Dan Andrews is a puppet of the United Nations, carrying out their depopulation agenda.…
In 2018 Victorian state Daniel Andrews sold out Victoria to an initiative called the Strong Cities Network (SCN). Melbourne, under Premier Andrews was host to SCN’s 2018 global summit, the same year Andrews signed over the entire state of Victoria to the globalist initiative.
#Andrews has a long, close relationship with the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP), ensuring that it’s China who fills contracts for Victorian infrastructure and manufacturing deals, but yet he has always been very secretive about who he meets with in Beijing, and what is discussed.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 23rd 2017
The Deatheaters among us: Trump, Russia, Mobsters, Child Traffickers and how you can defeat them. #OpDeathEaters…
Donald #Trump attempts to deflect top level human trafficking exposure by blaming it on the internet. #OpDeathEaters
We have been warning you about your government being compromised for years now. #Trump = consequence. #OpDeathEaters
Read 126 tweets

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