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Meet Srđan Golubović aka DJ MAX. #DJMAX is a music DJ. He plays music all over Serbia and the Montenegrin coast. Here’s a photo of DJ MAX kicking a defenseless Tifa Šabanović before murdering her along with other civilians in #Bijeljina.… Image
The other dead civilians were an #Albanian couple, Hamide and Abidrami Pajaziti.

@ronhaviv_vii took a great personal risk in taking these pics and was on Arkan's hit list after they were published. @RollingStone Image
TW: Also in Bijelinja, #Bosnia, Haviv took the first pic of ethnic Albanian Hajrush Ziberi begging for his life.

The second pic, taken by Srdjan Ilic, shows Serbian paramilitaries dousing #Ziberi in gasoline. They later burned him alive. ImageImage
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On the 2nd of May, JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army) from #Serbia supported by local Serb militants tried to deal the final blow to the #Bosnian defenders, occupy Sarajevo and the force legal government to surrender. Things played out a little differently than they thought… ImageImageImageImage
Local Sarajevo defenders, mostly locals and kids wearing tennis shoes and sneakers, successfully repel attacks outside of the Presidency building. In the adjacent area, infiltrated JNA elite forces from #Serbia are defeated and taken as hostages in a nearby skyscraper. Image
Attempts by special units of the then Yugoslav Serbian army to occupy the BiH Presidency building culminated in Skenderija, where they were stopped by the MUP Special Unit and the Territorial Defense of BiH, made up of Sarajevo citizens. 🇧🇦 ImageImageImage
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Today, as every year on April 30, I commemorate the liberation of the #Ravensbrück concentration camp—78 yrs ago.
On that day, my mother, who was there, was "celebrating" her 25th birthday.
I pay tribute to her today.
On that day, Hitler killed himself in his bunker.
1/13 ImageImage
Mom was a member of the #Resistance in Belgium. She was arrested by the Gestapo in 1943 after her network was denounced. She went from prison to prison as a Nacht und Nebel political prisoner.
Her false papers concealed her Jewish origins.
Her last stop was #Ravensbruck.
2/13 Image
When she was released, she was suffering from typhus and tuberculosis and weighed 30 kilos.
She was taken in by the Swedish Red Cross and gradually recovered in #Sweden.
Forever my gratitude to the wonderful persons who took care of her.
3/13 Image
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1/ Yesterday’s imposition by the High Representative @OHR_BiH of a decision supposed to “unblock” the formation of a government in the Federation of #Bosnia and Herzegovina was the result of a badly executed imposition on October 2, as polls were closing, which was likewise…
2/ …supposed to “unblock” government formation. It has nothing to do with peace implementation – the High Rep’s mandate. It is a doubling-down on a failed policy pursued by the US and the EU to contain the problem and empower local oligarchs as guarantors of “stability.”
3/ The EU opposes such impositions on principle but will be relieved by the result, as short-lived as it will no doubt be. Instead of asking themselves why their Balkan policy keeps making matters worse, the US and the EU are digging in.
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✍️ Balkan liglerinde forma giyen, düşük maliyetlere transferlerinin sonuçlanacağını düşündüğüm, potansiyeli yüksek birkaç ismi sizlere sunmak istiyorum.

⌚ Daha önce bir kısmını da paylaşmıştım.

Petar Ratkov (19) 🇷🇸 🇭🇷 / Backa Topola

Golcü önsezileri, ceza sahası konumlanması ve xG beklentisi de yüksek bir isim.

Güçlü fiziği ve 3/5 tekniği ile birçok seviyede ve formasyonda sırtı dönük olarak kullanılabilecek ideal bir 9 numara.
Read 17 tweets
🧵1/ The upcoming 18 March Ohrid meeting between #Serbia’s 🇷🇸 President Aleksandar #Vučić and #Kosovo 🇽🇰 Prime Minister Albin #Kurti is already a bust. Odds that anything of substance will be signed are the same as the odds that Donald #Trump will stop coloring his hair. Image
2/ This is part of a game of chicken between Vučić and Kurti. Vučić swerved first on 27 February in #Brussels, where it became apparent that Kurti was willing to keep his foot on the gas pedal longer. The faces at the meeting speak eloquently of winners and losers.
3/ Vučić had bet that Kurti wouldn’t sign on to the Franco-German plan. This gave Vučić the room to pretend to go along with #EU/#US policy goals, simply by taking one step further than Kurti, but without doing anything of significant substance.
Read 25 tweets
I’ve just returned from NE #Syria, where I visited the U.S. military’s RLZ base in Rumeilan, the al-Roj & al-Hol camps, as well as Ghuweiran Prison – all alongside @CENTCOM Commander Kurilla.

An incredibly insightful trip, with a lot of takeaways.
After arriving on a C-17 at RLZ -- the beating heart of the #Syria-based mission – I saw how U.S. troops operated multiple drone flights, collected & assessed ISR, monitored air traffic for hostile threats, and coordinated D-#ISIS operations across the northeast. Image
From Rmeilan, Arabic-speaking U.S. troops & civil-military teams are working closely with the #SDF, Asayish, tribal councils in #Iraq & #Syria and the Iraqi government to facilitate the return of 600+ Iraqis from prisons and camps every 4-6 weeks -- an absolutely vital effort.
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How ISLAMIZATION occurs when
there are sufficient MUSLIMS in a country.... #Thread

When culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable'
Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under
the table. Here's how it works...👇🏻👇🏻 Image
📍 As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will
be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone.

(#UnitedStates --1.0%; #Australia --1.5%; #Canada --1.9%; #China --1%-2%; #Italy --1.5%;
#Norway --1.8%)
📍 At 2% and 3% Muslims begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected
groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

(#Denmark --2%;
#Germany --3.7%; #UnitedKingdom --2.7%; #Spain --4%; #Thailand --4.6%)
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💥💥My latest: British Psychological Warfare Threatens Balkan Conflict💥💥

#MI6 #BritishIntelligence #Bosnia #RepublikaSprska #Yugoslavia #Serbia #Balkans #BalkanWar…
In 2020, in total secret, British intelligence ran a secret psychological warfare campaign to sell extremely harsh #COVID19 lockdown restrictions to a sceptical Bosnian public. The Embassy in #Sarajevo used local PR firms, and FCO contractor Albany for the purpose. ImageImageImageImage
Albany is a veteran of British psychological warfare operations the world over, most notoriously in Syria, where it set up fake opposition media assets and provided "communications support" to violent armed groups, in order to circulate pro-regime change propaganda globally. Image
Read 7 tweets
This is an updated thread from November 2020
Many Accounts Suspended
H/T to those that are still left:

OTPOR -----> Dominion
Interesting titles, locations, and names below this fellow:…
Read 215 tweets
💥💥My latest: Secret intelligence files expose dark reality of US proxy war in #Bosnia💥💥

#CIA #MI6 #Yugoslavia #FalseFlag #YugoslavWars #Balkans…
There's the Western version of the war in Bosnia, and what actually happened - a disturbing tale of CIA black ops, literally explosive provocations, illegal weapon shipments, imported jihadist fighters, potential false flags, and stage-managed atrocities. Read all about it here!
These files public domain for almost a year, yet no mainstream Balkan "expert" has mentioned them, let alone dug into their explosive contents (paging @JasminMuj). Wonder if this is because they detonate the fantasy that the war in Bosnia was a simple matter of Serb "imperialism"
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#Russia’s attack on #Ukraine has put tremendous strain on the @OSCE.

Yet the organisation has unique value for European & Eurasian security.

With foreign ministers meeting in #Lodz tomorrow, here is how states can preserve the #OSCE:

Russia’s attack on Ukraine challenges the #OSCE’s viability as an organisation built to promote cooperative security arrangements between Russia and the West.
The situation is quite dire: the war has reinforced political blockages and upended #OSCE’s field operations in #Ukraine.

Some observers predict the organisation’s demise, citing its inability to promote security in Europe.
Read 15 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 278 - Aquí comienza nuestro #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Lo que vemos en el siguiente vídeo es un ATGM AT-4 "Spigot" montado sobre un pequeño UTV ucraniano.

🟥 Gracias por vuestro #RETWEET 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 278 - Este es, para quien todavía no haya podido leerlo, nuestro informe diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, domingo 27 de noviembre de 2022.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 278 - #URGENTE - Según publica @Reuters, el #Pentágono estadounidense estaría valorando la posibilidad de enviar a Ucrania en primavera sus Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB) para #MLRS con 160 km de alcance ⬇️…
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#HistoriasDelMundial 🏆🌎

Muchas conjeturas se hacen en torno a lo que sería una SELECCIÓN YUGOSLAVA juntando las figuras de los últimos años de #Croacia 🇭🇷, #Serbia 🇷🇸 y #Bosnia 🇧🇦, entre otros.

En este HILO repasamos su rendimiento entre 1920 y 1992 y lo que pasó después...🔽 Image
💥Tras independizarse del viejo imperio astro-húngaro luego del final de la 1ª Guerra Mundial, fue fundado en 1918 el "Reino de los Eslovenos, Croatas y Serbios" y desde allí empezó a ser llamado como "Yugoslavia", nombre que adoptó oficialmente en 1929. Image
⚽️En 1919 se fundó la Asociación de Fútbol de Yugoslavia (FSJ) y se afilió a FIFA en 1921. Rápidamente empezó a participar de los torneos de Selecciones: inicialmente en los JJOO y luego fue uno de los 4 países europeos en jugar la primera #CopaMundialFIFA en 1930. Image
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Hoy es el día de la estadidad de #Bosnia Herzegovina, aniversario de la sesión de 1943 en que el Consejo Estatal Antifascista para la Liberación Nacional declaró voluntad autonómica.
Pero también es el aniversario de la muerte de #Maradona.

¿Hay relación entre Diego y Bosnia?🤔
En principio, este hilo es la segunda parte del de más temprano
#Bosnia declaró su independencia en 1992 y ese mismo año nació su asociación nacional de fútbol. Pero digamos que, de facto, en la realidad, no fue un país independiente hasta 1995, con el final de la guerra.

El 1° partido oficial fue contra Albania, el 30/11/1995.
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Hoy es el Día de la Estadidad de #Bosnia Herzegovina, así que aprovechamos para un pequeño hilo con algunas curiosidades de, quizás, el país más curioso de los Balcanes 🇧🇦
Bosnia fue la república más étnicamente mixta de Yugoslavia, con muchos grupos pero 3 particularmente relevantes: serbios (cristianos ortodoxos), croatas (católicos) y bosníacos (musulmanes). Eslovenia, Croacia y Macedonia declararon su independencia en 1991. Bosnia, el 1/3/92.
Buena parte de la guerra de 1992-95 se explica por esa mixtura étnica en el marco de la disolución yugoslava: serbios, croatas y bosníacos querían quedarse con la mayor parte de territorio posible ¿Quiénes lograron más avances? Bueno, digamos que los serbios.
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#Earthquake (#zemljotres) possibly felt 24 sec ago in #Bosnia&Herzegovina. Felt it? Tell us via:
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon!…
👉#Mostar (lokalno 12:21:35). Jeste li osjetili potres? Podijelite vaše iskustvo:

Vaš doprinos je vrlo bitan za razumijevanje posljedica zemljotresa.🙏
Eyewitnesses reported shaking in #Bosnia&Herzegovina 3 min ago (local time 12:21:35)⚠
At present, we have no seismic data confirming this crowdsourced detection.❗
More info soon!
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THREAD In 1995 after #Oluja I reported from #Bosnia on #Serb refugees fleeing #Croatia.
A guy, 25 driving a tractor loaded w/ women & children shouts: “Hey, jounalist, remember me?” I didn’t. “In July 91 [after Struga massacre] you told my commander ‘your parastate [#Krajina] /2
2/ can’t exist, you should find a way to reconcile with #Croatia, it is your country'. They kept telling us we’ll never lose, that Serbia is behind us, but as time went on I oft thought about your words. I sensed you were right & we were headed for our own destruction”. Then & /3
3/ there I had nothing to tell him. Every refugee said “our own army ordered us to head away from home”. It was a cynical calculation by Serb leadership (I cannot claim whether Croatian Serbs decided on their own or if Milošević & the Karadžić lot from Bosnia influenced it). /4
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(1) Here is a great analysis I've found on @klixba forums that, IMNHO, properly explains what is going on and what will happen in #Sarajevo and #Bosnia - Bosniak #Ghaza in the middle of #Europe - from the kitchen of our friendly chefs @OHR_BiH and @USEmbassySJJ
@klixba @OHR_BiH @USEmbassySJJ (2) It's written in Bosnian, so make sure you use either the inbuilt Twitter translate or some other similar app (like Google Translate)
@klixba @OHR_BiH @USEmbassySJJ (3) Napisao sam prije par mjeseci da je čudno i indikativno da se u zadnjih pola godine-godinu učestalo održavaju vježbe za zaštitu i evakuaciju američke ambasade i dobio par podrugljivih komentara. Ali realno, ko to predstavlja prijetnju američkoj ambasadi pa toliki oprez?
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Por estos días se cumplen 27 años de la masacre de #Srebrenica (#BosniaHerzegovina), la mayor y más sistemática matanza en Europa desde el fin del nazismo.

Hilo 👇 Image
Yugoslavia se había partido desde 1991 con las independencias de Eslovenia, Macedonia, Croacia y Bosnia.

Pero Bosnia era un tanto particular, un poco porque tenía la composición étnica más heterogénea y otro poco porque estaba en el medio, entre Serbia y Croacia. Image
Bosnia se convirtió en un campo de batalla entre tres partes: los bosniacos (musulmanes), los serbios (cristianos ortodoxos) y los croatas (católicos). Las élites quisieron mantener el poder y explotaron los nacionalismos. Cada uno fundó su país: Bosnia, Srpska y Herceg-Bosnia. ImageImageImage
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A partire da oggi, ventisette anni fa, al di là dall'Adriatico, a poche centinaia di chilometri dall'Italia, i serbi di #Bosnia massacravano, in pochi giorni, oltre 8.000 bosniaci di religione musulmana. A #Srebrenica, dopo aver proceduto al loro censimento etnico. >
Pochi allora compresero che, nel cuore dell'#Europa, stava avvenendo la più gigantesca #puliziaetnica dalla seconda guerra mondiale. Molti - che pure scesero in piazza contro il successivo intervento militare della #NATO nella #exJugoslavia - si voltarono dall'altra parte. >
27 anni dopo viviamo la stessa impotenza, avendo sviluppato - nonostante venga da quella tragedia la proposta di #AlexLanger e dei #movimentinonviolenti dei #Corpicivilidipace - nient'altro che la fallimentare e controproduttiva potenza militare per intervenire nei #conflitti
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Thread lungo
"il mito del Donbass Antifascista"
E' diffusa la favola delle "repubbliche" di #Donetsk-#Luhansk come esperienze anti imperialiste e antifasciste.
E' una bugia, ma è difficile capire QUANTO se non si studia lo specifico.
Vediamo assieme perché
#Ucraina #Russia
Abbiamo già visto in un precedente thread come la guerra in #Ucraina del 2014 non sia stata una "guerra civile" ma una operazione dei servizi segreti #russi realizzata grazie a una vera invasione da parte di truppe russe senza insegne con armi pesanti
Vedremo anche come #Mosca abbia usato la manovalanza di gruppi neonazisti, panslavisti, suprematisti e antisemiti del "Russkij Mir".
Molti vengono eliminati quando non sono più utili, sono membri di movimenti banditi nella stessa #russia, ma utili per l'operazione #Donbass.
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BREAKING: #Ukraine has just been given EU candidate status
President #Zelensky’s reaction to #Ukraine being given 🇪🇺 candidate status:
Following the approval of candidacy status, President Zelensky has just dialed in to speak to the 27 EU leaders by video at #EUCO.

He is speaking to them now.
Read 12 tweets

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