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May 27th 2022
Congratulations to Sally Reynolds and René Bobe, for this amazing new book! I’ll take this opportunity to talk a bit about the chapter I contributed to, led by @bobe_rene and co-authored by me, @carvalhoprimate and Meave Leakey.
The Koobi Fora Formation in the Lake Turkana Basin is one of the most important rock units in the world, and continues to provide one of the richest records of our evolution in Africa. #paleoanthropology

There are nearly 250 hominins documented from East Turkana. It includes periods of astonishing hominin diversity with Homo habilis, H. rudolfensis, H. erectus, and Paranthropus boisei occupying the region between 2—1.4 million years ago.
Read 15 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
My current #Working #Research #Topic: "A Review of the #CommonMonetaryArea of #SouthernAfrica: Are Client Countries Better-off De-Linking from the #Anchor #Economy?". I'm using #OptimumCurrencyArea #OCA #Theory to analyse the #CMA arrangement. Draft will be ready January end..!
The #CommonMonetaryArea of #SouthernAfrica or #CMA could seem to some (mostly the technically inclined) to be a no-brainer & a clear natural #OptimumCurrencyArea given the historical links between the #anchor #SouthAfrica & the #clients (#Lesotho #Eswatini & #Namibia)...
Be that as it may, 2020 marks 46 years since the #RandMonetaryArea - #RMA agreement and 34 years since the RMA was revised to establish the #CommonMonetaryArea - #CMA between #SouthAfrica, #Lesotho, Swaziland (now, #Eswatini) and #Namibia...
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