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Apr 7th 2021
1/ #WorldHealthDay is also a good day to reflect on the opportunities that many India's health challenges bring. In this thread, we summarise some.
First, investing more in health and recognizing disease prevention and health promotion should be the topmost priority.
2/ Currently, India has one of the lowest allocations to health among all countries of the world as percentage of GDP.
3/ As a result of such a low investment in health and due to high out-of-pocket expenditure (85.6% according to the @WorldBank) millions of people are pushed further into poverty and are unable to escape.

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Jun 17th 2020
#ASHA workers in Ludhiana stage a protest as Govt asks them to do smartphone surveys. Most don't have the phones nor the money to buy.…

Punjab has not paid ASHAs for 3 months

Read our report on unpaid incentives+ honoraiums…
Listen to what Ranjit Kaur, an ASHA from Ropar told us here about how ASHAs are working for free in Punjab.

Earlier Haryana had asked #ASHA workers in the state to get smartphones to feed data online. ASHAs in the state protested. Hear what Sarabjit from kaithal, told us

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Mar 28th 2020
What is to be done about #COVID-19 in #India? "Can we be detached enough to see it as a spectacularly revelatory moment in history? A junction from where we decide which way to go. A moment to pursue debates on #Inequality & #Health Justice."@PSainath_org… ImageImage
"What to do,#ASHAs survive only on hope,"sighs Uma Patil.Village healthworkers who hold up the nation's primary healthcare system are paid tiny amts,get no benefits & struggle with shortages of supplies & long hrs. Regularise them.Give them protective ImageImage
The #health & lives of India’s #children, like 5.y.o Kynja are also in the hands of #anganwadi & #MidDayMeal workers. They are already on the frontlines of the battle – they too must be made full #employees, provided proper #wages, given protective gear. ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
If done well, contact tracing and case isolation is enough to control a #COVID19 in India over 3 months. Delays in identifying cases and incomplete contact tracing results in decreased probability of interrupting the transmission.… 1ofn #Covid19India
Under best-case assumptions, screening will miss more than half of infected people. Most cases missed by screening are undetectable because they have not yet developed symptoms, are unaware they were exposed or have taken paracetamol to mask fever.… 2ofn
#India has done exceptionally well in changing the course of what could have been a potentially devastating outbreak. Thanks to @ProfBhargava @ICMRDELHI @icmr_nie @Director_NCDC for the extraordinary measures and leadership in tackling the evolving situation. #Covid19India 3ofn
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