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Most recents (8)

Aug 28th 2021
There is a group of protestors at #HydeParkCorner #HydePark.

Officers are on scene and engaging with the group.

We will provide updates here as this group travels.

There is likely to be disruption to traffic in the area, please avoid where you can.
UPDATE: This group is now passing Victoria and onto Vauxhall Bridge Road.

Officers remain with the group but the nearby roads are currently blocked as the group walk through.
UPDATE: #VauxhallBridge Road is now reopen to traffic.

This protest group is now passing #Kennington area.

There will be delays to local bus services as roads are blocked.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 6th 2021
‼️ 🆘 Amigos londinenses: Sarah tiene 33 años y despareció el pasado miércoles. A las 21.00 salió de la vivienda de una amiga en #Clapham para regresar a su casa en el barrio de #Brixton. Scotland Yard pide colaboración ciudadana para encontrarla👇🏻
🇬🇧 Scotland Yard asegura que ha detenido a un hombre relacionado con la desaparición de Sarah. Y confirma que el individuo es policía. Más información en este enlace de @metpoliceuk #SarahEverard #London #news…
🇬🇧 Sin palabras 😔 #SarahEverard 💚 ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
Two new #spycops profiles. 1/17 Wilf Knight.

He appeared in the documentary #TrueSpies in 2002, talking freely about the SDS, how it was set up. “We called them the 'hairies' because they all grew their hair long down to their shoulders.”…
Two new #spycops profiles. 2/17 Wilf Knight.
At #TrueSpies, he was first to reveal #spycops were getting a completely new identity: “They just were wiped off the face of the earth as far as police identification went. They were ‘true spies, true spies.'”…
Two new #SpyCops profiles. 3/17 Wilf Knight.

At #TrueSpies 2002, he said “they had a complete new personality created, new names, new addresses, new apartments, new driving licenses, new social sec numbers.”
Helped women w. suspicions in their search.…
Read 17 tweets
Aug 11th 2020
He also wrote quite well about, ahem ahem, cricket...
Very much my kind of writer.
And a luminary of #Brixton too, of course...…
Read 3 tweets
Nov 8th 2019
More on my visit to Crossbones Graveyard, an inconsecrated medieval burial ground in Southwark, mostly for paupers & sex workers. You can read about its history & why I love it so here…

Here, I am setting off. I found Fox-and-Cubs on my way. A goid sign. Me on the trainFox-and-Cubs, or Orange HawkweedLooking out at the River Medway
Going to Crossbones means passing close to Borough Market, which was particularly vibrant on the edge of Hallowmas. I love the buzz of Borough Market but it is a bit overwhelming at times. Often I just look at the lovely veg & then run away!

#SmallBeauties Borough MarketPumpkins
Here's the entrance to Redcross Way, where the gates of the Crossbones shrine is found. I love this new swan mural under the railway bridge!

This is London's 'other side'. Southwark Cathedral was once called St Mary Overie, or St Mary Over 'Ere ~ 'over the river' if you're posh. Swan muralBillboard ~ London's other sideLove not hateThe Redcross Way railway bridge
Read 24 tweets
May 28th 2019
Il y a 2-3 ans, j'ai commencé à "collectionner" et à renseigner dans une base de données des pochettes de disques dans l'optique de rédiger sur #spacefiction un billet portant sur l'usage des cartes (et globes) sur ces dernières... Corpus de pas loin 200 pochettes à ce jour ! 1/4
Et puis, le temps me manquant, j'ai mis le projet de côté... Je le prendrai très certainement plus tard, et d’ailleurs, de temps en temps, quand je tombe dessus, je rajoute encore des pochettes au dossier. 2/4
Mais en attendant, plutôt que de les laisser sur mon disque dur, j'ai décidé de les partager ici et de me lancer dans un #thread au long cours. Il y a des albums de tous les styles de musiques et des artistes de tous les niveaux. 3/4
Read 32 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
Westow Park in Crystal Palace: the source of the #Effra
With no spring to be seen, @jamiembrixton tests the soil of Westow Park for bogginess... #Effra
Huge excitement! #Effra
Read 36 tweets

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