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What are your trading problems?
After going through your replies, I have compiled the problems into these major categories:

- Capital
- Fear of losing
- Bad timing
- Where to sell
- Unable to ride the trend
- Struggle in pyramiding
- Addiction
- How to have a short watchlist
- Long only mindset

- Where to set targets
- Bad mindset

Let's start with CAPITAL

Are you claiming that you possess a successful strategy and consistently generate profits with your small trading account, but the only hindrance is the lack of capital? If this statement is true,

Read 19 tweets
Scans I use and how you can set them up on Tradingview using the stock screener tool.

A thread
52w High scan

This scan identifies stocks that have reached their highest price in the past 52 weeks

Filter conditions: Image
100% up in 1 year

This gives you stocks up 100% or more in 12 months

Conditions: Image
Read 8 tweets
• A cash stock wizard, who doesn't trade the stereotype triangle, rectangle, H&S etc.

• Creative enough to look beyond the obvious

• Covering another unique set up: Rating Houses Contra Trades or as he calls it "Moody-no-so-Moody indicator"

🧵 to learn from @iManasArora
• Usually international rating agencies come with a downgrade only after a massive correction in the stock

• Similarly these rating agencies come with an upgrade report post a sharp rise in the stock

• Don't take them on face value and DYOR!
• How Ultra Bullish articles from rating/broker houses is used to dump the stock to retail

• New traders provide liquidity for BIG players to offload their stocks
Read 16 tweets
One of the most successful stock trader with special focus on cash stocks and who has a very creative mind to look out for opportunities in dark times

Covering one of the most unique set ups: Extended moves & Reversal plays

Time for a 🧵 to learn the above from @iManasArora
What qualifies for an extended move?

30-40% move in just 5-6 days is one example of extended move

How Manas used this info to book profits

Read 34 tweets

I don't check DOW late at night and worry about what it will do. Never done it in many many years I can think of. Yes, when I started out I used to. Futile exercise it is.

I don't worry about gap downs like most of you do. No gap down can wipe me out because I position myself that way. It can at max damage me 2-3 or maybe 5% something I can recover from.

P.S: No gap down has ever hit 2% of my port forget 5. Position size is the key.

I don't have any indices on my screen. I can swear by my life that I don't know where NIFTY and Sensex are. They don't make money for me. Stocks do. And stocks make those indices.
Read 13 tweets
Festival Special #brotip

If you like a girl in your classroom/office/dandiya/ganpati

go talk to her

Literally, she is waiting for you to talk to her.

And take her phone number in the first meeting itself,

there might not be a second meeting without a phone number

A beautiful girl, well dressed, is not waiting for the most handsome guy,

She is waiting for just average decent guy who can make a great conversation, and she knows that she has to talk to u to know if u are decent and/or can make a good conversation

so its all about breaking the ice, starting a conversation and not abt you being handsome and staring at her from a distance and secretly praying that she will come and talk to u ;)
Read 4 tweets
If u are in debt few advise which all give but still i m giving -
1) never ever ever take a loan which comes with monthly repayment schedule, like most of u take from local individual(byaj) and think u will cover from stock market.
Reason - if u r so skillful u wouldn't have been
Debt. It's overconfidence and young blood which forces u to think, market is halua u can do it.
It took me 12 years to think I m now best in trading and then March 2020 came and it shook whole world(though March has been highly profitable for me).
But point is betting at uncertain place for a certain outflow is highly risky.
2) be bold and face situation - talk to ur parents take their help, yes it will hurt them badly but if u delay it, It won't only hurt it can be deadly.
Giving u one example - someone whom I know
Read 12 tweets
Men - #BroTip - The right spouse can elevate you to another level in life. The wrong one will slowly or even quickly destroy years of progress you have made in life. It may not outright evident whether a person is going to be the right or wrong spouse for you.
So, don't leave the decision of who your spouse is going to be, to your parents alone. Sure, their experience and observation is important, but ultimately you have to think hard and fast about IF you need a marriage, and if you do, when you need it, and what kind of woman you'd
be willing to marry and take along your journey as partner. Coz, ideologies could clash, and you could essentially end up expending a lot of energy on fixing things with your spouse rather than accomplishing things in your life, which you don't want if you're an ambitious person.
Read 15 tweets
Another way to create a new position or add to an existing one (Pyramiding), known as Squat!

Read on:
Bought #Dixon using 4 to 8 weeks breakout method using the weekly time frame.

The stock went below the breakout line & stayed lower for a few days (Daily frame). Came back up above the line again which is where I bought more. Imagine the legs exercise behaviour, Squat. ImageImage

Cup & Handle breakout on the daily frame. The stock went below the breakout line and stayed lower for a few days. I bought when it came back again & 'closed' above it. Another squat behaviour. ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Price gaps fill every time is a BIG myth we have been made to believe. Some gaps don't fill & such cases have turned out to be a massive gainers.

If the gap is created on weekly at the 'beginning' of a new trend, & if not filled for 3-4 weeks, do not let it go.

#BroTip Image
Gap created in 2016 on weekly frame marked a price reversal. It went up 350% up in 2 years.


Gaps have contributed immensely to my portfolio. They are very rare & highly reliable. Image
Fresh gap in price in ITC weekly. Older than 4 weeks now. I will pass it off as I do not trade high float stocks. Could be a good case study.

#ITC Image
Read 7 tweets

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