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May 4th 2023
It’s Day 2 of @LearnTechUK & my first session is about Learning Personalisation. Personalising #learning can improve retention & performance. But how do we get there? Nicola McNeillie from @AstraZeneca & David Kelly @LnDDave from @LearningGuild will tell us. #LT23UK #T4S4
Both David and Nicola are more active on LinkedIn than Twitter so I’m going to share their details. David is at and Nicola is at…. I know, I know - I’m so helpful. #LT23UK #T4S4
David is up first! And he starts with a hilarious story. He spoke at @LearnTechUK yesterday on #EmergingTechnologies & when he was looking at his social media mentions yesterday he saw one that said “Personalised learning doesn’t exist” attributed to him. Whoops! #LT23UK #T4S4
Read 17 tweets
Feb 9th 2022
New #openaccess paper by @Vale_Fiasco & me in @ConservandSoc exploring how human-wildlife #coexistence is conceptualised & practiced among conservation professionals, & what this means for #transformation in #biodiversity #conservation… A thread… 1/6:
We identify coexistence as a #buzzword that is meaningful for many professionals and reflects a 'hopeful mission' towards #transformation in #biodiversity #conservation 2/6
#coexistence means very different things to different groups of practitioners, activists, and academics – from human-wildlife conflict mitigation, to co-adaptation, to a way of prioritising the practices and knowledge of indigenous peoples and local communities 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Nov 13th 2021
Weekend Digest

Name the pathogen

5 clues

GNB with musty odor
Clenched fist injury
Culture negative endocarditis
Needle licker osteomyelitis
Toothpick septic arthritis Image
#Eikenella corrodens

Part of human oral flora

Component of polymicrobial infection related to human bites.

#IDBR buzzword is clenched-fist injury – when it is inoculated to injured knuckle of a clenched fist that strikes teeth of an opponent.…
#Eikenella corrodens is the “E” in HACEK – agents of culture negative endocarditis

HACEK organisms can now be cultured with current culture techniques, hence they should no longer be called “culture negative” pathogens!
Read 9 tweets
Jul 28th 2018
So it’s a Saturday afternoon, it’s 20+ degrees outside – you know what you should do?

That’s right, read a thread about GOVERNMENT ORGANOGRAMS, a year on from our @instituteforgov #IfGhackday #opendata
Organograms aren’t most obvious data thing to get pulses racing. Hardly AI, blockchain (#buzzword), Citymapper etc.

Part of Cameron’s May 2010 pledges ( to open up data, they include names, salaries, professions, jobs of civil servants & units w/in depts
Maude called them ‘the most comprehensive organisation charts of the UK civil service ever released online’ Not the flashiest or sexiest datasets, but mgmt info vital both for effectiveness (understanding your workforce) and accountability.

Read 18 tweets

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