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Apr 16th 2023

Good Morning

Are you a part of a Real World Asset (#RWA) project? Have you considered tokenization?

Then make sure you read this thread to learn about the different types of tokens available and what it means. #StrikeX #tokenized

❤️&RW Image

Synthetic #RWA tokens

Holders can track real-world asset prices on-chain WITHOUT ownership. Interesting concept! #StrikeX

Tokenised #RWA tokens

To provide ownership rights to the underlying real-world asset, offering voting and dividend payments to holders. It's like owning a digitised replica of the asset! You OWN the token #StrikeX #Ownership
Read 5 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Web3 games and #metaverse projects continue to be the big promise of the next bull run 📈

But could any of them ever reach the success that #Minecraft did?

There are a few candidates for the next big game. Let’s explore them here 👇🧵
If you’re into #NFT gaming, you may have felt a direct hit last year when Minecraft announced that it would not support anything blockchain-related anymore 💔

But builders kept building 💪

And the community didn’t quit trying out revolutionary open-world & sandbox games!
There are already many AWESOME web3 games and metaverse worlds where you can play and earn 💰

The most popular ones right now are:
🔹The Sandbox
🔹NFT Worlds

But how close are they to where Minecraft got? 🏔
Read 9 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
This is a threaded version of Chapter 14:

“The Twelfth Descent—Accumulation:”

of *Prodigal Human: The Descents of Man*

by Michael Adzema.

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...

READ BOOK…… #psychology #greed #devolution #possession

PH 14/1 ImageImage
Chapter 14 is subtitled,

“The “Domestication” of Humans—

“The Ability to Store Things Changes Everything for Prehistoric Humans...But Not in the Way We Thought It Did—

“Eden Stormed...The Rich Begin Calling the Tune”

THREAD #psychology #greed

PH 14/2 Image
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “This tragic, life-diminishing spinoff of our ability to gather & accumulate excessive ‘things’ was a desire to control even those of our own species: Our fellow humans became the last targets of our mania for control.” []…

PH 14/3
Read 97 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
I think at large people are missing the significance of a #web3 #wallet beyond just #hodling your favourite #Crypto #Cryptocurency token.

Maybe the same way they effortlessly think about using the #chrome browser.

They are both portals for the #WWW and #Web3 respectively
There are new functionalities being added to #web3 wallets to exist as wallets to hold your #credentials for zero knowledge #authentication.

This wallet market is going to be worth a whopper of a predicted $7 trillion market by 2027 alone.
One of the most significant comments on this movement is from the creation of the open source Open Wallet Foundation via Linux, which has been noted as potentially more significant than #Linux itself!!!!!


With members such as #ToIP and #Avast (#Gen)
Read 7 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
Creator Economy 🔥 🚀

What’s next for the creator economy & its intersection with web3? 🧵
At a high level, we’re moving from a world in which creators made income on their own, to one in which they build wealth together with their communities.
The Creator Economy is a subset of the passion economy— the emerging category of businesses founded by self-employed content creators, supported by the digital platforms and financial tools that make the monetization of content viable.
Read 38 tweets
Jun 2nd 2022
Was bedeutet eigentlich #vulnerabel ?

Das Adjektiv "vulnerabel" kommt aus dem Latei­nischen und bedeutet "#verwundbar" oder "#verletzlich". Als vulnerable #Bevölkerungsgruppen versteht man in der Ent­wick­lungs­zusammen­arbeit Menschen, die nicht in der Lage
sind, #Herausforderungen aus eigener #Kraft zu #bewältigen, und daher unter #Krisen besonders leiden.

#Armut ist eine häufige, meist aber nicht die einzige Ursache für eine besondere #Verwundbarkeit . Auch #politische und ge­sell-­
schaft­liche #Benachteiligungen und #mangelnder Zugang zu einer #gleichberechtigte Teil­habe (#Partizipation) macht Menschen verletzlich.

Zu den besonders vulnerablen Bevölkerungs­gruppen zählen #Frauen, #Kinder und #Jugendliche ,
Read 8 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
1/ Proud and humbled to announce @animocabrands raising US$358,888,888 in a round led by @LCVentures with investors kingsway @tyler @cameron @Gemini @georgesoros @sequoia @paraficapital @smilegroup_in and many more #openmetaverse frens for details a 🧵👇…
2/ Our vision is to help build and construct the #openmetaverse based on important concepts such as openness, equity, digital property rights, and a nonzero-sum approach where users become citizens with actual ownership and rights #NFTs #blockchain…
3/ The threat to building a #metaverse that is owned by a majority interest comes from those that want to build a closed metaverse who already have control of all our data and are monetizing off the data that we gave up for free…
Read 8 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/07/2021…
Book checked out for 110 years returned to Boise Public Library…

#StrangerThanFiction #libraries
1431-1449: The Final Ecumenical Council - Two Churches, One Tradition…

#WesternTheology #pluralism #scholasticism #traditions
Read 13 tweets
Dec 3rd 2021
There are a lot of #Security Issues in the #NFT Ecosystem & #NFTs marketplaces (NFTMs)

1/ When using a password-based authentication workflow, there is no #2FA (two-factor authentication)
2/ there is no support #hardwarewallet
3/ The #smartcontracts of NFTMs must be #opensource and/or provide results of security #Audit
Read 18 tweets
Sep 29th 2021
This is a brilliant thread 🧵by @uglygame

A fraudster with a shady #Crypto company looking to invest in football clubs (#PerthGlory / #Nantes)

It's a great tale - It also links to some seriously questionable characters...

The link is #AlanJohnFrankHitchins

#Portsmouth & #AstonVilla fans may have seen his name before.

Think mining scams, laundering money via offshore & criminal networks…
Mining scams can be a brilliant way to con investors (pump & dump) and because of their erratic revenue streams & international make-up, they can be great vehicles to launder money through.

Maybe if you've just robbed a bank and need a getaway vehicle 💸…
Read 8 tweets
Sep 13th 2021
Do you want to work for yourself and become a leader in the community?

Do you want to provide jobs and leave a legacy for your children?

Find out how today!

This is National Small Business Week and the SBA can train you to become a Successful Entrepreneur for FREE.
America is the Home of Small Business and the Govt will teach you how to start and build your company for FREE.

Its not your fault, our so called leaders have never taught us this critical information.

National Small Business Week Virtual Summit…
Do you ever wonder why "Foreigners" risk the lives of their entire families to get to the US?

They come to start a small business because we are the home of the Small Business.

Then look down on us because we don't take advantage of all of the benefits we have as citizens.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 25th 2021
High Representative #Inzko used his so-called Bonn Powers to amend the 🇧🇦 Criminal Code & introduce sanctions for “glorification of war criminals convicted by final and binding judgments and the denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.”

My thread🧵👇🏼1/18
Survivors & families of war victims, individuals & institutions active in human rights, remembering the past & reconciliation #welcomed #Inzko’s #decision. Most of them advocated for such legislative changes for years. Even Inzko promissed them many times to make it happen. (2)
As reported by the #Srebrenica #Memorial, denial & glorification of war crimes, incl.genocide, take place on regular & systematic basis in 🇧🇦 & the region =🇷🇸.
Ministries finance books on or by convicted war criminals, governments commission reports full of denial of facts.. (3)
Read 18 tweets
Jun 7th 2021
How Are LLCs Taxed? Your Beginner Guide

As a small business owner, it is vital to know where your money is going and what taxes you must pay every month, quarter, or year, so you can budget accordingly. Image
A limited liability company (LLC) is a business that gives the owners limited liability, so their assets are protected if they were to be sued or get into financial difficulty.
For this reason, it’s an incredibly popular business structure, but understanding how they are taxed can be complicated. We’ve broken it down for you here, so read on to understand exactly how LLCs are taxed so you can move forward with confidence.
Read 36 tweets
Mar 24th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/24/2021…
The COVID-19 response illustrates that traditional academic reward structures and metrics do not reflect crucial contributions to modern science…

#rewards #metrics #ScientificContributions
The Years of Work Behind Washington’s Best-Liked Man…

#TheFed #leadership #biography #OpEd
Read 10 tweets
Mar 8th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/08/2021…
Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence…

#COVID19 #lockdowns #effectiveness #DataAnalysis
To Create Real Change That Lasts, Start With A Majority…

#SystemsChange #ideas #strategies
Read 8 tweets
Feb 14th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/14/2021…
Study identifies significance of atmospheric rivers for New Zealand…

#significance #rivers #NewZealand
Hospital Price Transparency Could Change The Face Of Medical Debt Collections, If Advocates Exploit It | Health Affairs…

#hospital #transparency #debt #medical #price
Read 10 tweets
Dec 28th 2020
How do we connect sense-makers around:

1. A common respect for the voices of young people;

2. The diverse experiences of those who have spent their lives helping others find meaning in movement?

As @ImSporticus notes, this CSJ paper is not the answer!…
Does school-based sport have a place? Of course! For some, school sport will be a way of becoming entangled in the lives of others in ways which will lead to a pastime becoming a valued, stabilising influence throughout life. That's awesome! #becausehuman
But as @ImSporticus notes, it's not "sport" that has the impact. That's down to "good people intentionally designing positive experiences through sport" - which is not the same thing!

Ideal: those involved co-creating the positive experiences! #ownership

Sports charity Made by Sports found that children and young
Read 15 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
The paradox of #decentralization and team #Leadership defines the future of #Crypto ecosystem. Excited to share my perspective on progressive decentralization in this thread
It starts with the purpose of the token. Is the project using the token to enable community ownership or is it predominantly inclined towards crowd funding ? #tokenization #crypto
Tokens inclined towards #Community #Ownership are on the right path towards progressive decentralization
Read 11 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
Personal "data #ownership" - "pure" or otherwise - is a #misnomer, and #rights frameworks clearly struggle when predicated upon notions of #DataSubjects - and when the #value (to others) of information about us lies largely in its #relationships (to others').
I'd unpack @martintisne's first point a bit further; the impacts we experience are of course based in the way we are #discriminated (for or against) by those who treat us as members of a #class by virtue of shared #characteristics on which they pass #judgement - but is that...
..."more" about "other people's #data" or more about the #judgements, and who's making 'em?

While I share concerns around 'purely' individual(istic) rights - "every woman for herself"! - the perils of #GroupRights lie in the degree to which they can undermine what must remain...
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Jul 28th 2020
Quick answer: #rights. Did the work on this well over a decade ago, before #GDPR was even a twinkle in Jan's eye.

Longer answer: '#ownership' (just like rights) doesn't get you shit if it ain't #enforceable / #enforced *in practice*. Hence all the current effort going into...
...#redress - e.g. Lloyd vs @Google, and the tsunami behind that.

But a new FIELD of law (e.g. #InformationalPrivity*) may be required, 'cos it turns out treating #people and their #relationships as #property is as bad as treating 'em as #subjects...

...not #sovereigns of their data.

(Not forgetting that - on the evidence of human behaviour, power imbalances, etc. - many, if not most, wouldn't relish or even know what to do with such sovereign #responsibility, much less be able to wield it outside a #rights framework.)
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Jun 13th 2020
You're conflating all over the place here, Andrew. And if you think Pat's a "recent" privacy convert then you clearly don't know him, or his work.

My own stated* position on digital #ownership relates to #PersonalData, not #CreativeWorks; two things that shouldn't be confused...
*My stated position on the @internetarchive's "Emergency Library": seems to differ from Pat's (which I don't find surprising) but I really don't see how you make such a strong relation between #privacy & #copyleft, unless it's an in-group/out-group thing?
I've known both you and Pat for years, Andrew. I think you'd actually have some fascinating conversations over a pint - you might ask him about GSMA & Ebola DP 'war stories', if you ever do meet - so maybe not so much with the brush-tarring, please? It diminishes us all.
Read 3 tweets

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