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Oct 13th 2019
Koch oil/gas bribing pols/lobbyists/scientists for climate change lies.
@ewarren calls out the dirt in DC.
#ClimateStrike #ClimateChange
Saudi Arabia money for US troops.
tЯump playing #mercenaries won't go down good with our troops. The Nation called this out in Sept 2019, before tЯump's shakedown of Saudi was made public.
Russian lobbying #NRA executives for lucrative Russian arms exports. NRA execs greedy at prospects of arms dealing with Russians. #NRABloodMoney…
Read 20 tweets
Jan 11th 2018
A thread on Trump's new buzzword, #ChainMigration.

You'll hear it constantly now. Some horrendous threat that must end in order to move on the #DreamAct. (Plus a wall.)

But how new is it? And what does it actually mean? @Allandaros and I investigated.
First, the term chain migration exists nowhere in the immigration law. Not in the Immig & Nationality Act, the CFR, field manuals, memos, or FAQ's.

The term for individuals sponsoring their family members is called (surprisingly): family-based immigration.
Our immigration laws only allow spouses, parents, children, and siblings to be petitioned. You must be a permanent resident or US citizen in order to do it. Sometimes the wait is 1 year or so. Other times, decades.

There's no direct way to sponsor an uncle, grandparent, etc.
Read 13 tweets

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