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The devastating impact of Tropical Cyclone Freddy has claimed over 300 lives so far, with Mozambique and Malawi being hit the hardest.

The storm has caused severe flooding and mudslides, sweeping away roads 🧵

#ClimateEmergency #climatestrike Image
and homes.

This is one of the deadliest tropical cyclones to hit Africa in recent years, and the damage and loss of life are still being assessed.
Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera has declared 14 days of mourning for the victims /2
The rescue efforts are few and hampered with the rains, they are simply unable to cope. From the minimal coverage and even donation calls - the disparity is clear, the constant dehumanization of us means that when we suffer the consequences of the climate crisis, we are /3
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Ich war am letzten Samstag (14.1.) auf der friedlichen Großdemo bei Lützerath (in Keyenberg und Umgebung). Damit habe ich meine Solidarität mit den Aktivisti, die Lützerath besetzen und meine Enttäuschung darüber,
dass die Gesetzeslage und die Politik ein Vorgehen, für das es keinen vernünftigen Grund gibt, das uns allen schadet (und gegen das Pariser Klimaabkommen verstößt), zulässt, und darüber, wie es in der Politik kommuniziert wird, zum Ausdruck gebracht.
Weiter hatte ich nicht vor, mich dazu zu äußern. Jetzt ist es aber so, dass die Berichterstattung über die Demo gelinde gesagt extrem scheiße läuft. Ich schreibe im ersten Satz FRIEDLICHE Demo. Die angemeldete Großdemo, die von Polizei und Medien im Vorfeld heruntergespielt wurde
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Stamattina sono stato a una manifestazione di attivisti e attiviste climatici a Ciampino. È stato bloccato il terminal dei jet privati, perché due ore di un jet di lusso consumano all'incirca la Co2 di una persona in 6 anni.
Nonostante la natura pacifica dell'azione è arrivata immediatamente la celere a difendere il terminal dei jet di lusso. Ci hanno spinto fin fuori all'atrio del terminal. Ci hanno accerchiato nell'atrio e mantenuti in stato di fermo dalle 11 fino a poco fa. #climatestrike
Con me c'erano altri giornalisti/e. Siamo stati bloccati anche noi. A tutti, manifestanti e stampa, è stato rilasciato un verbale di denuncia, dove ci accusano di 3 capi di imputazione.
È stata caricata anche la stampa, oltre ai manifestanti, immotivatamente.
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(THREAD) 1 of 5 ⬇️🧵

Oil companies see ‘net positive’ in climate bill …
(And why #BigOil baron @Sen_JoeManchin signed off for $)
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateBreakdown #ClimateEmergency #ClimateStrike #ClimateBrawl #Manchin #InflationReductionAct Image

At Manchin’s urging, though, it would require the government to offer oil & gas leases on federal land and in the Gulf of Mexico, albeit at a higher royalty rate. It also provides tax incentives for projects that capture carbon dioxide and new forms of energy like hydrogen.”

- @AP The bill would impose a new fee on excess methane emissions from oil and gas drilling while giving fossil fuel companies access to more leases on federal lands and waters.”…
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School strike week 199. Today, @Malala , @olya_mrd , activists from @Fridays4future & @Riseupmovt came together in Stockholm at our weekly strike, to share and learn about the link between girls’ education and climate action and to stand in solidarity with all Afghan girls. 1/7
A @MalalaFund report from last year estimates that if current trends continue, by 2025 climate change will be a contributing factor in preventing at least 12,5 million girls from completing their education each year. 2/7…
Research shows that countries that have invested in girls’ education have suffered far fewer losses from droughts and floods than countries with lower levels of girls’ education. 3/7
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At the #climatestrike. Here’s a 🧵 on how climate strikes could go into the workplace even within Australia’s restrictive IR system.
The starting point is to organise based on how workers concretely experience climate breakdown at work - extreme heat, storms, fire, floods and all the threat to safety and disruption to livelihoods that flows from these events.
Climate breakdown is experienced both as a threat to a safe workplace and a threat to wages and conditions. The latter is important but the former provides a basis to organise outside of the restrictions of the Fair Work Act.
Read 24 tweets
A major #COP26 climate change protest is about to get underway in #Dublin

Environmental groups, political parties, student unions and teaching unions are among the organisations here.

A boat reading “our planet is burning” will also be carried through the city.
“When the planet’s on the line, no more workers left behind”

Hundreds of people are making their way up O’Connell St calling for urgent climate justice.

More on @VirginMediaNews at 5.30
“Free frequent public transport” is one of the asks of protesters at a huge climate change protest in Dublin, coinciding with #COP26
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Boston #ClimateStrike currently at Boston Common monument. Huge youth-led movement for #ClimateJustice! #MYCC @SunriseBoston @MOF_Mass @350MassAct @XRYouthBoston
Stop the Water Poisoning
There is no Planet B
Make Earth Cool Again
The Wrong Amazon is Burning
Climate Strike Frontlines
Death to Fascists
You Will Not Silence Us
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This year #ElectionDay kicks off #ClimateWeek which should be all the reminder you need to #VoteClimate, not just in this election but EVERY election. But after today comes & goes, what next? Well, all *sorts* of things! #yyc #elxnyyc
Whoever wins today's election your work as a climate champion begins anew tomorrow morning. We must relentlessly hold winners to their words & ALWAYS push for better. It's not enough to just vote & think your advocacy's done, the ship righted. A safe future needs YOU #ClimateWeek
Hey, this is AB's election SEASON; after today we've got the upcoming municipal elections on Oct 18th! It's at the community & municipal levels that you have the best chance of creating REAL #ClimateAction. Don't worry, the Hub's got you covered on that too! #ClimateWeek #yyccc
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My 123rd week on #ClimateStrike 🌍 Deeply sorrowed by floods in the north and wildfires in the south of Turkey. That's clearly the climate crisis manifesting itself across my country 🌏 #ClimateCrisisIsHere #FaceTheClimateEmergency #MindTheGap #UprootTheSystem #FridaysForFuture +
#İklimGrevi'nde 123. haftam 🌍 Ülkemizin kuzeyinde yaşanan sel felaketlerinde ve güneyinde devam eden orman yangınlarında kaybettiğimiz canlar için iki haftadır içimiz parçalanıyor. +
Sel ve yangınların ortaya çıkış sebepleri ne olursa olsun, sonuçlar iklim krizi yüzünden iyice büyüyüp kötüleşiyor. Bu felaketleri iklim krizinin ülkemizde kendini açıkça gösterişi olarak yorumlamak ve iklim politikamızı buna göre değiştirmek zorundayız. +
Read 6 tweets
From the oval office to the communities where it all happens.

Climate action goes beyond just hoping that things will get better— Hope is inspired by action.

Government must be held accountable, we must hold ourselves accountable. We can't afford to fail, not on this.
The lives of our future and our future's future is on the line, those who suffer the most from the impact of climate change are the vulnerable communities where even at time of stability— government presence is non existent.

We do not have the time to wait till 2030/2050,
Some might say we are simply alarmists, but Greta put it perfectly when she said "it's like waking up in the middle of the night seeing your house on fire and then deciding to wait 10, 20, 30 years before calling the fire department while labeling those trying to wake people up,
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This is an extraordinary example of who & what media serves. This media event was viewed by millions. Perhaps billions. See man who steps behind Thunberg, to the right. No one - not 1 journalist or media outlet reported on who this man was - that accompanied Thunberg EVERYWHERE.
ClimateWeekNYC was created for The Climate Group by communications specialist Callum Grieve. #WWF identifies Grieve as a co-founder of #WeMeanBusiness. Grieve was the 3rd person to respond to Rentzhog's Aug 20 2018 first Greta tweet, tagging 9 others.

#Storytelling #UN ImageImageImageImage
The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg – for Consent: They Mean Business [Volume II, Act IV]

"If power dominated through hierarchy & coercion – the emergent "new power" model dominates w/ influence & persuasion."…
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Nasdaq spreading conspiracy theories.


Nasdaq: #2 on list of stock exchanges behind NYSE.

#GreatReset: not a figment of our imagination. Rather, it's the 21st cent. imperative of billionaires to save capitalism.

#Imperative21: 72,000 corporations across 80 countries. 150 different industries.

"An unprecedented coalition of business networks that have come together to raise our ambition. Not just to help our individual CEOs succeed... we'll do that for sure..."

Softening push-back w/ marketing/framing/language. #SocialEngineering

"So that the push-back on the BRT [Business Roundtable] from differ. business publications or other people within the [] community lessens. So there's less of a headwind culturally for this type of leadership"
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On the Brink: Niagara Falls a Metaphor for Abrupt Climate Change

#ClimateChange #ClimateAction #ClimateEmergency #climate #climatestrike #GlobalWarming #weather #USA #Canada #ottawa
Standing on the brink of Niagara Falls is a perfectly apt metaphor for abrupt climate change. At this point in time, humanity is teetering on the brink of the cliff, and is poised to plunge over the Falls without even a rudimentary barrel...
The power of nature comes into focus when one is next to the brink, and our mind imagines the fear we would feel if we were a few yards away from our location on the observation lookout and in the river instead, being swept along by the swift water...
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[How #Beiing treats #ClimateStrike at home]

1. While #China claims to reach carbon neutrality by 2060, it is better for the world to draw attention to how this world’s biggest carbon emitter actually treats green activists at home.…
2. Brave teen activist @howey_ou told @VICE, she was once taken to #police station after calling for #ClimateAction outside local gov offices. During interrogation, cops asked her about how she knew about #ClimateChange, why she protests every day and all ppl who had talked to me
3. She described green activism isn’t welcome at home when public criticism is viewed as acts of defiance and harshly punished, "It’s all about authority. They weren’t concerned about science or the planet at all.”
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#BreakingNews All operations against deforestation in the Amazon will be halted starting on Monday, the Brazilian government has just said. The announcement was made on the same day as #ClimateStrike. We'll tell you more in this thread 🧵
We write a lot about how the Amazon suffers with deforestation and fire. One year ago, there was ‘Fire Day’, against which no one was charged:…
We also revealed how meatpacking companies like @JBS are buying animals from ranchers who invade indigenous lands in the Amazon. Our story showed that there is still no guarantee that meat from any meatpacker is 100% deforestation-free:…
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Night three!
Gavel down. Game on.
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Day Ahead Börsenstrompreis, CO2-Zertifikatspreis & Nettostromerzeugung aus Braunkohle in Deutschland jeweils im ersten Halbjahr von 2015-2020.
Wenn der CO2-Preis so hoch ist wie der Börsenstrompreis, wird die Stromerzeugung aus Braunkohle unwirtschaftlich
#Corona-#Pandemie: Wie verändert sie unsere Gesellschaft?…

#Gefahren und #Chancen Corona, #Kultur und Gesellschaft…

phoenix plus - phoenix
phoenix plus. #CoronaKrise: #Spiegel der #Gesellschaft.…
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We can’t solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis and we must unite behind experts and science.
This of course goes for all crises.

Now the experts urge us to avoid big public gatherings for a better chance to #flattenthecurve and slow the spreading of the Coronavirus. 1/4
So I personally recommend that we do as the experts say. Especially in high-risk areas.

We young people are the least affected by this virus but it’s essential that we act in solidarity with the most vulnerable and that we act in the best interest of our common society. 2/4
The climate and ecological crisis is the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced but for now (of course depending on where you live) we’ll have to find new ways to create public awareness & advocate for change that don’t involve too big crowds - listen to local authorities. 3/4
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Le mouvement @Youth4Climatefr appelle ses ainés à le rejoindre pour une journée d’action le #13mars. Le #14mars une grande mobilisation nationale est organisée par de nombreuses organisations environnementales. Nous relayons leurs appels. #ClimateStrike…
«Le #13mars 2020, nous descendrons dans la rue. Nous quitterons nos cours, notre travail, nos affaires, pour porter un message: saisissons notre avenir.» appelle @Youth4Climatefr mouvement lycéen et étudiant pour le #climat… #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture Image
De leur côté, des organisations environnementales appellent à participer massivement aux marches pour le climat le #14mars. « Ensemble, exigeons une réelle transformation de notre système pour répondre à l’urgence climatique. » #MarchepourleClimat… Image
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Congressman John Lewis once said “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic.”

What makes you hopeful? Seriously. Share it!

If you’re like me, you could use a few reasons to keep your head up.

Here are 50 reasons to stay hopeful from the past 3+ years.
50. On Jan. 28, 2017, thousands showed up to airports in support of Muslim families impacted by Trump’s unconstitutional #MuslimBan.

That night, a federal judge in NY issued a stay allowing people stranded in airports to temporarily avoid deportation.

📷: Stephanie Keith/Getty
49. Much to the dismay of Donald Trump, #Parasite won Best Picture at the Oscars, making it the first non-English language film to win in the 92 years of the Academy Awards.

📷: Valerie Macon/AFP via Getty Images
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Winnipeg City Hall adult ally #ClimateStrike

Week 27

So this is my worst Strike selfie yet - accidental shot while struggling to hold the ph for the pic at which point my camera died ;)

#Wetsuweten shirt art credit @christibelcourt

Thread incoming, will be pauses while I type
Disclaimer - everything I say here has already said, by better writers (often Indigenous) & by more knowledgable ppl (often Indigenous).

None of this should be taken as my own original thoughts, tho is not the fault or deficiency of the original thinkers if I get anything wrong.
Hello World, we need to talk about Canada.

I'm doing this in the context of my #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike, because the Winnipeg youth Climate Strike group, @mbyouth4climate, has been very involved in #WetsuwetenSolidarity #ShutDownCanada actions.
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