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Aug 29th 2020
#investing during volatile times are challenging
You have to invest in cheap and what has relative value and if you can manage Geo political environment, you have a winner in your hand
The last 20 years especially since 2009 was all about growth stocks and not about value buys
The #Fed , the #ECB, and all central banks were slowly destroying the cost of capital and people were being pushed more towards risk assets , these accelerated tremendously in 2020
Growth was nearly a passive investment, all money managers were pushed into the corner of ..
.. investing room , to give an example consider ETF, the more capital that goes into it, it triggers all of the algorithms to say, stock sector is above its 52-day moving average, and by default it will allocate another one percent
Read 12 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
The massive reset of the middle class in 2020 after #COVIDー19

#inflation #deflation #stagflation
#usfed #euro #dollars

Western countries are dealing with this crisis by increasing debts, increasing social spending and hence, ensuring the destruction of their currencies
and their bond markets and impoverishing the citizens along the way.
The destruction of the middle class allows governments to enact all sorts of dangerous policies because the middle class is really what rises up.
However, in other countries, mainly in Asia, Eastern Europe, and even Russia, they’re not handling this in the same fashion.
Many of these countries don’t even have social spending programs to the extent that the West does.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
A Take on #USD as reserve currency
#USFED #dollarindex #Dollar #dollarglobal #EURUSD #EURO

The Fed has printed more money out of thin air in just the last couple of months in 2020 than it has for its entire 107-year existence.
Before February 2020 , the Western governments were in debt to an extent where it would have been impossible to repay.
What’s a bigger issue, is the debts that were accumulated before the virus and those debts now have been blown to sky-high proportions
The only way to solve that problem is to default on it outright or to default on it by virtue of an inflationary outcome.
post-2008 financial crisis, the "solution" to the problem was an extension of credit by the banking system.
Read 9 tweets

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