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Apr 24th 2020
My biggest challenge is to ensure that affected people are treated with compassion, and not stigmatized. - Health Minister @drharshvardhan

Let us take special care in ensuring that we empathize with and provide support to people and families infected with #COVID19.

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We need to reach out to those people who are afraid to come forward & seek #COVID19 treatment because of the stigma we have attached. Delayed treatment due to the stigma & fear is costing us precious lives.
- Director, #AIIMS
#SayNoToStigma #SaveLives
How to defeat #Stigma in the #FightAgainstCoronavirus?

1. They are people, not victims/cases

2. Don't disclose info about affected people

3. Rely on authentic sources (@MoHFW_INDIA /@WHO etc)

4. Share positive stories

5. Respect #CoronaWarriors

Read 34 tweets
Mar 23rd 2020
#COVID19India intensifies #HCP

1. HCP across sectors need adequate PPE, less exposure, access to healthcare
2. I fear that the adulation we saw yesterday will turn into #COVID19stigma: people will not want doctors and nurses living next to them
@epigiri @HuffPostIndia @the_hindu @DeccanHerald massive funding to protect #HCP and measures to destigmatise is needed.
The morale amongst #HCP especially nursing cadre is low and panic is setting in. Leadership in each organisation and across the whole healthcare set up needs to take this in to cognisance
Read 4 tweets

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