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Apr 7th 2020
In August 1895, D. M. Thompson of #Musquodoboit discovered gold in a boulder in #CowBay, #HRM.
Check out this thread for the history of #gold mining in the area!

@BarbaraAdamsPT @bill_karsten @DarrenFisherNS @darrellsamson @MikeSavageHFX #nspoli #novascotia #halifax #nshistory ImageImage
After much trenching, in November he exposed a cross vein which was identified as the source of the boulder. In winter of 1895-6, he erected a 5-stamp, water-powered mill on #CowBay River, 1/4 mile south of his mine. From June-December 1896, he recovered 324 #gold ounces.
#nspoli Image
Thompson's success drew others and 3 or 4 veins were opened. In 1897, 560 ounces of #gold were recovered.
Despite properties changing hands and investments being made, the #CowBay mines were largely idle for several years until 1905 when 127 ounces of production were recorded. Image
Read 11 tweets
Dec 11th 2019
We love getting questions about #geology, #mining and #minerals! We were asked about historical #coal #mining in beautiful #RichmondCounty, #CapeBreton - #Whiteside and #LowerRiverInhabitants specifically. Here's our answer.
#nspoli #NovaScotia #NS Image
#NovaScotia #coal was first mined in #Sydney in 1672. The first commercial coal #mining venture in #Canada was established by the #French in 1720 in #CowBay, #CapeBreton, to supply the #FortressofLouisbourg.
Coal still provides half of #NS' electricity.
#nspoli #minerals Image
There were several small historical #coal mines in the #Whiteside/#LowerRiverInhabitants area in the 1800s and early 1900s. Records are a bit spotty and even contradictory (mine names and dates can be inconsistent) but the mines appear to have included the following:
#nspoli #NS Image
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