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Aug 20th 2022
1/Thread abt COL @YVindman

Military Officer. Attorney. Lawful Whistleblower. American Hero.

Our effort to have @POTUS issue waiver to allow retirement in grade has been blocked. One must ask why?

Why allow proven retaliation by Trump WH be continued?…
2/COL Vindman (brother of @AVindman), who challenged Pres Trump's actions re: #Ukraine, retires on 8/31 aft 25+ years active @USArmy. Not by choice. Following stellar career ruined by Trump NSC, #Army put him out to pasture in position usually filled by junior officer. Why?
3/In Nov 2021, COL Vindman requested @POTUS allow him to retire as COL (only has 14 months in grade instead of normal 3 years). Given unique circumstances, it is appropriate to reward, rather than punish, an individual who stepped forward & successfully challenged US President.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
@BobRossOfficial I know a painter who knew Ross. Bob pre-drew the paintings he used on television. The BR enterprise is a building hidden next to a birthing center in NOVA. He was a troubled artist, like many artists. The fact that his own son and wife contributed to the doc says something.
@BobRossOfficial LIVE TWEET:
Seems like the Kowalski’s want to silence #BillAlexander - who obviously contributed to @BobRoss success.
Read 48 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
NÓW @ @OANN the TRUTH abt #CoronaVirus!AGAIN @POTUS=RIGHT!The DAY àfter the Elections the TRUTH wld be told!Dr Brian Tyson,dr George Fareed,MD,#RECOVERED PATIENTS: #HydroxyChloroquine SAFED their lives!100.000 PEOPLE r #DEAD bc #OBSTRUCTION by #FMN & #DEEPSTATE LEFTISTS!SUE THEM!…
Have you been lied 2 4 the last eight months? What u r abt 2 C could change your life. The following documentary was made with the help of doctors and medical scientists, but that won’t stop YouTube, Facebook & all the other tech giants from censoring it.…
They don’t want u 2 know the truth,but that doesn’t matter bc.@OANN=committed 2 exposing the truth wherever we find it. Th= program cld be the most important 28 minutes of ur life &, in fact,it cld even save ur life or the lives of ur FRIENDS & FAMILY
Read 35 tweets
Nov 7th 2017
#thread abt my feels re: #105keefer
my heart is overflowing with joy! + I'm still very overwhelmed by this week's happenings 💗💗💗
this week was a busy DPB sandwich 🍔 - DPB last Mon, @PaintItRedDoc #screening ytd, & DPB #vote today
lol we got branded as #disrespectful & #divisive as usual, so I'm happy we were able to uphold tenets of #democracy. #105keefer #vanpoli
Read 9 tweets

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