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May 3rd 2021
#COVID_SSA Update #Ethiopia - 13 weeks into their 2nd wave. 7,107 new cases last week, one-third⬇️on week 60. So it could be peaking🙏but caution indicated THREAD 1/8 @EPHIEthiopia @abebawfekadu @EthiopianNomad Image
Caution 1 - cases are falling in Ethiopia, but so are the number of tests performed. The test +ve proportion (>20%) remains much too high overall 2/8 Image
Caution 2 - regional data issued by @EPHIEthiopia (latest to 18/4/21) indicates that while incidence *may* have peaked in #Addis it is rising in most other regions (having taken off later) 3/8 Image
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Jul 29th 2019
#Ethiopia: As Ethiopians joined @PMEthiopia's #GreenLegacy initiative with a promise to plant 200 m seedlings today, team AS would like to recognize @fairytale0716 for mobilizing #EthioTweeps & everyone who participated in this inspiring civic duty yesterday.#አረንጏዴአሻራ 🌳
@PMEthiopia @fairytale0716 PM #AbiyAhmed arrived in #ArbaMinch city to participate in "#GreenLegacy initiative where he already planted seedlings with government officials and community members this morning," #PMO. #Ethiopia
@PMEthiopia @fairytale0716 Members of Ethiopian National Defense Force (#ENDF) participating in today's #GreenLegacy program.

Source: ENA.

Read 22 tweets
Oct 4th 2018
#Muslims r one of the most financially excluded citizens in #Ethiopia & their primarily reason is #Riba. But I wonder how & where the data for such reports are collected? "Financial inclusion in Ethiopia: 10 takeaways from the latest Findex" via @WorldBank
Citizens who identify themselves as #Muslims account for 34% of the #Ethiopia'n population (CSA, 2007). This large segment of the society was demanding Shari'ah Compliant #finance for long time. Banks first responded by introducing 0% interest A/C #financialinclusion @WorldBank
Banks attracted millions of customers and mobilized billions of Birr in deposits. Sadly, customers were unaware that these deposits are not #ShariahCompliant and they were subjected to successive devaluations which has impacted them a lot. #financialinclusion #Ethiopia @WorldBank
Read 11 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
#Ethiopia:The fed defense forcea moving into #Jigjiga city, the capital of the Ethiopian #Somali regional state, after attempts to summon the region's Pres., Abdi Illey, to #AddisAbeba failed & reports that he ordered thousands of Liyu Police to move to the city. 📷 @oladmohamed
Update:This came after Abdi sent members of Liyu police to disrupt ongoing meeting by hundreds of Ethio #Somalis in #DireDawa city. As partial result of the threat the city declared a military command post on Thursday. The gathering in Dire Dawa is called to denounce Abdi Illey.
Update: As per a gov source, since Thursday, thousands of members of the Liyu Police were told by Abdi to move into #Jigjiga. He was then asked to come with key members of his cabinet to AA to discuss the ongoing situation. "He declined & the security situation calls for caution"
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