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Sep 17th 2020
Laws and court rulings require police to give demonstrators repeated, clear warnings of officers’ intentions to escalate and to allow people adequate time and avenues to disperse peacefully. #1stAmmendmentViolation
DeMarco told lawmakers he was standing about 30 yards from the announcer but could barely make out the order. The chanting crowd, which was even farther from the officer with the megaphone, did not appear to hear the warnings, DeMarco said. #StopPoliceViolence
Protesters, journalists and humanitarian aid volunteers who were there that day have repeatedly said they never heard a warning before police began to move on the crowd. #UnprovokedEscalation and #ExcessiveForce
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Jun 20th 2020
One of the most important federal prosecutors in America was suddenly removed this Friday night. Given trump and bill barr’s debasement of the Justice Dept into trump’s personal law firm this stinks to high heaven.
Right on cue, the removal of the top federal prosecutor for Manhattan on a Friday night is ringing alarm bells. I’ve been calling for bill barr’s impeachment + the revocation of his law licenses since last year for good reason: barr is out of control. #ImpeachBarr #DisbarBarr
🚨 This is a bombshell. Was the attempted stealth removal of the US Attorney done by AG barr to protect donald trump or his associates from investigation or prosecution? We need to find out.
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Feb 13th 2020
Hard to believe the guy who’s greatest legacy is helping Reagan cover up Iran-Contra is now helping Trump cover up all of his crimes. I mean look at his honest face!
What pisses me off about Barr is that it was so blatant that Trump appointed him to be his personal Roy Cohn. It’s what he wanted but didn’t get with Sessions (who actually did refuse to open illegal investigations into Hillary that Trump demanded) and couldn’t get from Whitaker.
And yet not only did every Republican member of the senate blindly confirm him after watching him commit multiple acts of perjury during his hearing; even some DEMOCRATIC senators voted to do so. Confirming Barr was the last step to Trump’s takeover of the DOJ. It was obvious.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 27th 2019
The three most dangerous men in America in my opinion, #DerangedDonald, #MoscowMitch, #DisbarBarr. About Barr, off the top of my head; claimed #MuellerReport was his baby and drowned it. Barr withholds bail for aslyum seekers. Barr ended the investigation into Trump org.
So the only one paying the freight for campaign finance violations is Michael Cohen. Barr is suing to kill the #ACA. He is re-instating the death penalty. He has his son-in-law working on the WH legal team, and his daughter in FinCEN (treasury dept. financial crimes unit.)
And of course, every day Barr acts like Donald’s personal attorney, using the Justice Department for political purposes out in the open, to protect a bigly criminal. He is in contempt of Congress, and totally contemptible. He is probably killing other investigations as I tweet.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 6th 2019

RU trolls interfered in 2016 U.S. elex & made ad money
#Grifters (projection)

Twitterbots: The IRA archive reveals a vast, coordinated propaganda campaign that was incredibly successful at pushing out & amplifying its divisive (incite conflict) Right/Left messaging.

The core group of main accounts consisted mainly of "fake news" sources masquerading as regional news outlets or political organizations

The propaganda was "evenly split" in its efforts to aim at the extremes of both sides of the liberal/conservative political divide.

Federal investigators to examine equipment from 2016 N.C. election amid renewed fears of Russian hacking

Hackers could not directly alter vote totals by breaching poll books.

But they could create substantial delays or even prevent voters from casting ballots.
Read 57 tweets

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