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Jun 12th 2023
#Grifters exploit fear and ignorance for profit.🤑

They push #disinformation on ANY issue that's of big concern to the public, and David Icke is one of the worst.

Which is likely why he's branching out into #ClimateCrisis #denial, citing a garbage #climatechange paper.

1/3 ctd Image
2/3 The paper was mentioned in a reply to me yesterday, intended to sow doubt about the scientific concensus of evidence about manmade climate change.📈📊

Which is FULLY supported by every scientific agency on earth.🌎✅

#Misinformation travels fast and confuses the public.📲🤨 Image
3/3 #BigOil's agents and those they fool are ALWAYS pushing noise, flooding #socialmedia with hundreds of false and misleading 'facts' on climate.👹🌊

Read the comments on this page to understand why the paper is ONLY mentioned on #denier sites like WUWT:… Image
Read 3 tweets
Mar 1st 2023
Some crazy Blogger named #VeronicaSwift from “Lifting The Wool” is Obsessed & Hell bent on blaming me for archiving her Blog & getting her suspended from Twitter for her poor behaviour! 🤣 Never heard of this Nut until #JessieCzebotar’s

Are all #TimothyHolmseth #JessieCzebotar Supporters this Crazy?! 🥴 Has #VeronicaSwift’s inability to take personal accountability for her own behaviour turned into a recent Mental Health Snap! Crackle! Pop! 🤪

Read 27 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
Statistically probable outcome that has been predicted for years @USMC @USArmy @USNavy @usairforce , but duh...politics...[STATE] [Clinton][Kerry], NGO’s <#grifters #traitors 🤪@GenFlynn @RichardGrenell
To be a 🪰 on the wall @NORADCommand scenario meetings!?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hurry up and watch this before it disappears down the memory hole 🕳 @ [C*A] [NARA] [GOOG]

Read 5 tweets
Sep 24th 2022
Dana Metcalfe serving the @RNC_PoliceNL with a Notice of Liability. There is almost 20 mins of footage but most of it is her just reading the document. I’d say 20 people total, including several children. #convoy #freedomconvoy #grifters
Would love to know the convo these 2 officers had when she left.
Plenty of support for her boyfriend on her vehicle. And thanks for some lady named Christine.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 22nd 2022
A reminder of what a delusional psychopath Tom Marazzo is. This toxic nut-job who was fired from his job, not elected to anything, imagined himself as high level negotiator “willing” to sit down with elected opposition. The entitlement of these assholes is unreal. #FreeDumbConvoy
Tamara Lich, Tom Marazzo, Quiggin, Dichter, Pat King, Chris Sky, all of them, fit the description from this past tweet.
the #TyrannyOfTheStupid.

#FreeDumbConvoy #cdnpoli
The CAF’s wording of Marazzo’s full release from the CAF suggests he was let go. They won’t say why. #FreeDumbConvoy
Read 7 tweets
Jan 24th 2020

@VWurm68 #VWurm68 started a @KickStarter back in April 2015, getting 7 backers who pledged $300 to bring her project to life.
@VWurm68 #VWurm68 started a GFM with a goal of $2,500 for a “Veteran Blessing Pack” on Oct 9th 2018, which was fulfilled through an Amazon Wish List.
@VWurms68 #VWurms68 had another acct called @Trust4Trump #Trust4Trump which no longer exists, and continues to do her thing under what seems to be her primary account.
Read 21 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
I remember when I found this. I was les here because of Seth Abramson (sorry @ninaandtito) I saw someones reply way back stating that he was 'borrowing' others work, slightly/maybe. This was referenced.
Then I followed all of them. Then @SpicysFiles
Then who they followed and conversed with. All the while following up on what they were sharing. Who they were referencing. They all have credit when it was due. They called out liers. They kept on going, sharing and informing when others were distracted.
If you can go back and share what they said from 2015 or sooner (@20committee) then those fighting through it (@TheRickWilson & @LouiseMensch @ninaandtito @LincolnsBible @File511 (we know you) we can remind those coming into the light, who has been in the trenches all along.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 7th 2019

9/11 Com’n Chair urge new domestic terror focus in wake of mass shootings

10/2/17 Trump prop’d deep cuts to programs that prevent DOMTERR & prep localities to respond -- this in the wake of the deadliest mass shooting (LV - 10/1/17) in modern US history.

(10/27/18) Tree of Life Mass Shooting in Pittsburgh

(10/29/18) Trump Shut Programs to Counter Violent Extremism

📌The Trump adm has hobbled the infrastructure designed to prevent atrocities like Pittsburgh, LV, Parkland, Charlottesville,El Paso, Dayton, etc

7/19: Trump adm gutted programs aimed at detecting weapons of mass destruction

Echoing Russia, China warned Tuesday it would take countermeasures if the US goes ahead w/ plans to deploy ground-based missiles in the Asia-Pacific region.

XI+Putin+Trump vs USA
Read 74 tweets
Aug 3rd 2019

Sentencing in the Works for Rick Gates! 🍿

#Barrack #Manafort #Kilimnik #PollingData #NukeDeal #Flynn #Cohen #Inauguration #PsyGroup #Nader & much more! 🍿

RNC chair in tears defends GOP donor platform WinRed #RNC #Wynn #Adelson #Broidy #Cohen #GOP 💰💦 & more.

The @rncchair choked up as she kicked off a closed-door panel discussion on WinRed by addressing ongoing rumors that she & other RNC officials are poised to personally benefit from the new platform. #Grifters

Five Eyes nations target tech titans on child sex abuse

US formally withdraws from nuclear treaty with Russia & prepares to test new missile

UK blames Russia for nuclear treaty collapse, says threatens European security

U.S. Economy Slips From 1st to 3rd Place in Global Competitiveness Ranking Amid Trump's Tariffs
Read 71 tweets
Jul 30th 2019

The Trump Adm has virtually obliterated the lines normally separating gov’t policy making from corporate & foreign interests & sought to profit personally

Flynn, Barrack & others pushed a scheme to build dozens of nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia.


And did so while seeking to avoid 123 restrictions on the transfer of U.S. nuclear technology and reap profits from the effort

Barrack submitted drafts of 2016 'America First' energy speech to UAE & Saudi for edits & TeamTrump largely accommodated requested changes.

Barrack arranged for language requested by the UAE & Saudi officials to be added to Trump’s speech with the help of Manafort.

“This is the most likely final version of the speech. It has the language you want,” wrote Manafort in an email to Barrack
Read 82 tweets
Jun 14th 2019

Pompeo instantly declares Trump Adm blames Iran for incident—NOT intel.

Sarah Sanders leaving WH #ByeFelicia

U.S. military intel steps up accusation against RUover nuclear testing

Trump Urged to Fire Kellyanne Conway for her repeated flagrant Hatch Act Violations

FEC Chairwoman reminds candidates not to accept help from foreign gov’t

The UK has signed an extradition request for WikiLeaks founder J-Ass, who faces charges in the US under the Espionage Act.

Every sycophantic member of TeamTrump Is Now Enabling Treason


“What is it about Mitch Mcconnell and the Rep’ns in Congress that they do not want to respond to what’s so popular across the board in our country?

What is it about the Rep’ns in Congress?

How much more can they bear of the Trump’s unethical behavior?
Read 61 tweets
Jun 6th 2019

RU trolls interfered in 2016 U.S. elex & made ad money
#Grifters (projection)

Twitterbots: The IRA archive reveals a vast, coordinated propaganda campaign that was incredibly successful at pushing out & amplifying its divisive (incite conflict) Right/Left messaging.

The core group of main accounts consisted mainly of "fake news" sources masquerading as regional news outlets or political organizations

The propaganda was "evenly split" in its efforts to aim at the extremes of both sides of the liberal/conservative political divide.

Federal investigators to examine equipment from 2016 N.C. election amid renewed fears of Russian hacking

Hackers could not directly alter vote totals by breaching poll books.

But they could create substantial delays or even prevent voters from casting ballots.
Read 57 tweets
Apr 7th 2019

W Liberal Democracy vs Transnational Organized Crime

Why the Far R populists hate Soros:

Soros spent billions funding orgs & initiatives devoted to promoting liberal Dem’y, indep’t media, good gov’t, transparency, & pluralism across RU & E EU post Berlin Wall.

GOP & the RW media machine parrot Putin & his populist dictator (TOC) cronies’ anti - Soros propaganda, & are in lock step pushing anti Immigrant, racist, xenophobic, misogynist, rich v poor narratives to outrage, incite conflict & exacerbate divisions.

Remember Putin & his TOC Dictator pals & Drug Cartels caused the mass migrations via wars & violence.

RU/TOC funds terrorist orgs such as ISIS

Mass migration was intentional- meant to destabilize WLD while TOC pushed anti immigrant false narratives = conflict.
Read 77 tweets

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